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rnment as you call it; is the mastery of chaos。〃
 〃No one can deal with every surprise。〃
 〃Surprise? Who's talking about surprise? Chaos is no surprise。 It has predictable characteristics。 For one thing; it carries away order and strengthens the forces at the extremes。〃
 〃Isn't that what radicals are trying to do? Aren't they trying to shake things up so they can grab control?〃
 〃That's what they think they're doing。 Actually; they're creating new extremists; new radicals and they are continuing the old process。〃
 〃What about a radical who sees the plexities and es at you that way?〃
 〃That's no radical。 That's a rival for leadership。〃
 〃But what do you do?〃
 〃You co…opt them or kill them。 That's how the struggle for leadership originated; at the grunt level。〃
 〃Yes; but what about messiahs?〃
 〃Like my father?〃
 The Duncan does not like this question。 He knows that in a very special way I am my father。 He knows I can speak with my father's voice and persona; that the memories are precise; never edited and inescapable。
 Reluctantly; he says: 〃Well。 。 。 if you want。〃
 〃Duncan; I am all of them and I know。 There has never been a truly selfless rebel; just hypocrites…conscious hypocrites or unconscious hypocrites; it's all the 。same。〃
 That stirs up a small hornet's nest among my ancestral memories。 Some of them have never given up the belief that they and they alone held the key to all of humankind's problems。 Well; in that; they are like me。 I can sympathize even while I tell them that failure is its own demonstration。
 I am forced to block them off; though。 There's no sense dwelling on them。 They now are little more than poignant reminders。。。as is this Duncan who stands in front of me with his lasgun。。。。
 Great Gods below! He has caught me napping。 He has the lasgun in his hand and it is pointed at my face。
 〃You; Duncan'? Have you betrayed me; too?〃
 Et tu; Brute?
 Every fiber of Leto's awareness came to full alert。 He could feel his body twitching。 The worm…flesh had a will of its own。
 Idaho spoke with derision: 〃Tell me; Leto: How many times must I pay the debt of loyalty?〃
 Leto recognized the inner question: 〃How many of me have there been?〃 The Duncans always wanted to know this。 Every Duncan asked it and no answer satisfied。 They doubted。
 In his saddest Muad'Dib voice; Leto asked: 〃Do you take no pride in my admiration; Duncan? Haven't you ever wondered what it is about you that makes me desire you as my constant panion through the centuries?〃
 〃You know me to be the ultimate fool!〃
 The voice of an angry Muad'Dib could always be counted on to shatter Idaho。 Despite the fact that Idaho knew no Bene Gesserit had ever mastered the powers of Voice as Leto had mastered them; it was predictable that he would dance to this one voice。 The lasgun wavered in his hand。
 That was enough。 Leto was off the cart in a hurtling roil。 Idaho had never seen him leave the cart this way; had not even suspected it could happen。 For Leto; there were only two requirements…a real threat which the worm…body could sense and the release of that body。 The rest was automatic and the speed of it always astonished even Leto。
 The lasgun was his major concern。 It could scratch him badly; but few understood the abilities of the pre…worm body to deal with heat。
 Leto struck Idaho while rolling and the lasgun was deflected as it was fired。 One of the useless flippers which had been Leto's legs and feet sent a shocking burst of sensations crashing into his awareness。 For an instant; there was only pain。 But the worm…body was free to act and reflexes ignited a violent paroxysm of flopping。 Leto heard bones cracking。 The lasgun was thrown far across the floor of the crypt by a spasmodic jerk of Idaho's hand。
 Rolling off of Idaho; Leto poised himself for a renewed attack but there was no need。 The injured flipper still sent pain signals and he sensed that the tip of the flipper had been burned away。 The sandtrout skin already had sealed the wound。 The pain had eased to an ugly throbbing。
 Idaho stirred。 There could be little doubt that he had been mortally injured。 His chest was visibly crushed。 There was obvious agony when he tried to breathe; but he opened his eyes and stared up at Leto。
 The persistence of these mortal possessions! Leto thought。
 〃Siona;〃 Idaho gasped。
 Leto saw the life leave him then。
 Interesting; Leto thought。 Is it possible that this Duncan and Siona。。。No! This Duncan always displayed a true sneering disdain for Siona's foolishness。
 Leto climbed back onto the Royal Cart。 That had been a close one。 There could be little doubt that the Duncan had been aiming for the brain。 Leto was always aware that his hands and feet were vulnerable; but he had allowed no one to learn that what had once been his brain was no longer directly associated with his face。 It was not even a brain of human dimensions anymore; but had spread in nodal congeries throughout his body。 He had told this to no one but his journals。
 Oh; the landscapes I have seen! And the people! The far wanderings of the Fremen and all the rest of it。 Even back through the myths to Terra。 Oh; the lessons in astronomy and intrigue; the migrations; the disheveled flights; the leg aching and lung…aching runs through so many nights on all of those cosmic specks where we have defended our transient possession。 I tell you we are a marvel and my memories leave no doubt of this。
 …The Stolen Journals
 THE WOMAN working at the small wall desk was too big for the narrow chair on which she perched。 Outside; it was midmorning; but in this windowless room deep beneath the city of Onn there was but a single glowglobe high in a corner。 It had been tuned to warm yellow but the light failed to dispel the gray utility of the small room。 Walls and ceiling were covered by identical rectangular panels of dull gray metal。
 There was only one other piece of furniture; a narrow cot with a thin pallet covered by a featureless gray blanket。 It was obvious that neither piece of furniture had been designed for the occupant。
 She wore a one…piece pajama suit of dark blue which stretched tightly across her wide shoulders as she hunched over the desk。 The glowglobe illuminated closely cropped blonde hair and the right side of her face; emphasizing the square block of jaw。 The jaw moved with silent words as her thick fingers carefully depressed the keys of a thin keyboard on the desk。 She handled the machine with a deference which had originated as awe and moved reluctantly into fearsome excitement。 Long familiarity with the machine had eliminated neither emotion。
 As she wrote; words appeared on a screen concealed within the wall rectangle exposed by the downward folding of the desk。
 〃Siona continues actions which predict violent attack on Your Holy Person;〃 she wrote。 〃Siona remains unswerving in her avowed purpose。 She told me today that she will give copies of the stolen books to groups whose loyalty to You cannot be trusted。 The named recipients are the Bene Gesserit; the Guild and the Ixians。 She says the books contain Your enciphered words and; by this gift; she seeks help in translating Your Holy Words。
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