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  Though Benden Weyr had a more than adequate reason to postpone the Council Meeting; there were other extremely important matters…such as electing a new Lord Holder at Southern Boll; the Weyrleaders' presentation of their remendations; made more cogent by yesterday's event (though the ramifications of that would not be open for discussion); the latest Abominator attack on the Print Hall…which made it impossible; as well as inadvisable; to reschedule。 Nor; despite her immense concern over the patients at Honshu; would Lessa have absented herself。
  F'lessan was in Master Crivellan's more than capable hands and those of Oldive's most experienced healers。 The Masterhealer could return to Honshu if he was needed during F'lessan's recovery from the plex surgical repair to the worst of his wounds。 Had she remained; Lessa would have felt superfluous; a role she did not play well。
  The Weyrhealers attended Golanth and Zaranth。 The green would heal as quickly as most dragons did; given the care she was receiving。 The damage to Golanth's eye remained exceedingly critical。 How the tattered wing sails would heal was another worry。 The crack in the long bone of the left wing; splintered by fangs; might inhibit closing and be weak in stroke or falter during a prolonged glide。 As long as the two dragons were lavished with numbweed; they would feel no pain。 The fact that Persellan had attended Golanth's injuries five minutes after the attack had made a significant difference。
  From the beloved Bowl of Benden Weyr; F'lar and Lessa went between and emerged above the hills of Telgar where a large crowd had gathered on the plain below the triangular jut of the Hold。 As Ramoth; Mnementh at her right wing tip; glided in; Lessa could see the banners of many holds and halls displayed。 A Council Meeting usually brought visitors; some waiting to hear about petitions; but she thought there were more than usual…especially in winter。
  Then Ramoth's feet touched ground and people surged forward to crowd around Lessa and F'lar where they dismounted on the wide space before the V…shaped Telgar Hold。
  〃Well; I suppose I was naive to think we could keep what happened within the Weyrs;〃 F'lar remarked as the two dragons quickly took off again to find sun on Telgar Heights。
  〃Fire…lizards spread the word;〃 Lessa said; her voice tight with irritation。 Does everyone on Pern know what happened at Honshu? she asked her dragon。
  That felines attacked dragons; yes; Ramoth said。 More is for you to say。
  Scattering replies to the questions about the injured…thank…you…for…your…concern or both…dragons…and…riders…will…be…fine; F'lar took Lessa's arm and; with some of Telgar's guards hastily opening a path for them; reached the ramp up to Telgar's forecourt。 Lord Larad; his Lady Dulsay; and their tall; gawky son; Laradian; were standing there to wele the official members of the Council。 More guards; in fine new tunics bearing the Telgar shield of white; bright red; and medium blue; bowed them into the forecourt just as a triumphant bugling caused them to turn around and witness the arrival of the Ista Weyrleaders。
  〃By the Egg;〃 F'lar said; 〃they seem to be glowing。〃 He cast an amused look at his weyrmate。 〃What has happened to G'dened and Cosira?〃
  Lessa nearly missed a step。 G'dened? Of course; he'd know about Honshu but she hadn't seen Baranth that bright in Turns。 After over three decades of fighting Thread as well as the recent exertions during the Flood; it was hard to keep good color in the dragons。 So long as some of the resurgence spilled into the Oldtimer and thawed him a bit! She couldn't be sure that G'dened would grasp the importance of this unexpected new facet of dragons; but maybe he would be encouraged。 Certainly the vibrancy of his color…and even the restored gleam to the hides of Ramoth and Mnementh as she checked them and saw how bright they appeared…suggested that all the dragons of Pern had been renewed in vigor and purpose。 Lessa took a deep breath。 Now; if they could use this telekinesis effectively。。。
  〃The dragons and riders are all recovering?〃 Larad said; stepping down and holding out both hands to F'lar and Lessa。 Taking his hands; she realized that he was genuinely concerned。
  〃Indeed; although truly;〃 and Lessa projected her voice to be sure that everyone listening for news would hear; 〃if Master Oldive had not been provided with so much invaluable medical information from Aivas's records; we would have lost them both。〃
  〃Saved by Aivas?〃 Larad asked; likewise raising his voice and implying gratitude。 〃What I don't understand is how did the felines get into Honshu?〃
  〃The creatures were not in the weyrhold。〃 F'lar gave the simplified version。 〃F'lessan and Tai had taken their dragons down to the river to bathe。 That's where the felines attacked them。 The area around Honshu hasn't been much bothered by the felines but the new holds nearby have been rounding up and domesticating more and more wild stock。 Naturally the predators were attracted。〃 F'lar shrugged as if dismissing the circumstances。 〃A concatenation of circumstances。 Right place; wrong time。 They'll heal。〃
  〃Oh; splendid! We are relieved to hear that;〃 Lady Dulsay said and then her expression altered to concern。 〃And you have to attend a Council Meeting when you must yearn to be at Honshu with your son。〃
  Lessa was momentarily surprised; few people referred to F'lessan as 〃your son。〃 He was the one child she had been able to bear F'lar and she had once…briefly and keenly…regretted her inability to have more。 But that was long ago。 The Weyr was more important。 Today it was vital for the Weyrwoman to be present at this meeting。
  〃As to that; F'lessan is very well attended and; being weyrbred; he would not expect me to absent myself。〃
  Lady Dulsay recoiled slightly。 〃My pardon; I do forget。〃
  〃This is one of those times;〃 Lessa said as kindly as she could; for Lady Dulsay meant well; 〃when the customs of hold and weyr conflict。〃
  Larad suddenly whipped binoculars to his eyes。 Was everyone growing those things about their necks; Lessa wondered。 〃Here e N'ton with Margatta and the blue at his right wing is Boll's watch dragon; conveying Lady Janissian。〃 He lowered the instrument and smiled self…deprecatingly。 〃I've only had them a sevenday;〃 he apologized。
  〃At least you find them useful;〃 Lessa said drolly。
  〃And hope to use them more;〃 Larad said with a pleased grin。
  Lessa swallowed。 Could news of the Weyrleaders' meeting at Cove Hold have leaked? No; Larad was merely showing off his new acquisition。
  〃There are more dragons; that much I can see with my own eyes;〃 Lady Dulsay remarked; pointing to the skies。 〃Are any of them likely to be bringing contenders to Southern Boll's Holdership?〃 She turned to Lessa。 〃It was so sad when most of that Bloodline; and all four of Lord Sangel's sons; succumbed to the plague。 Such promising young men; so my father said。〃
  〃Now; of course; with all the vaccines available to the Healer Hall; we won't have such tragic losses again;〃 Lessa replied。 She saw another pair of dragons enter from between。 〃I suspect this is G'bear and Neldama; Lady Dulsay。 Have y
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