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  Now; still lofting his hearty non…tone; he cupped his ear to indicate that he couldn't hear her singing。 Out of pique; she took a deep breath and joined in…hopefully loud enough to cover his performance。 Vigorously; he approved her efforts; amiably marking out the tempo with both hands。 He did have a good sense of timing。 At the rousing end of the final chorus; he closed his mouth but applauded enthusiastically。
  〃Why do you sing; when you know you can't?〃 she demanded in a low voice。
  〃Because I do know all the words;〃 he replied; not at all abashed。
  She had to laugh and waved her hands helplessly。 This group of harpers had finished their stint and F'lessan stood up; surveying other tables; waving to someone who waved back; though he made no effort to leave her side。 Then suddenly he was hailed。
  〃Thought we heard your bellow; F'lessan!〃
  Tai saw the unmistakable figures of T'gellan and Mirrim making their way toward them。 That wouldn't do at all! While the bronze rider was urging them to join him; Tai got to her feet and; pausing only to take her wineglass with her…the white Benden was too good to be abandoned…she slipped into the shadows and away。
  She heard him weling the bronze and green riders。
  〃T'gellan; Mirrim; you'll never guess who I met at the…〃
  His voice broke off as he realized that she had gone。 She halted in the darkness; waiting for him to identify her。 She'd never hear the last of it from Mirrim。
  〃Geger;〃 he called after a beat。 〃D'you have more white Benden?〃
  Tai hurried away。
  That was silly; Zaranth said。
  You know how Mirrim can be。
  Why would she object?
  You know Mirrim; Tai replied。
  You're silly。 Then Zaranth asked wistfully。 Do we have to go now?
  No; love。 I want to listen to the music。 I can do that from any part of the Square。
  You'll  have to stand。 Everyone who can be is at Landing's Turnover。
  Don't tell Golanth where I am; Tai said; remembering the proximity of the two dragons on the heights。
  Why not?
  Just don't。
  Oh! As you wish。 Zaranth sounded confused。
  It's all right。
  Tai found herself a place to stand at the edge of the throng and listened to the splendid music。 She made her glass of Benden white last through the concert。 It really was the best wine she'd ever tasted。
  It was when she was making her way back to the heights that she heard the crashing。 Glass? Rather a lot of glass; by the sound of it。 An accident? She ought to see what was happening。 That was much too much noise for a simple mishap。
  Lessa; Ramoth's rider and Benden's Weyrwoman; emerged into the winter night air; shivering as the crisp cold struck。 At least the blizzard blanking out High Reaches and a good bit of Tillek Hold had not marred this last night of Benden's Turnover。 She wrapped the long fur…lined coat about her and wished she'd put her gloves on; too; though the basket of hot pastries; which Manora had pressed on her as they left; kept her right hand warm。 When F'lar finished closing the panel on the rousing chorus of the latest Harper ballad; she slipped her left hand between his elbow and the rough hide of his jacket。 He slung the wineskin over his left shoulder and pressed her hand tighter to his side。
  Out of habit they both glanced across the Bowl; which was eerily silent。 Opposite them; on the ledges to the Weyrwoman's quarters; they could see their dragons in the moonlight。 Blue…green; two pairs of dragon eyes winked open and followed the progress of their partners across the flat; frosted Bowl。
  Belior; its brightness better than a glowbasket; lit the eastern arc of the huge double crater; throwing the entrances to the individual weyrs into darkness。 The moon illuminated the watchdragon and his rider; striding up and down the Rim to keep warm。
  〃Don't dally; girl;〃 F'lar murmured; shrugging into the warmth of his jacket and lengthening his stride。
  〃If I had a Harper mark for every time I've crossed the Bowl;〃 Lessa said。
  〃Add those to mine and we'd be as rich as Toric。〃
  Lessa gave a snort and; her breath misting before her; quickened her steps。 Maybe they should have gone south; where Turnover could be conducted on sun…warmed beaches and the more temperate southern night。 But Benden Weyr had been home to her for thirty…five Turns now; and F'lar's for all of his sixty…three。 Although they had made their traditional appearances at Benden Hold on Turnover First Night and heard marvelous music at Ruatha on the second; they preferred to end the celebration here。 She was glad enough to be able to enjoy some quiet time after the frenetic pace of this Turnover Past。
  She wondered if; at the end of this Pass…〃After;〃 as people referred to it…he would want to leave Benden。 Or maybe; if he could not bear to leave the splendor of the Weyr; at least spend the worst of the cold months in the south。 Maybe not in Honshu; which F'lessan had repeatedly invited them to share; but nearby。
  She understood; on one level; that the prospect of 〃After〃 did not obsess F'lar: 〃During〃 was his responsibility; and hers。 Finishing this Pass honorably and still as Benden's Weyrleader…even knowing Thread would no longer threaten Pern…was his mitted goal。 Especially since they had both made such a point of urging their younger dragonriders to learn an alternative skill; Lessa kept trying to insinuate After in their private conversations to see what he'd really like to do then。 Idling on a sandy beach in Southern would quickly bore a man who'd always been active。 And; if he would not contemplate the options; maybe she'd have to make the decision for both of them for where they'd live After。 Only where?
  Suddenly both dragons reared; staring up into the night sky; the color of their eyes briefly reflecting the orange of alarm。 Startled; Lessa glanced over her shoulder and grabbed F'lar tightly。
  〃Oooh!〃 she exclaimed。 The night cold was nothing to the fear that surged through her; making her heart race at the brief trails of fire in the north。 Then she was disgusted with her primitive reaction to what she now knew were meteorites burning up in the atmosphere。 As a child she'd believed her nurse…that those flares across a night sky were the Ghost Dragons of the First Pass。
  〃Erragon said we'd have a lot of Ghosts this Turn。〃 F'lar chuckled at the old explanation; his breath puffing white。 〃So long as they keep their distance。〃 Another flare caught his eye; barely a finger length in the northern sky。 His sigh drifted white in the frosty air。
  〃There really are a lot more of them this Turn; as Toronas plained last night at Benden。 They certainly are bright。 Why that one…〃 She pointed her finger; following the arc in its path before it blinked out。 〃…looked like it might land。〃
  〃They never have。〃
  〃Well; you heard Toronas。 All that nonsense about it is all〃…she altered her voice to mimic the Benden Lord Holder's slightly nasal speech pattern…〃because we let Aivas change the orbit of the Red Star and this is the result of meddling with things we don't know enough about。〃
  F'lar laughed; because her imitation of the Benden Lord Holder was so accurate
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