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  〃Don't you realize what that means!〃 he gasped out the words。 〃Krannon's death will turn the city against you。 There'll be no more supplies。 They'll attack you when they can; kill your people。 。 。〃
  〃Of course we know that!〃 Rhes leaned forward; his voice hoarse and intense。 〃It wasn't an easy decision to e to。 We have always had a trading agreement with the junkmen。 The trading trucks were inviolate。 This was our last and only link to the galaxy outside the eventual hope of contacting them。〃
  〃Yet you broke that link to save me…why?〃
  〃Only you can answer that question pletely。 There was a great attack on the city and we saw their walls broken; they had to be moved back at one place。 At the same time the spaceship was over the ocean; dropping bombs of some kind…the flash was reported。 Then the ship returned and you left it in a smaller ship。 They fired at you but didn't kill you。 The little ship wasn't destroyed either; we are starting to raise it now。 What does it all mean? We had no way of telling。 We only knew it was something vitally important。 You were alive; but would obviously
 die before you could talk。 The small ship might be repaired to fly; perhaps that was your plan and that is why you stole it for us。 We couldn't let you die; not even if it meant all…out war with the city。 The situation was explained to all of our people who could be reached by screen and they voted to save you。 I killed the junkman for his medicine; then rode two doryms to death to get here in time。
  〃Now tell us…what does it mean? What is your plan? How will it help us?〃
  Guilt leaned on Jason and stifled his mouth。 A fragment of an andent legend cut across his mind; about the jona who wrecked the spacer so all in it died; yet he lived。 Was that he? Had he wrecked a world? Could he dare admit to these people that he had taken the lifeboat only to save his own life?
  The three Pyrrans leaned forward; waiting for his words。 Jason closed his eyes so he wouldn't see their faces。 What could he tell them? If he admitted the truth; they would undoubtedly kill him on the spot; considering it only justice。 He wasn't fearful for his own life anymore; but if he died the other deaths would all have been in vain。 And there still was a way to end this planetary war。 All the facts were available now; it was just a matter of putting them together。 If only he wasn't so tired; he would see the solution。 It was right there; lurking around a corner in his brain; waiting to be dragged out。
  There was the sudden sound of heavy feet stamping outside the cabin; and a man's muffled shouting。 No one except Jason seemed to notice。 They were too intent on his answer。 He groped in his mind; but couldn't find words to explain。 Whatever he did; he couldn't admit the truth now。 If he died all hope died。 He had to lie to gain time; then find the correct solution that seemed so tantalizingly near。 Yet he was too tired even to phrase a plausible lie。
  The sound of the door bursting open crashed through the stillness of the room。 A gnarled; stubby man stood there; his anger…red face set off by a full white beard。
  〃Everyone deaf?〃 he snarled。 〃I ride all night and shout my lungs out and you just squat here like a bunch a' egg…hatching birds。 Get out! Quake! A big quake on the way!〃
  They were all standing now; shouting questions。 Plies's voice cut through the uproar。 〃Hananas! How much time do we have?〃
  〃Time! Who knows about time!〃 the greybeard cursed。 〃Get out or you're dead; s'all I know。〃
  No one stopped to argue now。 There was a furious rush and within a minute Jason was being strapped into a litter on one of the doryms。
 〃What's happening?〃 he asked the man who was tying him into place。
  〃Earthquake ing;〃 he answered; his fingers busy with the knots。 〃Hananas is the best quakeman we have。 He always knows before a quake is going to happen。 If the word can be passed quick enough we get away。 Quakemen always know; say they can feel them ing。〃 He jerked the last knot tight and was gone。
  Night cameas they were starting; the red of sunset matched by a surly scarlet glow in the northern sky。 There was a distant rumbling; more felt than heard; and the ground stirred underfoot。 The doryms hurried into a shambling run without being prodded。 They splashed through a swamp and on the other side Hananas changed their course abruptly。 A little later; when the southern sky exploded; Jason knew why。 Flames lit the scene brightly; ashes sifted down and hot lumps of rock crashed into the trees。 They steamed when they hit; and if it hadn't been for the earlier rain they would have been faced with a forest fire as well。
  Something large loomed up next to the line of march; and when they crossed an open space Jason looked at it in the reflected light from the sky。
  〃Rhes…〃 he choked; pointing。 Plies; riding next to him; looked at the great beast; shaggy body and twisted horns as high as their shoulders; then looked away。 He wasn't frightened or apparently even interested。 Jason looked around then and began to understand。
  All of the fleeing animals made no sound; that's why he hadn't noticed them before。 But on both sides dark forms ran between the trees。 Some he recognized; most of them he didn't。 For a few minutes a pack of wild dogs ran near them; even mingling with the domesticated dogs。 No notice was taken。 Flying things flapped by overhead。 Under the greater threat of the volcanoes all other battles were forgotten。 Life respected life。 A herd of fat; pig…like beasts with curling tusks blundered through the line。 The doryms slowed; picking their steps carefully so they wouldn't step on them。 Smaller animals sometimes clung to the backs of the bigger ones; riding untouched awhile; before they leaped off。
  Pounded mercilessly by the jarring litter; Jason fell wearily into a light sleep。 It was shot through with dreams of the rushing animals; hurrying on forever in silence。 With his eyes open or shut; he saw the same endless stream of beasts。
  It all meant something and he frowned as he tried to think what。 Animals running; Pyrran animals。
  He sat bolt upright suddenly; twisting in his litter; wide awake and staring down in prehension。
  〃What is it?〃 Plies asked; swinging his dorym in close。
  〃Go on;〃 Jason said。 〃Get us out of this; and get us out safely。 I know how your people can get what they want; end the war now。 There is a way; and I know how it can be done。〃
  There were few coherent memories of the ride。 Some things stood out sharply like the spaceship…sized lump of burning scoria that had plunged into a lake near them; showering the line with hot drops of water。 But mostly it was just a seemingly endless ride; with Jason still too weak to care much about it。 By dawn the danger area was behind them and the march had slowed to a walk。 The animals had vanished as the quake was left behind; going their own ways; still in silent armistice。
  The peace of mutually shared danger was over; Jason found that out when they stopped to rest and eat。 He and Plies went to sit on the soft grass; near a fallen tree。 A wild dog had arrived there first。 It lay under the log; muscles tensed; the ruddy morning light strikin
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