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sing Zaranth's wing; and in spectacular leaps; made for the cover of the jungle。 To flush a feline was unusual。 Neither dragon nor rider would have seen it lurking in the shade。 Of course; neither would the herdbeasts who were obviously the intended prey。
  Zaranth hissed at so close a swipe; a small flame; residue of the most recent Fall; escaped; spurting after the beast。
  Watch it; love! The hide's worth more unsinged; Tai cried。
  Despite being large for a green; Zaranth had lost none of the agility that was her color's most valuable characteristic。 She dove; with a burst of speed that took the breath out of Tai's mouth。 Matching the rhythm of the feline's bounds; she caught it mid…leap。 Tai felt Zaranth's heavy shoulder muscles convulse; then relax。 She had a glimpse over her shoulder of the limp spotted body stretched out on the plain; its back broken。
  The other one! Zaranth cried; spinning obliquely to her left and heading back up the plateau toward the first predator they had seen; who was now closing in on a herdbeast and unaware that its hunting partner had just been taken down。
  The most successful…and safest…tactic was to e up behind a feline as Zaranth was now doing; keeping their shadow from warning the carnivore of pursuit。 Now; just as the feline swiped its front paws at the herdbeast's galloping hindquarters; Zaranth's claws made contact and snapped its neck in one clean jerk。
  Not bad hunting; Tai said; well pleased with a bag of two; both prime specimens and; unless Zaranth had singed the first one; quite saleable。 Shall we continue?
  Monarth says it is all in hand。 A big pride; but a half wing is sufficient; Zaranth said as she circled back with her second kill; depositing it with an almost disdainful negligence beside the first。 These; and Zaranth's tone was possessive; are mine!
  No one will dispute it; but I get the skins。
  And skinning was hard work。 Tai's brief elation departed。
  I'll help; Zaranth said。
  If you promise not to drool all over me or lick while I'm working; Tai replied with mock severity。 In the heat of the day; in an open field; there was no shelter at all from the pests that would smell blood and e for their share。 However; she told herself; two pelts would be worth the disfort。
  She debated throwing the bodies over Zaranth's neck and taking them up to the cooler; swarm…free foothills to skin。
  Once she was on the ground beside them; she discarded that idea。 They were big brutes。 She was strong; but these dead weights would be impossible to shift onto her dragon。 The first one was smaller; of a different mix; with a mottled hide; the other was a tawny yellow…brown; with striped markings on its legs。 Both were females with engorged dugs; and Tai sighed at the thought of yet more of these monsters maturing to savage herds。
  She removed her jacket and hung it on a low bush; taking a well…honed knife from her boot。
  〃Lift the first one up; please!〃 she said; 〃and remember; you get the carcass faster if you hold still…and don't salivate all over me。〃
  I know; I know; but Zaranth's mouth was very wet as she lifted the feline by the head so Tai could make the first incision at the base of the thick throat。 One zip down; slit the legs。 Zaranth did drool as she helped。 Tai quickly worked up a sweat。 To distract herself; she pondered once again about meeting F'lessan and his interest in astronomy。 Was he going to make that his career After? Maybe she'd meet him again。 Then she reproved herself。 He was a Benden Wingleader; son of Lessa and F'lar; and despite the fact that he had quite earnestly said that green dragons were essential for every wing; their paths were unlikely to cross again。 She concentrated on her task。 Helpfully; the green idly moved her wings to deflect the swarms of insects drawn to the smell of blood and raw flesh。 The most persistent attacked between wingstrokes。
  It was dry work; too; in this heat and Tai regretted that she hadn't grabbed up her water bottle in her haste to answer T'gellan's summons。 She took a deep breath as Zaranth rotated the feline so Tai could strip the pelt from the limp body。 A mass of flying insects covered skin and skinners as Zaranth; fanning furiously and growling; lifted the carcass a length away。
  Without Zaranth's wings; clouds of insects attached themselves to the blood on Tai's arms。 She broke a wide leaf off a low…growing shrub and; beating the air about her; walked up the slight incline to see how the rest of the wing was faring before she started the backbreaking task of skinning the second feline。
  Shading her eyes; she saw that two dragons were still aloft; chasing felines away from the safety of the thick vegetation bordering the plateau。 She counted eight dragons on the ground; waiting for their treats to be skinned。 Three more were already eating。 Dust settling off to the northeast indicated that the herdbeasts; stupid as they were; had stopped running。 It was a good…sized herd。 Then she caught sight of bright…colored shirts and galloping Runners streaming down toward them: the Cardiff herders catching up with the stampede。 Brave of them; she thought; since they could still be attacked by any of the remaining pride。 One of them hailed Tai on the hillock and turned his mount toward her。 Slung across his back were a short bow and a weyrhide carrier full of the sort of barbed arrows that would be needed to bring down felines。
  〃Our thanks for such a prompt response;〃 he said; halting beside her and swinging down。 〃Tai; isn't it? And Zaranth? We been following the herd since dawn。 Got stampeded by last night's heat lightning; and with the smarts only such dumb critters possess; they headed right toward the thickest congregation of felines anywhere in Cardiff。 We keep huntin' 'em; but they keep producing。 And you got two。 Big mothers!〃
  〃You said it。 Both were nursing cubs。〃
  He cursed under his breath; wiping his forehead on his red sleeve。 〃More of the sharding killers to get。 And getting smarter all the time。〃
  〃Dragons're even smarter;〃 Tai said; grinning with pride。 But quickly she shut her mouth tightly so as not to inhale any of the fresh insect clouds that zoomed in on both of them and the sweaty mount。 She swept her frond in a wider arc to discourage the swarm。
  〃Miserable things; ain't they?〃 he mented with a rueful smile; using his broad…brimmed hat as a fan and tugging a big; dirty cloth from a leg pocket to mop his sweaty; sun…weathered face。 She didn't recognize him; but she wasn't surprised that he knew who she was; Cardiff holders were punctilious about knowing the riders who weyred at Monaco Bay。
  〃I'm Rency; Cardiff Hold Journeyman;〃 he said; squinting against the sun glare。 〃Ain't easy to bring down two;〃 he added; impressed。
  〃We flushed the first by chance;〃 she said easily。 〃Zaranth's fast。〃
  〃The other didn't see its partner go down and we came up behind her。〃
  He chuckled appreciatively; but her disclaimer did not lessen his respect for her double kill。
  〃Heard tell you're as good bringing down vandals;〃 he said; touching his own face to indicate he had noticed her healing cheek。 He untied 
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