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 Siona spoke to him only once; leaning out of the 'thopter as he left it in the plaza。
 〃It would not offend me to be your friend;〃 she said。
 Such a curious way of putting it。 He had felt vaguely embarrassed。 〃Yes。。。well; certainly。〃
 The new escort had led him away then; ing at last to a terminal in the maze。 Leto awaited him there on the Royal Cart。 The meeting place was a wide spot in a corridor which stretched off into the converging distance on Idaho's right。 The walls were dark brown streaked with golden lines which glittered in the yellow light of glowglobes。 The escort took up positions behind the cart; moving smartly and leaving Idaho to stand confronting Leto's cowled face。
 〃Duncan; you will precede me when we go to Siaynoq;〃 Leto said。
 Idaho stared into the dark blue wells of the God Emperor's eyes; angered by the mystery and secrecy; the obvious air of private excitement in this place。 He felt that everything he had been told about Siaynoq only deepened the mystery。
 〃Am I truly the mander of your Guard; m' Lord?〃 Idaho asked; resentment heavy in his voice。
 〃Indeed! And I bestow a signal honor upon you now。 Few adult males ever share Siaynoq。〃
 〃What happened in the city last night?〃
 〃Bloody violence in some places。 It is quite calm this morning; however。〃
 〃Not worth mentioning。〃
 Idaho nodded。 Leto's prescient powers had warned of sonic peril to his Duncan。 Thus; the flight into the rural safety of Goygoa。
 〃You have been to Goygoa;〃 Leto said。 〃Were you tempted to stay' '〃
 〃Do not be angry with me;〃 Leto said。 〃I did not send you to Goygoa。'。
 Idaho sighed。 〃What was the danger which required that you send me away'?〃
 〃It was not to you;〃 Leto said。 〃But you excite my guards to excessive displays of their abilities。 Last night's activities did not require this。〃
 〃Oh?〃 This thought shocked Idaho。 He had never thought of himself as one to inspire particular heroism unless he personally demanded it。 One whipped up the troops。 Leaders such as the original Leto; this one's grandfather; had inspired by their presence。
 〃You are extremely precious to me; Duncan;〃 Leto said。
 〃Yes。。。well; I'm still not your stud!〃
 〃Your wishes will be honored; of course。 We will discuss it another time。〃
 Idaho glanced at the Fish Speaker escort; all of them wide…eyed and attentive。
 〃Is there always violence when you e to Orin〃〃 Idaho asked。
 〃It goes in cycles。 The malcontents are quite subdued now。 It will be more peaceful for a time。〃
 Idaho looked back at Leto's inscrutable face。 〃What happened to my predecessor?〃
 〃Haven't my Fish Speakers told you?〃
 〃They say he died in defense of his God。〃
 〃And you have heard a contrary rumor。〃
 〃What happened?〃
 〃He died because he was too close to me。 I did not remove him to a safe place in time。〃
 〃A place like Goygoa。〃
 〃I would have preferred him to live out his days there in peace; but you well know; Duncan; that you are not a seeker after peace。〃
 Idaho swallowed; encountering an odd lump in his throat。 〃I would still like the particulars of his death。 He has a family。。。〃
 〃You will get the particulars and do not fear for his family。 They are my wards。 I will keep them safely at a distance。 You know how violence seeks me out。 That is one of my functions。 It is unfortunate that those I admire and love must suffer because of this。〃
 Idaho pursed his lips; not satisfied with what he heard。
 〃Set your mind at ease; Duncan;〃 Leto said。 〃Your predecessor died because he was too close to me。〃
 The Fish Speaker escort stirred restively。 Idaho glanced at them; then looked to the right up the tunnel。
 〃Yes; it is time;〃 Leto said。 〃We must not keep the women waiting。 March close ahead of me; Duncan; and I will answer your questions about Siaynoq。〃
 Obedient because he could think of no suitable alternative; Idaho turned on his heel and led off the procession。 He heard the cart creak into motion behind him; the faint footsteps of the escort following。
 The cart fell silent with an abruptness which jerked Idaho's attention around。 The reason was immediately apparent。
 〃You're on the suspensors;〃 he said; returning his attention to the front。
 〃I have retracted the wheels because the women will press close around me;〃 Leto said。 〃We can't crush their feet。〃
 〃What is Siaynoq? What is it really?〃 Idaho asked。
 〃I have told you。 It is the Great Sharing。〃
 〃Do I smell spice?〃
 〃Your nostrils are sensitive。 There is a small amount of melange in the wafers。〃
 Idaho shook his head。
 Trying to understand this event; Idaho had asked Leto directly at the first opportunity after their arrival in Onn; 〃What is the Feast of Siaynoq'?〃
 〃We share a wafer; no more。 Even I partake。〃
 〃Is it like the Orange Catholic ritual?〃
 〃Oh; no! It is not my flesh。 It is the sharing。 They are reminded that they are only female; as you are only male; but I am all。 They…share with the all;〃
 Idaho had not liked the tone of this。 〃Only male‘?〃
 〃Do you know who they lampoon at the Feast; Duncan'?〃
 〃Men who have offended them。 Listen to them when they talk softly among themselves。〃
 Idaho had taken this as a warning: Don't offend the Fish Speakers。 You incur their wrath at your mortal peril!
 Now; as he marched ahead of Leto in the tunnel; Idaho felt that he had heard the words correctly but learned nothing from them。 He spoke over his shoulder。
 〃 I don't understand the Sharing。〃
 〃We are together in the ritual。 You will see it。 You will feel it。 My Fish Speakers are the repository of a special knowledge; an unbroken line which only they share。 ;Vow; you will partake of it and they will love you for it。 Listen to them carefully。 They are open to ideas of affinity。 Their terms of endearment for each other have no reservations。〃
 More words。 Idaho thought。 More mystery。
 He could discern a gradual widening in the tunnel: the ceiling sloped higher。 There were more glowglobes; tuned now into the deep orange。 He could see the high arch of an opening about three hundred meters away; rich red light there in which he could make out glistening faces which swayed gently left and right。 Their bodies below the faces presented a dark wall of clothing。 The perspiration of excitement was thick here。
 As he neared the waiting women; Idaho saw a passage through them and a ramp slanting up to a low ledge on his right。 A great arched ceiling curved away above the women; a gigantic space illuminated by glowglobes tuned high into the red。
 〃Go up the ramp on your right;〃 Leto said。 〃Stop just beyond the center of the ledge and turn to face the women。〃
 Idaho lifted his right hand in acknowledgment。 He was emerging into the open space now and the dimensions of this enclosed place awed him。 He set his trained eyes the task of estimating the dimensions as he mounted to the ledge and guessed the hall to be at least eleven hundred meters on a side…a square with rounded corners。 It was packed with women; and Idaho reminded himself that these were only the chosen representatives of the far scattered Fish Speaker regiments…three women from each planet。 They stood now; their bodies pressed so clo
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