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 It rose from the broad expanse of dust like a blister rises from human skin; but so bright in the reflected glare that it seemed to be made of mirrors。 Around it; the dust was crisscrossed with the tracks of many boots; from the ings and goings of the dome's nine occupants。 But at the moment there was no one in sight; no sign of movement or activity around the dome。
 He drew back behind the screening rock and began a cautious circling; wanting to examine the dome from all sides; and most especially to locate its entrance。
 Glr's voice within his mind … and a tone of some urgency in the one word。
 Your ship's sensors report another ship nearby。 On a course for a landing。
 As before; Keill concentrated; to form the reply in his mind。 'Will it overfly your position?'
 No; its course will bring it down near the dome; from the bright side。 I will not be detected。
 That was some luck; anyway; Keill thought to himself。 But he wished that the other ship could have delayed its arrival awhile。 Even so; he thought; if he could get close enough to the landing without being seen; and watch the men that disembarked; he might learn something。
 He knew perfectly well; with a calm and untroubled sure…ness; that he would eventually have to try to enter the dome; no matter how many men were waiting inside。 But he also had no intention of going in too blindly … not if he could manage a careful study of the opposition; or some of them; beforehand。
 He wound his way as swiftly as he could through the rocks; still circling the dome but at no time exposing himself to it。 Then he felt the ground tremble slightly beneath his feet。 And at the same time Glr's voice reached into his mind again。
 Sensors indicate the ship is landing。 It seems to be the cruiser。
 An image began to form in Keill's mind; projected by Glr …of the dome; squatting in its empty stretch of ground; and on the edge of that plain a ship ing in to land。 The ship was recognizably a cruiser; but Glr's mind had added a few touches of her own … a great plume of fire from the ship's drive; and an evil face painted on to the front of the ship; all jagged teeth and cruel; slanted eyes。
 'Thanks' Keill said sardonically。' Very artistic。'
 Better than a map; is it not? asked Glr; her laughter bubbling。
 'Much better。 Be quiet now; while I go and look'
 The heavy vibrations set up by the cruiser's landing increased steadily as lie crept forward; until … crouching within the solid blackness of a tall rock's shadow … he was again at the edge of the plain。
 The vibrations eased and stopped。 The cruiser was down。 Keill leaned forward to peer round the rock that sheltered him … and at once jerked his head back。
 The cruiser had landed about three hundred metres away。
 And beyond it; he had seen the entrance of the dome … its airlock open and spacesuited men emerging; moving at speed in the same long; leaping strides that Keill had used earlier。
 He flattened himself against the rock。 If any of those men; or the men in the ship; had glanced his way … and if his helmet had glinted even for an instant in the brilliant light。。。
 It was an outside chance … but it was possible。 Time to move。
 But he did not retrace his steps。 He drifted with slow caution from rock to rock towards where the cruiser had settled。 Whatever the risk; he was not going to pass up a chance to see whatever might be seen。
 Soon he had spotted another vantage point at the edge of the open area。 When he reached it; he saw; he would be able to observe the ship and the dome while staying safely hidden in a bulge of deep shadow。 He began to circle an outcropping; moving towards that point。
 And he came face to face with two men; rounding the outcropping from the other direction。
 Their faceplates; like Keill's; were darkened against the glare; revealing nothing。 But one of them was wearing a space…suit identical to Keill's … with the blue circlet of the Legions gleaming from helmet and chest。
 And both men were holding weapons; ready in their hands。
 Keill identified the guns at a glance; and with some distaste。 Janglers; they were called … stubby pistols with ugly; flared;
 bell…shaped muzzles。 They discharged a field that set up interference with the human nervous system … which caused; at the very least; indescribable pain。 The guns were a sadist's weapon; outlawed on many worlds; and never; as Keill well knew; carried by legionaries。
 He stood calmly where he was; making no motion towards his own weapon; while the other two took a tentative step towards him。 The one in the Legion spacesuit lifted a gloved hand to his helmet; touching the switch that activated the man…to…man municator。
 'That you; Jiker?' The voice within Keill's helmet was metallic; distorted by the municator。
 Keill felt relieved。 Of course there were two men on Creffa wearing full legionary uniform。; which obviously included spacesuits。 This one; seeing Keill's suit; naturally thought he was looking at his fellow impostor。
 Keill flicked his own helmet switch。 'Yeah; it's me;' he said gruffly; knowing his voice would be just as distorted in the other man's ears。
 But to his surprise the other raised his gun menacingly。
 'The hell it is;' said the voice in Keill's helmet。 'I'm Jiker。'
 Keill's hand flashed; and his gun leaped from his belt。 But the other man had only to press the firing stud on the jangler。 And pure; raging agony reached out and grasped Keill's body like a monstrous fist。
 Dimly he heard himself cry out; dimly he felt himself twisting; jerking; beginning to fall。
 Then he heard and felt nothing at all。
 Chapter eleven
 Keill awoke to the clamour of his own name being shouted; over and over。
 No; not shouted; he realized。 It was Glr's mental call; as penetrating as a cry of fear。
 'Stop it' he thought; raising one hand to his head; which was throbbing dully。 'I'm here。'
 Relief flooded into his mind from Glr's。 What happened? Where are you?
 Keill's probing fingers found a raised and tender bump on his head; and the slight roughness of dried blood。 'I must have bounced my head around in my helmet when I fell。 As for where I am。。。'
 He looked around。 He was lying on a hard bunk in a small; metal…walled cubicle … which he recognized as the usual cramped sleeping quarters for men in a space…dome。 The air smelled stale and musty; but was breathable … and he was his normal weight; which meant that some form of artificial gravity was operating in the dome。 His spacesuit had been stripped off him and flung untidily in one corner … though his energy gun; predictably; was not with it。
 'I'm inside the dome; and I'm in one piece。' He swung up to a sitting position; ignoring the headache。 One thing about the janglers; he thought to himself … for all the pain they caused; it stopped instantly when the weapon was deactivated。 Though there could sometimes be serious after…effects。。。
 What now? Glr asked。
 'You stay there; and stay quiet awhile。 The door is probably guarded; and I'm going to。。。'
 Whatever it was; he was not able to do it。 The door swung open; and two men entered。 Both were carrying guns; and they separated as they entered; moving to either s
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