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 〃That's the most I got all night;〃 she said。 But she wouldn't e with him to point out Nez。
 Leaphorn spotted the Carrier of the Scalp a half hour later。 The Sway Dancing had started then and he saw Nez in his ball cap among the line of dancers from the Stick Receiver's camp。 The rhythm was faster now and the rising; falling in sound of the voices was as old as the earth。 But the words were about a rocket。
 〃Belacani's rocket fell on the mesa;〃 the singers chanted。
 And then the line of men from the patient's camp began the rhythmic swaying and the words changed。
 〃Belacani's rocket start the brush burning。〃
 Track down the man who started that one; Leaphorn thought; and you'd find the missile the Army spent half the winter looking for four years ago。 Trouble was it would be easier to find the missile than the song writer。
 But he had; at least; found Billy Nez; and now the dancing was over for a time and Nez was walking toward him; talking to a younger boy who; Leaphorn guessed; would be his cousin。
 〃My nephew;〃 Leaphorn said; 〃I would like to talk for a moment with the man who carried the scalp。〃
 Billy Nez looked surprised and pleased。 But; Leaphorn noticed; he also moved his hand toward his shirt front to touch his medicine pouch with its gallstone proof against witches。 One was careful of strangers at an Enemy Way。
 〃I myself am a policeman;〃 Leaphorn said。 〃It is sometimes my business to track people and it would be good for me to hear how you tracked this Wolf。〃
 The boy looked down。 〃It was nothing very much;〃 he said。 And then; remembering his manners; added; 〃My uncle。〃 For the first time in a long day; Leaphorn felt he was handling someone exactly right。
 〃And yet nobody else got the scalp for this Sing。 It was you; Hosteen Nez。〃
 〃Billy tracked him three days;〃 the younger boy said。 He grinned at Leaphorn。 〃I'm Billy's uncle's son。〃
 〃We might sit here by this pickup and smoke;〃 Leaphorn said。 He took a cigarette and handed the pack to the younger boy。 And when the pack came to Billy Nez he took a cigarette; and lit it; and told Joe Leaphorn everything he knew。 And he started; as Leaphorn knew he would start; from the beginning。
 The witch had first e around the summer hogans of his uncle at mid…spring not long after his uncle's family had driven the sheep up from the winter grazing in the Chinle Valley to the summer range in the Lukachukais。
 Two days after they had settled down; he and the two boys were driving the sheep up there on the plateau。 His uncle was driving his own sheep and the boys were driving his uncle's wife's sheep。 And they saw this truck ing across this arroyo there。 It wasn't really a truck。 More like a jeep; only bigger and with a cloth top on it。
 〃Was it a Land…Rover?〃 Leaphorn said。
 〃I don't know;〃 Billy Nez said。 〃I never saw another one like it。 It was gray。〃
 The Big Navajo had left Shoemaker's store in a Land…Rover; Leaphorn thought。 Gray and hard to see and I wonder if that's a coincidence。
 The truck had stopped at first and his uncle had seen the driver looking at them。 And then it drove up and the man asked my uncle where he was taking those sheep and how long he was going to keep them in that high country。 His uncle had said all summer and the man had asked if he didn't know there was a witch cave up in that country and a bunch of wolves up there that got after people that came into their territory。
 Billy Nez took a long drag on his cigarette; inhaled; and then blew out the smoke。
 〃What'd your uncle say?〃 Leaphorn asked; and was instantly irked with himself for his impatience。
 〃He thought it was kind of funny this Nakai knowing so much about Navajo Wolves。〃
 Leaphorn looked at Billy Nez sharply。
 〃Why Nakai? Did your uncle think this man was a Mexican?〃
 〃Nakai; or Belacana; or something;〃 Billy Nez said。 〃Anyhow my uncle said he didn't talk much good Navajo。 Wanted to talk in English and my uncle don't talk that much; so he tried to talk in Spanish and this man didn't know that good。〃 Billy Nez paused。 〃So I guess he wasn't a Nakai; e to think of it。 Maybe a Ute or something。〃
 So; Leaphorn thought。 No doubt now why the Hand Tremble had prescribed the Enemy Way instead of the Prostitution Way。 Here's why they thought the witch was a foreigner…an enemy ghost to be exorcised。 But the man in the Land…Rover; the man with the black hat; had been a Navajo。 Leaphorn was certain of it。
 Anyway; Billy Nez was saying; his uncle had said he didn't pay much attention to witches when he needed grass for his sheep and the sheep of his wife; and the man had driven away。 But after that his uncle had known something was going to be wrong。
 The first week they were back in the high country a young coyote had trailed his uncle; followed his horse all the way across the mesa one morning。 That was the Coyote People telling him to watch out。 The Coyote People caused a lot of trouble; Billy Nez said; but they were good about warning people。
 A little bit after that; at night; his uncle heard the Wolf on top of his hogan。 Some dirt had fallen down from the roof on the east side of the hogan (and now; Leaphorn thought; the other three pass points); and then on the south side; and then on the west side and then some dirt fell down on the north side。 And then his uncle had known the Wolf would be looking down the smoke hole to see where they were and to blow some corpse powder down on them。 But the uncle of Billy Nez was not afraid of a Wolf。 He ran outside the hogan to chase him away but he didn't see anything for sure。 Maybe he saw a dog running away but he wasn't sure。
 〃That would have been about the first part of May?〃 Leaphorn asked。
 〃A little bit before that;〃 Billy Nez said。 The moon was in its last quarter two cycles so it would have been in the last part of April。〃
 Almost two weeks before Luis Horseman came home to die。
 But the second time his uncle had seen the Wolf。 It was daylight then; sundown but still daylight; and his uncle was bringing some of the sheep in for watering and he had thought something was watching him maybe。 He looked up to the rim of the mesa and there was this witch standing there; looking at him。 He was up on the mesa rim on the rocks with this wolf skin on him; but his uncle could tell it was a man。 His uncle had said this witch had stood there looking at him and then made some medicine with his hands。 His uncle had thought he might be calling to the other witches to e out of their cave and help。 His uncle drove the sheep down to the hogan then and they sprinkled pollen and sang the songs from the Night Way。 The songs against witches。
 〃What day was that?〃
 〃That was three or four days after the first time on the roof;〃 Billy Nez said。 〃I think it was three days。〃
 After that; his uncle had taken his 。30…30 with him when he herded the sheep and he had left one of the boys at the hogan with his wife; in case the witch would e there while he was gone。 And he thought he had better track this Wolf and kill it。 He went up on the mesa where he had seen the Wolf; and he found tracks there。 Some of them were big boot tracks and some were like a big dog。 It was still the Season When the Thunder Sleeps and 
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