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decay of a planet that is mainly agrarian; caste…conscious and pletely satisfied with its own boring existence。 Not only is there no change…but no one wants change。 My father was a farmer; so I should have been a farmer too…if I had listened to the advice of my betters。 It was unthinkable; as well as forbidden for me to do anything else。 And everything I wanted to do was against the law。 I was fifteen before I learned to read…out of a book stolen from a noble school。 After that there was no turning back。 By the time I stowed away aboard an off…world freighter at nineteen I must have broken every law on the planet。 Happily。 Leaving home for me was just like getting out of prison。〃
  Mete shook her head at… the thought。 〃I just can't imagine a place like that。 But I'm sure I wouldn't like it there。〃
  〃I'm sure you wouldn't;〃 Jason smiled。 〃So once I was in space; with no law…abiding talents or skills; I just wandered into one thing and another。 In this age of technology; I was pletely out of place。 Oh; I
 suppose I could have done well in some army; but I'm not so good at taking orders。 Whenever I gambled I did well; so little by little I just drifted into it。 People are the same everywhere; so I' manage to make out。 very well wherever I end up。〃
  〃I know what you mean about people being alike; but they are so different;〃 she said。 〃I'm not being clear at all; am I? What I mean is that at home I know what people will do and why they do it at the same time。 People on all the other planets do act alike; as you said; yet I have very much trouble understanding why。 For instance。 I like to try the local food when we set down on a planet; and if there is time I always do。 There are bars and restaurants near every spaceport so I go there。 And I always have trouble with the men。 They want to buy me drinks; hold my hand。〃
  〃Well a single girl in those port joints has to expect a certain amount of interest from the men。〃
  〃Oh; I know that;〃 she said。 〃What I don't understand is why they don't listen when I tell them I am not interested and to go away。 They just laugh and pull up a chair; usually。 But I have found that one thing works wherever I am。 I tell them if they don't stop bothering me I'll break their arm。〃
  〃Does that stop them?〃 Jason asked。
  〃No; of course not。 But after I break their arm they go away。 And the others don't bother me either。 It's a lot of fuss to go through and the food is usually awful。〃
  Jason didn't laugh。 Particularly when he realized that this girl could break the arm of any spaceport thug in the galaxy。 She was a strange mixture of na?veté and strength; unlike anyone he had ever met before。 Once again he realized that he had to visit the planet that produced people like her and Kerk。
  〃Tell me about Pyrrus;〃 he asked。 〃Why is it that you and Kerk assume automatically that I will drop dead as soon as I land? What is the planet like?〃
  All the warmth was gone from her face now。 〃I can't tell you。 You will have to see for yourself。 I know that much after visiting some of the other worlds。 Pyrrus is like nothing you galaxy people have ever experienced。 You won't really believe it until it is too late。 Will you promise me something?〃
  〃No;〃 he answered。 〃At least not until after I hear what it is and decide。〃
  〃Don't leave the ship when we land。 You should be safe enough aboard; and I'll be flying a cargo out within a few weeks。〃
  〃I'll promise nothing of the sort。 I'll leave when I … want to leave。〃
 Jason knew there was undoubtedly a reason for her words; but he resented her automatic superiority。
  Mete finished the jump settings without another word。 There was a tension in the room that prevented them both from talking。
  It was the next shipday before he saw her again; then it was pletely by accident。 She was in the astrogation dome when he entered; looking up at the spark…filled blackness of the jump sky。 For the first time he saw her off duty; wearing something other than a shipsuit。 This was a thin and softly shining robe that clung to her body。
  She smiled at him。 〃The stars are so wonderful。 e see。〃 Jason stood close to her; looking up。 The oddly geometric patterns of the jump sky were familiar to him; yet they still had the power to draw him forward。 Even more so now。 Meta's presence made a disturbing difference in the dark silence of the dome。 Her tilted head almost rested on his shoulder; the crown of her hair eclipsing part of the sky; the smell of it soft in his nostrils。
  Almost without thought his arms went around her; aware of the warm firmness of her flesh beneath the thin robe。 She did not resent it; for she covered his hands with hers。
  〃You're smiling;〃 she said。 〃You like the stars too。〃
  〃Very much;〃 he answered。 〃But more than that。 I remembered the story you told me。 Do you want to break my arm; Mete?〃
  〃Of course not;〃 she said very seriously; then smiled back。 〃I like you; Jason。 Even though you're not a Pyrran; I like you very much。 And I've been so lonely。〃
  When she looked up at him; he kissed her。 She returned the kiss with a passion that had no shame or false modesty。
  〃My cabin is just down this corridor;〃 she said。
  After that they were together constantly。 When Mete was on duty he brought her meals to the bridge and they talked。 Jason learned little more about her world since; by unspoken agreement; they didn't discuss it。 He talked of the many planets he had visited and the people be had known。 She was an appreciative listener and the time went quickly by。 They enjoyed each other's pany and it was a wonderful trip。 …
  Then it ended。
  There were fourteen people aboard the ship; yet Jason had never seen more than two or three at a time。 There was a fixed rotation of duties that they followed in the ship's operation。 When not on duty; the Pyrrans minded their own business in an intense and self…sufficient manner。 Only when the ship came out of jump and the PA barked assembly did they all get together。 …
  Kerk was giving orders for the landing and questions were snapped back and forth。 It was all technical and Jason didn't bother following it。 It was the attitude of the Pyrrans that drew his attention。 Their talk tended to be faster now as were their motions。 They were like soldiers preparing for battle。
  Their sameness struck Jason for the first time。 Not that they looked alike or did the same things。 It was the way they moved and reacted that caused the striking similarity。 They were like great; stalking cats。 Walking fast; tense and ready to spring at all times; their eyes never still for an instant。
  Jason tried to talk to Meta after the meeting; but she was almost a stranger。 She answered in monosyllables and her eyes never met his; just brushed over them and went on。 There was nothing he could really say; so she moved to leave。 He started to put his hand out to stop her… then thought better of it。 There would be other times to talk。
  Kerk was the only one who took any notice of him…and then only to order him to an acceleration couch。
  Meta's landings were infinitely worse than her takeoffs。 At least when
 she landed on Pyrrus。 There were sudden acceleration surges in every directi
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