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species to other large examples and keep increasing the size in a few generations。) He also figured out how to decimate the malignant and possibly dangerous life…forms that inhabited the Oort Cloud with the zebedees (his name and creation; a creature that replicates itself despite its environment)。
  I had; you see; backed myself into a corner in The White Dragon; because there was no way the present day population of Pern could eradicate the mycorrhizoid Thread life form without the help of the original colonists。 It was my notion to have a voice address artificial intelligence unit…AIVAS…as part of the settlers' equipment; and for the present day Pernese to discover this device and learn from it。 I might have been ahead of the game in suggesting such a puter in 1970; but current puter techniques indicate that such a device is within the realm of possibility。 What I desperately needed was a system by which the Pernese generation could access the technology left by their progenitors so that they could actively fight Thread and honor the Weyrleader's vow to end the Threat of the Red Star forever。 Jack was ingenious in working out details that would forward this ambition。 For instance; how the colony ships were powered。 He figured out that; in order to move such a mass as a planet; there would need to be several attacks on it。 He utilized the draconic ability to move between time and place; and also set up the zebedees to be sure that the mycorrhizoid spore did not again leave the Oort Cloud。 According to the Hoyle…Wickramansingh theory (to which Jack does not personally subscribe but was willing to use as a mechanism in the story) about Oort clouds; many organisms might lurk within such astronomical features; as well as embryonic etary masses; and it would be as well to disseminate a killer virus in the cloud to prevent any recurrence of Thread or similar nebular virii。
  So; as far as the physics of Pern is discussed by me in the books; it is legitimate even if it hasn't happened elsewhere。 Jack was adamant that I give a logical explanation of as much as I could; because then people would be more apt to trust the improbable。 It's much easier to describe Pern as earth…like; and that is quite legitimate; too; especially now that we have discovered other star systems do have earth…type planets around their primaries。 I try to have some basis for even the most drastic suggestions I make。
  However; I went to the source; as it were; for correct astronomical dates for the latest Pern book; The Skies of Pern。 I asked Dr。 Steven M。 Beard of Edinburgh Observatory; and Scott Manley of the Armagh Observatory for substantiating facts in deploying a fireball above and into Pern。 I went up to Armagh; also meeting Dr。 Bill Napier; author of Nemesis; and other members of the observatory staff to see Scott's Cosmic Impact Program from which he directed Pern's fireball。 Coincidentally; earth itself had a Near Earth Object scare about the time I finished writing the manuscript; and many concerned scientists were watching the rather busy skies near our planet to identify and forewarn of other close encounters with NEO's and PHA (Possibly Hazardous Asteroids)。 Such movies as Deep Impact and Armageddon gave me visual evidences of such a disaster; but the dragons of Pern are unusually designed to help mitigate the worst effects of such a catastrophe。 The thrust of The Skies of Pern; the need for the inhabitants to bee more aware of their spatial environment; and the critical need to set up additional observatories to help prevent a recurrence of such a cosmic impact; is as modern and timely as the one currently in operation on earth; even if it requires the dragons of Pern to implement。
  So; Did I plan the physics of Pern or did it develop along the way? The answer is; I didn't plan。 It developed along the usual lines for any earth…type planet; and I dragged in whatever experts I needed to substantiate any unusual actions or positing。 People want Pern to be believable: I've tried to make it logical as well。 I also hope that the general attitude of the Pern People within the books has reflected their growing awareness of science and technology。 I tried to infer this by their less restricted vocabulary and general acceptance of their historical origins。
  Fort Weyr 
  Benden Weyr 
  High Reaches Weyr 
  Igen Wyer
  Ista Weyr 
  Telgar Weyr 
  Southern Weyr

  Fort Weyr
  Fort Hold (oldest hold); Lord Holder Groghe 
  Ruatha Hold (next oldest); Lord Holder Jaxom; Lord Warder Lytol 
  Southern Boll Hold; Lord Holder Sangel
  Benden Weyr
  Benden Hold; Lords Holder Raid and Toronas 
  Bitra Hold; Lords Holder Sifer and Sigomal 
  Lemas Hold; Lord Holder Asgenar
  High Reaches Weyr
  High Reaches Hold; Lord Holder Bargen 
  Nabol Hold; Lords Holder Fax; Meron; Deckter 
  Tillek Hold; Lord Holder Oterel
  Igen Weyr
  Keroon Hold; Lord Holder Corman 
  Parts of Upper Igen; Southern Telgar Hold
  Ista Weyr
  Ista Hold; Lord Holder Warbret
  Igen Hold; Lord Holder Laudey 
  Nerat Hold; Lords Holder Vincet and Begamon
  Telgar Weyr
  Telgar Hold; Lord Holder Larad 
  Crom Hold; Lord Holder Nessel
  Southern Weyr 
  Southern Hold; Holder Toric
  Crafter Rank/Craft
  Andemon Masterfarmer
  Arnor Craftmaster; scrivenor
  Baldor Weyrharper
  Belesdan Mastertanner
  Bendarek Craftmaster; woodsmith
  Benelek Journeyman machinesmith
  Briaret Masterherder
  Brudegan Journeyman harper
  Chad Harper
  Domick Craftmaster; poser
  Elgin Harper
  Facenden Craftmaster; smith
  Fandarel Mastersmith
  Idarolan Masterfisher
  Jerint Craftmaster; instruments
  Ligand Journeyman tanner
  Menolly Journeyman harper
  Morshall Craftmaster; theory
  Nicat Masterminer
  Oharan Weyrharper
  Oldive Maslerhealer
  Palim Journeyman baker
  Petiron Harper
  Piemur Apprentice/journeyman
  Robinton Masterharper
  Sebell Journeyman/Masterharper
  Sharra Journeyman healer
  Shonegar Craftmaster; voice
  Sograny Masterherder
  Tagetarl Journeyman harper。
  Talmor Journeyman harper
  Terry Craftmaster; smith
  Timareen Craftmaster; weaver
  Wansor Craftmaster; glassmith
  Yanis Craftmaster
  Zurg Masterweaver
  Nerat Hold
  Harpercraft Hall; Fort Hold
  Ista Weyr
  Igen Hold
  Lemos Hold
  Smith Hall
  Keroon Hold
  Harpercraft Hall; Fort Hold
  Telgar Weyr
  Harpercraft Hall; Fort Hold
  Half…Circle Sea Hold
  Smithcraft Hall; Telgar Hold
  Tillek Hold
  Harpercraft Hall; Fort Hold
  Fort Hold
  Harpercraft Hall; Fort Hold
  Harpercraft Hall; Fort Hold
  Crom Hold
  Benden Weyr
  Harpercraft Hall; Fort Hold
  Half…Circle Sea Hold
  Harpercraft Hall; Fort Hold
  Fort Hold
  Harpercraft Hall; Fort Hold
  Southern Hold
  Harpercraft Hall; Fort Hold
  Keroon Hold
  Harpercraft Hall; Fort Hold
  Harpercraft Hall; Fort Hold
  Smithcraft Hall; Tel
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