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 And the fourth man 。。。
 At least a head taller than the others; massively built。 And naked to the waist。
 The three men seemed to be examining Keill's ship; while chatting with the security guard。 And the big man was laughing。
 Keill had taken three running strides across the plasticrete before a sharp voice behind him brought him up short。
 He turned and saw the senior security officer in the doorway。
 'My orders say you're to be kept away from that ship;' he growled。 'I've put a man on it。 Don't get any ideas。'
 Anger swelled within Keill; but his voice was cool。 'There are some men out there;' he said; pointing; 'who I must talk to。'
 The officer narrowed his eyes and peered。
 'Do you know them ?' Keill 'asked quickly。
 'Yes … think so。' The officer nodded。 'Those're the legionaries who've set up on Creffa。' He looked down at Keill; some of the sourness leaving his eyes。 'Guess I can understand you wanting to see them。 Go on; then … just stay away from the ship。'
 Keill whirled and ran。 But in that moment … whether by some instinct or accident … the half…naked giant in the distance turned; and caught sight of the figure sprinting towards them。
 Immediately the huge man spoke to his panions … who turned; looked; and began to walk away。 They did not seem to hurry; but they did not stroll。 And it was only a short distance to the bulky cylinder of the space cruiser that stood waiting on the next pad。
 Despite his desperate speed; Keill had covered only half the distance when the three men vanished through the airlock of their ship。 But not before the big man had paused for one more look back at Keill。
 Keill was able to see him more closely then。 He could see the vast muscles swelling beneath bronze skin。 And; faintly; the peculiar markings that the newsman had mentioned … the narrow; raised bands encircling the thick throat; the ridged belly。
 He could also see the mockery behind the big man's laughter。
 Then the hatch closed; and Keill was left to watch helplessly as; in seconds; the cruiser lifted away。
 He might have screamed with rage and desperation。 He might have rushed to his own ship to tear with crazed hopelessness at the unbreakable seal。
 Instead; he turned on his heel and walked calmly away to find the offices of the Civil Control。
 The afternoon was beginning to wane by the time he had found his way。 And there; too; he met frustration。 The uniformed Civil Control officer in the front office was less sour than the man at the spaceport; but no more helpful。 He knew nothing about the seal on Keill's ship; or the reasons for it。 The Deputy Co…ordinator was not available。 No one else would be able to tell Keill anything。
 'Why don't you just do what the letter says?' the officer suggested。 'Go to the hostel and wait。 The Deputy will be along。 It's all you can do。'
 Again the helplessness swept over Keill。 Again deep anger throbbed within him。 Again he was icily impassive as he turned and left the offices。
 Through the gathering dusk he located the spacer hostel that the official letter had named; and took a room … indifferent to its drab; functional; none…too…clean interior。 And there he waited。
 It was all he could do。
 He was standing at the open window of his second…floor room; ignoring the dust…laden breeze; staring out at the two moons that had risen into the night sky of Saltrenius; when the knock came。 He flung open the door before the startled man who had knocked had even begun to lower his hand。
 The Deputy Co…ordinator was a civil servant through and through。 His name was Shenn; and he was small; grey as any Saltrenian; precise in movements and speech。 Less small and less neat were the two large uniformed men behind him; with the metallic 'CC' gleaming on cap and collar。 But the Deputy left them outside; at the door; and even managed a precise little smile as he greeted Keill。
 The smile faded somewhat when Keill told him; in terms all the more unnerving for the frozen; knife…edged tone of voice; what he thought of his situation; the CC; and Saltrenius in general。
 'I fear I can explain very little to you;' Shenn said at last。 'Orders came to me that you were not to leave the planet。'
 'Orders from whom ?' Keill demanded。
 'Higher authority。 In the government。'
 'And why;' Keill wanted to know; 'should your government want to keep me here against my will ?'
 'It seems that they received a request。' Shenn quickly lifted a small hand before Keill could interrupt。 'I do not know its origin … it is not for me to know。 But someone of; apparently; great importance; off…world; is sending a message to Saltrenius for you。 On a matter of grave urgency。 We were requested to ensure that you remained; till this message arrives。'
 'Nothing more ?'
 'No idea what this mysterious message is about; or who sent it?'
 'Then;' Keill said; 'you are wasting my time。'
 He took hold of the Deputy before the little man could even draw breath to shout。 One hand over the mouth to silence him; one hand clamped on his neck; thumb pressing the carotid artery that feeds blood to the brain。 In seconds Deputy Shenn crumpled into unconsciousness; with not a sound to alert the waiting guards outside。
 Keill dumped the man on the bed; knowing that he would awaken; unharmed; almost as quickly as he had collapsed。 But for a second he paused; curiosity tugging at him。 He wanted very much to know what lay behind the sealing of his ship; and who was the mystery person with so much influence; who was sending an unknown message。 Yet he wanted even more to get off…planet; to find the three men who said they were legionaries。
 The lack of time demanded that a choice must be made。 And Keill's choice was obvious。
 Perhaps he would try; afterwards; to contact Saltrenius and learn more about this mystery。 If there was time。 If he was still alive to contact anyone。
 He eased himself out of the window; and glanced down。 A gloomy passageway ran behind the hostel; filled with stenches and shadows。 He moved out on to the sill … then halted。
 An odd sound above him; like a rustle of cloth。
 He glanced up quickly。 Nothing but the blank edge of the roof; the night sky above it。
 A legionary's training covers a great many physical skills; including knowing how to fall … even two storeys。 He took the impact with legs well bent … rolled; and bounced to his feet again; casually rubbing one slightly bruised hip。 Then he slid into a shadow; and was gone。
 Spaceport security guards on minor planets do not have a difficult job。 The owners of spaceships pay a small fee for the use of the port … a larger fee if passengers or freight handling are involved。 But shipowners are responsible for protecting their own ships; usually managed with little more than some advanced technology in the locking mechanisms on both entrances and control panels。 Few spaceships were stolen; in Keill's day: they were too easy to trace; to difficult to re…sell。 Saltrenius had not had a spaceship theft in living memory。
 So the guard on the perimeter of the central port buildings might have been forgiven for being half asleep; lulled by the unbroken silence and da
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