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  〃That is enough for tonight;〃 Rhes said。 〃The spotted sickness h:
 weakened me; and your medicine has turned me to jelly。 You will stay here; Jason。 There is a blanket; but no bed; at least for now。〃
  Enthusiasm had carried Jason this far; making him forget the two…G exertions of the long day。 Now fatigue hit him a physical blow。 He had dim memories of refusing food and rolling in the blanket on the floor。 After that; oblivion。
  Every square inch of his body ached where the doubled gravity hi pressed his flesh to the unyielding wood of the floor。 His eyes we gummy and his mouth was filled with an indescribable taste that can off in chunks。 Sitting up was an effort and he had to stifle a groan as h joints cracked。
  〃Good day; Jason;〃 Rhes called from the bed。 〃If I didn't believe i medicine so strongly; I would be tempted to say there is a miracle i your machine that has cured me overnight。〃
  There was no doubt that he was on the mend。 The inflamed patch had vanished and the burning light was gone from his eyes。 He sa propped up on the bed; watching the morning sun melt the night's hai storm into the fields。
  〃There's meat in tb~ cabinet there;〃 he said; 〃and either water or vi~ to drink。〃
  The visk proved to be a distilled beverage of extraordinary poten that instantly cleared the fog from Jason's brain; though it did leave slight ringing in his ears。 And the meat was a tenderly smoked joisi the best food he had tasted since leaving Darkhan。 Taken together; thi restored his faith in life and the future。 He lowered his glass with relaxed sigh and looked around。
  With the pressures of immediate survival and exhaustion remove his thoughts returned automatically to his problem。 What were the:
 people really like…and how had they managed to sur~ive in the dead wilderness? In the city he had been told they were savages。 Yet the was a carefully tended and repaired municator on the wall。 Ar by the door a crossbow that fired machined metal bolts; he could see ti tool marks still visible on their shanks。 The one thing he needed w more information。 He could start by getting rid of some of his nii information。
  〃Rhes; you laughed when I told you what the city people said; aboi trading you trinkets for food。 What do they really trade you?〃
  〃Anything within certain limits;〃 Rhes said。 〃Small manufactun
 items; such as electronic ponents for our municators。 Rustless alloys we can't make in our forges; cutting tools; atomic…electric convertens that produce power from any radioactive element; Things like that。 Within reason they'll trade anything we ask that isn't on the forbidden list。 They need the food badly。〃
  〃And the items on the forbidden list…?〃
  〃Weapons of course; or anything that might be made into a powerful weapon。 They know we make gunpowder so we can't get anything like large casting or seamless tubing we could make into heavy gun barrels。 We drill our own rifle barrels by hand; though the crossbow is quiet and faster in the jungle。 Then they don't like us to know very much; so the only reading matter that gets to us are tech maintenance manuals; empty of basic theory。
  〃The last banned category you know about…medicine。 This is the one thing I cannot understand; that makes me burn with hatred with every death they might have prevented。〃
  〃I know their reasons;〃 Jason said。
  〃Then tell me; because I can think of none。〃
  〃Survival…it's just that simple。 I doubt if you realize it; but they have a decreasing population。 It is just a matter of years before they will be gone。 Whereas your people at least must have a stable…if not slightly growing population…to have existed without their mechanical protections。 So in the city they hate you and are jealous of you at the same time。 If they gave you medicine and you prospered; you would be winning the battle they have lost。 I imagine they tolerate you as a necessary evil; to supply them with food; otherwise they wish you were all dead。〃
  〃It makes sense;〃 Rhes growled; slamming his fist against the bed。 〃The kind of twisted logic you expect from junkmen。 They use us to feed them; give us the absolute minimum in return; and at the same time cut us off from the knowledge that will get us out of this hand to mouth existence。 Worse; far worse; they cut us off from the stars and the rest of mankind。〃 The hatred on his face was so strong that Jason unconsciously drew back。
  〃Do you think we are savages here; Jason? We act and look like animals because we have to fight for existence on an animal level。 Yet we know about the stars。 In that chest over there; sealed in metal; are over thirty books; all we have。 Fiction most of them; with some history and general science thrown in。 Enough to keep alive the stories of the settlement here and the rest of the universe outside。 We see the ships land in the city and we know that up there are worlds we can only dream about and never see。 Do you wonder that we hate these beasts that call themselves men; and would destroy them in an instant if we could? They
 are right to keep weapons from us…for sure as the sun rises in the moi ing we would kill them to a man if we were able; and take over t things they have withheld from us。〃
  It was a harsh condemnation; but essentially a truthful one。 At le from the point of view of the outsiders。 Jason didn't try to explain to t angry man that the city Pyrrans looked on their attitude as being t only possible and logical one。 〃How did this battle between your ti groups ever e about?〃 he asked。
  〃I don't know;〃 Rhes said; 〃I've thought about it many times; F there are no records of that period。 We do know that we are all scended from colonists who arrived at the same time。 Somewhere; some time; the two groups separated。 Perhaps it was a war; I've re about them in the books。 I have a partial theory; though I can't prove that it was the location of the city。〃
  〃Location…I don't understand。〃
  〃Well; you know the junkmen; and you've seen where their city They managed to put it right in the middle of the most savage spot this planet。 You know they don't care about any living thing excc themselves; shoot and kill is their only logic。 So they wouldn't consic where to build their city; and managed to build it in the stupidest sj imaginable。 I'm sure my ancestors saw how foolish this was and tn to tell them so。 That would be reason enough for a war; wouldn't i
  〃It might have been…if that's really what happened;〃 Jason sa 〃But I think you have the problem turned backward。 It's a war betwe native Pyrran life and humans; each fighting to destroy the other。 T life forms change continually; seeking that final destruction of t invader。〃
  〃Your theory is even wilder than mine;〃 Rhes said。 〃That's not in at all。 I admit that life isn't too easy on this planet…if what I have re in the books about other planets is true…but it doesn't change。 You hr to be fast on your feet and keep your eyes open for anything big~ than you; but you can survive。 Anyway; it doesn't really matter wi The junkmen always look for trouble and I'm happy to see that tF have enough。〃
  Jason didn't try to press the point。 The effort of forcing Rhes change his basic attitudes wasn't
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