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illing off these self…renewing legions of the damned that attack us; we can get to the leaders。 Search them out; carry the war to them for a change…and blast their stain from the face of this planet!〃
  〃Nothing of the sort!〃 Jason said; sitting up with an effort。 〃Nothing doing! Since I came to this planet I have been knocked around; and risked my life ten times over。 Do you think I have done this just to satisfy your bloodthirsty ambitions? It's peace I'm after…not destruction。 You promised to contact these creatures; attempt to negotiate with them。 Aren't you a man of honor who keeps his word?〃
  〃I'll ignore the insult…though I'd have killed you for it at any other time;〃 Kerk said。 〃You've been of great service to our people; we are not ashamed to acknowledge an honest debt。 At the same time; do not accuse me of breaking promises that I never made。 I recall my exact words。 I promised to go along with any reasonable plan that would end this war。 That is just what I intend to do。 Your plan to negotiate a peace is not reasonable。 Therefore we are going to destroy the enemy。〃
  〃Think first;〃 Jason called after Kerk; who had turned to leave。 〃What is wrong with trying negotiation or an armistice? Then; if that fails; you can try y~ur way。〃
  The partment was getting crowded as other Pyrrans pushed in。 Kerk; almost to the door; turned back to face Jason。
  〃I'll tell you what's wrong with armistice;〃 he said。 〃It's a coward's way out; that's what it is。 It's all right for you to suggest it; you're from off…world and don't know any better。 But do you honestly think I could entertain such a defeatist notion for one instant? When I speak; I speak not only for myself; but for all of us here。 We don't mind fighting; and we know how to do it。 We know that if this war was over; we could build a better world here。 At the same time; if we have the choice of continued war or a cowardly peace…we vote for war。 This war will only be over when the enemy is utterly destroyed!〃
  The listening Pyrrans murmured in agreement; and Jason had to
 shout to be heard above them。 〃That's really wonderful。 I bet you even think it's original。 But don't you hear all that cheering offstage? Those are the spirits of every saber…rattling sonofabitch that ever plugged for noble war。 They even recognize the old slogan。 We're on the side of light; and the enemy is a creature of darkness。 And it doesn't matter a damn if the other side is saying the same thing。 You've still got the same old words that have been killing people since the birth of the human race。 A 'cowardly peace;' that's a good one。 Peace means not being at war; not fighting。 How can you have a cowardly not…fighting。 What are you trying to hide with this semantic confusion? Your real reasons? I can't blame you for being ashamed of them…I would be。 Why don't you just e out and say you are keeping the war going because you enjoy killing? Seeing things die makes you and your murderers happy; and you want to make them happier still!〃
  There was a sensed but unvoiced pressure in the silence。 They waited for Kerk to speak。 He was white…faced with anger; held tightly under control。
  〃You're right; Jason。 We like to kill。 And we're doing to kill。 Everything on this planet that ever fought us is going to die。 We're going to enjoy doing it very much。〃
  He turned and left while the weight of his words still hung in the air。 The rest followed; talking excitedly。 Jason slumped back on the couch; exhausted and defeated。
  When he looked up they were gone…all except Mets。 She had the same look of bloodthirsty elation as the others; but it drained away when she glanced at him。
  〃What about it; Mets?〃 he snapped。 〃No doubts? Do you think that destruction is the only way to end this war?〃
  〃I don't know;〃 she said。 〃I can't be sure。 For the first time in my life; I find myself with more than one answer to the same question。〃
  〃Congratulations;〃 he said bitterly。 〃It's a sign of growing up。〃
  Jason stood to one side and watched the deadly cargo being loaded into the hold of the ship。 The Pyrrans were in good humor as they stowed away riot guns; grenades and gas bombs。 When the back…pack atom bomb was put aboard; one of them broke into a marching song; and the others picked it up。 Maybe they were happy; but the approaching carnage only filled Jason with an intense gloom。 He felt that somehow he was a traitor to life。 Perhaps the life form he had found needed destroying…and perhaps it didn't。 Without making the slightest attempt at conciliation; destruction would be plain murder。
  Kerk came out of the operations building and the starter pumps could be heard whining inside the ship。 They would leave within minutes。 Jason forced himself into a foot…dragging rush and met Kerk halfway to the ship。
  〃I'm ing with you; Kerk。 You owe me at least that much for finding them。〃
  Kerk hesitated; not liking the idea。 〃This is an operational mission;〃 he said。 〃No room for observers; and the extra weight。 。 。 And it's too late to s~ip us; Jason; you know that。〃
  〃You Pyrrans are the worst liars in the universe;〃 Jason said。 〃We both know that ship can lift ten times the amount it's carrying today。 Now; do you let me e; or forbid me without reason at all?〃
  〃Get aboard;〃 Kerk said。 〃But keep out of the way or you'll get trampled。〃
  This time; with a definite destination ahead; the ffight was much faster。 Meta took the ship into the stratosphere; in a high ballistic arc that ended at the islands。 Kerk was in the copilot's seat; Jason sat behind them where he could watch the screens。 The landing party; twenty…five volunteers; were in the hold below with the weapons。 All the screens in the ship were switched to the forward viewer。 They watched the green island appear and swell; then vanish behind the flames of the braking rockets。 Jockeying the ship carefully; Mets brought it down on a flat shelf near the cave mouth。
  Jason was ready this time for the blast of mental hatred…but it still hurt。 The gunners laughed and killed gleefully as every animal on the island closed in on the ship。 They were slaughtered by the thousands; and still more came。
  〃Do you have to do this?〃 Jason asked。 〃It's murder; carnage; just butchering those beasts like that。〃
  〃Self…defense;〃 Kerk said。 〃They attack us and they get killed。 What could be simpler。 Now shut up or I'll throw you out there with them。〃
  It was a half an hour before the gunfire slackened。 Animals still attacked them; but the mass assaults seemed to be over。 Kerk spoke into the inter。
  〃Landing party away…and watch your step。 They know we're here and will make it as hot as they can。 Take the bomb into that cave and see how far back it runs。 We can always blast them from the air; but it'll do no good if they're dug into solid rock。 Keep your screen open; leave the bomb and pull back at once if I tell you to。 Now move。〃
  The men swarmed down the ladders and formed into open battle formation。 They were soon under attack; but the beasts were picked off before they could get close。 It didn't take long for the man at point to reach the cave。 He had his pickup trained in front of him; and the watchers in the ship followed
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