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 〃Was that the man you saw last night? The man with the wolf skin?〃
 〃I don't know。 I guess it is。〃
 A half mile up the canyon he had her turn off the ignition。 From far behind them there still came the high whine of the winch; a faint sound now。
 〃Anyway; he can't follow us;〃 Miss Leon said。 She smiled at McKee。 〃He's on the wrong side of his roadblock。〃
 〃That's right;〃 McKee said。 But he knew it wasn't right。 He had to work the winch from the down side because the tree top was pointing upstream。 He'll simply swing the trunk downstream far enough so he can drive past it and then re…attach his winch line from the upstream side and pull it back in place across the canyon。 He'll drive in and close the gate behind him。 McKee wondered if Land…Rovers had four…wheel drive。 He was almost certain they did。 The Land…Rover could go anyplace the Volks could go; and lots of places it couldn't。 The sense of urgency returned; and his hand and cheekbone began throbbing in harmony。
 〃Is your hand broken?〃
 〃No;〃 McKee said。 〃Sprained my little finger。〃
 She looked at him。 The sympathy in her eyes embarrassed him and he looked away。 〃But it hurts a lot;〃 she said。 〃It would feel better if you let me bandage it。〃
 〃I think we better keep going;〃 McKee said。 〃We'll drive up to our camp and get some water and stuff and find us a place we can climb out of here。〃
 〃Maybe Dr。 Canfield will be back now;〃 she said。 〃That is; if he didn't go out to Shoemaker's。〃
 〃Maybe so。〃
 She still thinks I'm imagining a lot of this; McKee thought。 That was good; in a way。 No reason to frighten her more than he already had as long as she would cooperate。 And yet it would be easier; somehow; if she shared his knowledge of danger。
 Canfield was not at the camp。 Nor was there any sign he had been there since McKee had left it。 McKee hurriedly filled his canteen。 He couldn't find Canfield's。 It was probably in the camper truck。 His papers were still on the folding table in the tent。 If the man had examined them he had taken some care not to disarrange them。 He pushed two cans of meat into his pocket; pushed the canteen into the front of his shirt; and picked up a box of crackers。 What else would they need? He thought of the can opener on his pocket knife; found it beside his typewriter; and dropped it into his shirt pocket。 His pickup; it occurred to him suddenly; would be better than the Volks。 They could run it much farther up a side canyon…maybe even get it to the top。 He trotted to the truck; switched on the ignition and kicked the starter。 Nothing happened。 He kicked the starter again and then he remembered seeing the man raising the hood。 He raised the hood himself and looked down at the motor。 The spark…plug wires were missing。 He may be crazy; McKee thought as he trotted back to the Volks; but he's sure efficient。
 〃O。K。;〃 he told Miss Leon; 〃we'll drive up the canyon about a mile。 There's a place up there we can turn up a side canyon。 We'll drive up it as far as this Volks will go and then we'll climb out。〃
 Miss Leon was driving very slowly。 McKee looked at her impatiently。
 〃Better speed it up。〃
 Miss Leon was biting her lip again。
 〃Dr。 McKee。 Really。 Don't you think we should wait there at camp?〃 She looked at him; her face determined。 〃I'm sure Dr。 Canfield will be ing back soon; and if he doesn't。。。 that man we saw down the canyon; I'm sure that man would help us。〃
 Oh; God; McKee thought。 Now I've got trouble with her。
 〃You can't possibly climb out of this canyon and walk all the way back to Shoemaker's with your head hurt like that。 We're going back。〃
 〃Do you know why that pickup of mine wouldn't start?〃
 Miss Leon looked at him again。
 〃Why not?〃
 〃Our friend had pulled the wires off the spark plugs。〃
 She doesn't believe it; McKee thought。 He felt suddenly dizzy with fatigue and pain。
 〃Look;〃 he said。 〃If we had time; I'd take you back there and show you。 But we don't have time。〃 His voice was fierce。 〃Now drive and keep driving until I tell you to turn right。〃
 Miss Leon drove; looking straight ahead。 McKee looked at her profile。 Her face was angry; but there was no sign of fear。 It would be better if she was a little afraid; he thought; and he tried to think of what he might say。 The pain in his hand had bee suddenly like a knife through his knuckles; making concentration impossible。 He inched it carefully out of his shirt front。 The finger was rigid now; turning a bluish color; and the swelling had spread up the palm to the heel of his hand。 He heard her sudden; sharp intake of breath。
 〃You need a doctor;〃 Miss Leon said。 〃That hand's broken。〃
 McKee put the hand carefully back inside his shirt; irritated at himself for giving her a chance to see it。
 〃It's just a dislocated knuckle。 The swelling makes it look worse than it is。〃
 〃This is absolutely insane。 I'm going to turn around and we're going back where you're camped and soak that hand。〃 She started slowing the Volks。
 McKee put his boot on top of her foot on the accelerator and pressed。 The little car jerked forward and she pulled at the wheel to control it。
 〃Now get this straight;〃 McKee said。 His voice was angry and he spaced the words for emphasis。 〃I had a hard day yesterday。 I was up all night。 I'm tired and my hand hurts。 I'm worried about Jeremy。 You're going to behave and do what you're told。 And I'm telling you again that we're going to climb out of this canyon。〃
 〃All right; then;〃 Miss Leon said。 〃Have it your way。〃
 There was a long; strained silence。
 〃If I'm wrong about that guy; I'll apologize;〃 McKee said。 〃But really I can't take a chance on being wrong。 Not if he's as crazy as I think he is。〃
 Miss Leon was silent。 He glanced at her。 She looked away。 McKee suddenly realized she was crying and the thought dismayed him。 He slumped down in the seat; baffled。
 〃Is this where we turn?〃
 〃Right; up that side canyon。〃
 The tributary seemed narrower now than it had when he and Canfield had poked into it earlier。 Just day before yesterday。 It seemed like a week。
 McKee wondered what he could say。 What did you say when you made a woman cry? 〃Getting pretty narrow;〃 he said。
 The canyon bent abruptly and the stream bed here was too narrow for all four wheels。 The Volks tilted sharply as the right wheels rolled over a slab of exposed sandstone。 It jolted down; slamming the rear bumper against the stone。
 McKee suddenly noticed tire tracks on the bank ahead of them。 A truck had been in here recently; but before yesterday's rain。 Runoff had wiped out the tracks on the sandy bottom but the rain had only softened the imprint where the stream hadn't reached。
 McKee was suddenly alert and nervous。
 Miss Leon slowed the Volkswagen。
 〃Do you want me to try to drive over that?〃 she asked。 Just ahead the canyon walls pinched together and water…worn rocks upthrust through the sand。
 〃Ill take a look;〃 McKee said。 He climbed stiffly from the Volks。 The rocks were partly obscured by brush and didn't look too formidable。 A few yards upstream they gave way to another stretch of sand。 Beyond; the canyon rose sharply and was crowded with boulders from a rock slide。 It was probably impassable for a v
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