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n; did she seem to have for him。 Though her eyes belied her。 And he understood。 He had that smile for all her outrageous insolences; that worshipped; that adored; that understood so well。
 〃Well; go on;〃 she said with a peremptory flick of her hand。 〃Don't stand there like a dope; breathing down the backs of our necks。 Go and find something to do。〃
 〃Oh; pardon me;〃 he said; and pretended to turn the back of his collar up; as if frozen out He looked vaguely up and down the aisle。 〃Guess I'll go out on the platform and smoke a cigarette。〃
 〃Smoke two;〃 she said airily。 〃See if I care。〃
 He turned and began to pick his way down the thronged aisle。
 〃That was nice of him;〃 the newer said appreciatively; glancing after him。
 〃Oh; he's tolerable;〃 her panion said。 〃He has his good points。〃 She gave a shrug。 But her eyes made a liar out of her。
 She glanced around to make sure he'd gone out of earshot。 Then she leaned slightly toward the other; dropped her voice confidentially。 〃I could tell right away;〃 she said。 〃That's why I made him get up。 About you; I mean。〃
 The girl who'd been on the valise dropped her eyes for an instant; confused; deprecating。 She didn't say anything。
 〃I am too。 You're not the only one;〃 her panion rushed on; with just a trace of vainglory; as if she couldn't wait to tell it quickly enough。
 The girl said; 〃Oh。〃 She didn't know what else to say。 It sounded flat; superficial; the way you say 〃Is that so?〃 or 〃You don't say?〃 She tried to force a smile of sympathetic interest; but she wasn't very good at it。 Out of practice at smiling; maybe。
 〃Seven months;〃 the other added gratuitously。
 The girl could feel her eyes on her; as though she expected some return in kind to be made; if only for the record。
 〃Eight;〃 she said; half…audibly。 She didn't want to; but she did。
 〃Wonderful;〃 was her panion's praise for this arithmetical information。 〃Marvelous。〃 As though there were some sort of a caste system involved in this; and she unexpectedly found herself speaking to one of the upper brackets of nobility: a duchess or a marquise; who outranked her by thirty days。 And all around them; snobbishly ignored; the monality of the female gender。
 〃Wonderful; marvelous;〃 echoed the girl inwardly; and her heart gave a frightened; unheard sob。
 〃And your husband?〃 the other rushed on。 〃You going to meet him?〃
 〃No;〃 the girl said; looking steadily at the green velour of the seatback in front of them。 〃No。〃
 〃Oh。 D'd you leave him back in New York?〃
 〃No;〃 the girl said。 〃No。〃 She seemed to see it written on the seatback in transitory lettering; that faded again as soon as it was once read。 〃I've lost him。〃
 〃Oh; I'm sor…〃 Her vivacious panion seemed to know grief for the first time; other than just grief over a broken doll or a schoolgirl crush betrayed。 It was like a new experience passing over her radiant face。 And it was; even now; bound to be someone else's grief; not her own; that was the impression you had。 That she'd never had any grief of her own; had none now; and never would have。 One of those star…blessed rarities; glittering its way through the world's dark vale。
 She bit off the rest of the ejaculation of sympathy; gnawed at her upper lip; reached out impulsively and placed her hand upon her panion's for a moment; then withdrew it again。
 Then; tactfully; they didn't speak any more about such things。 Such basic things as birth and death; that can give such joy and can give such pain。
 She had corn…gold hair; this sun…kissed being。 She wore it in a hazy aureole that fluffed out all over her head。 She had freckles that were like little flecks of gold paint; spattered from some careless painter's brush all over her apricot cheeks; with a saddle across the bridge of her tiny; pert nose。 It was her mouth that was the beautiful part of her。 And if the rest of her face was not quite up to its matchless beauty; that mouth alone was sufficient to make her lovely…looking; unaided; drawing all notice to itself as it did。 Just as a single light is enough to make a plain room bright; you don't have to have a whole chandelier。 When it smiled; everything else smiled with it Her nose crinkled; and her eyebrows arched; and her eyes creased; and dimples showed up where there hadn't been any a minute before。 She looked as though she smiled a lot。 She looked as though she had a lot to smile about。
 She continually toyed with a wedding…band on her third finger。 Caressed it; so to speak; fondled it。 She was probably unconscious of doing so by this time; it must have bee a fixed habit by now。 But originally; months ago; when it was first there; when it was new there; she must have taken such a fierce pride in it that she'd felt the need for continually displaying it to all the world…as if to say; 〃Look at me! Look what I've got! 〃…must have held such an affection for it that she couldn't keep her hands off it for very long。 And now; though pride and affection were in nowise less; this had formed itself into a winning little habit that persisted。 No matter what move her hands made; no matter what gesture they expressed; it always managed to e uppermost; to be foremost in the beholder's eye。
 It had a row of diamonds; and then a sapphire at each end for a stop。 She caught her new seat…mate's glance resting upon it; so then she turned it around her way a little more; so she could see it all the better; gave it a pert little brush…off with her fingers; as if to dispel the last; lingering; hypothetical grain of dust。 A brush…off that pretended she didn't care any more about it just then。 Just as her attitude toward him pretended she didn't care anything about him either。 A brush…off that lied like the very devil。
 They were both chatting away absorbedly; as new…found friends do; by the time he reappeared some ten minutes later。 He came up to them acting secretive and mysterious in a rather conspicuous way。 He looked cautiously left and right first; as if bearing tidings of highest secrecy。 Then screened the side of his mouth with the edge of one hand。 Then leaned down and whispered; 〃Pat; one of the porters just tipped me off。 They're going to open up the dining…car in a couple of minutes。 Special; inside; advance information。 You know what that'll mean in this mob。 I think we better start moving up that way if we want to get in under the rope on the first shift。 There'll be a stampede under way as soon as word gets around。〃
 She jumped to her feet with alacrity。
 He immediately soft…pedalled her with the flats of both hands; in ic intensity。 〃Sh! Don't give it away! What are you trying to do? Act indifferent。 Act as if you weren't going anywhere in particular; were just getting up to stretch your legs。〃
 She smothered an impish chuckle。 〃When I'm going to the dining…car; I just can't act as if I weren't going anywhere in particular。 It stands out all over me。 You're lucky if you hold me down to a twenty…yard dash。〃 But to oblige his ideas of Machiavellian duplicity; she exaggeratedly arched her feet and tiptoed out into the aisle; as though the amount of noise she made had any relation to what they were trying to do。
 In passing; she pulled persuasively at the sleeve of the girl
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