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e not many of us。 We don't see each other very much; I don't think we like each other and why should we? There is nothing to like about snow and ice and cold。 We fish; that is all; nothing lives on the snow。 All the life is in the sea。 I put my arm in once but I could not live in the water。 They do and we eat them。 There are warmer worlds。〃
    〃Like Cliaand?〃 I asked; quietly as Angelina had done。 He smiled。
    〃Like Cliaand。 Warm all the time; hot too; too hot; but I don't mind that。 Strange to see living things on the land other than people。 There is a lot of green。〃 
    〃What is the name of home; of the cold world?〃 I whispered。 
    〃The name 。 。 。 the name 。 。 。〃
    The transformation was immediate。 Kraj began to writhe on the bed; his face twisting and working; his eyes wide and staring。 Dr。 Mutfak was shouting at him to forget the question; to lie still; while he tried to get a hypodermic needle into his thrashing arm。 But it was too late。 The reaction I had triggered went on and just for an instant; I swear there was the light of intelligence and hatred in his eyes as the conscious Kraj became aware of what was happening。
    But only for that moment。 An instant later his back arched in a silent spasm and he collapsed; still and unmoving。
    〃Dead;〃 Dr。 Mutfak pronounced; looking at his telltale instruments。〃
    〃That was useful;〃 Angelina said; walking to the window and throwing open the curtains。 〃Time for a swim if you feel up to it; darling。 Then we'll have to think of a way to get another gray man for Dr。 Mutfak。 Now that we know the area to avoid we can make him last longer while he is questioned。〃
    The doctor recoiled。 〃I couldn't; not again。 We killed him; I killed him。 There was an implanted order; an irresistible order; to die rather than reveal where this planet is。 It can be done; the death wish; I have seen it now。 Never again。〃
    〃We have been raised differently; doctor;〃 Angelina said; calmly and without passion。 〃I would shoot a creature like Kraj in battle and I feel no differently about his dying in this manner。 You know what he is and what he has done。〃
    I said nothing because I agreed with them both。 Angelina who saw the galaxy as a jungle; as survival a matter of eating or being eaten。 And the doctor; a humanitarian who had been raised in a matriarchy; stable and unchanging; peaceful and at peace。 They were both right。 An interesting animal is man。
    〃Take a rest。 Doc;〃 I said。 〃Take one of your own pills。 You have been up for a day and a night and that can't be doing you any good。 We'll see you when you wake up; but have a good rest first。〃 
    I took Angelina's arm and guided her out; away from the sad little man who was staring; unseeing; at the floor。
    〃You don't feel sorry for that Kraj creature?〃 Angelina asked; giving me her number two frown which means something like I'm not looking for trouble; but if you are you are certainly going to get it。
    〃Me? Not much chance; love。 Kraj is the man who unreeled the barbed wire in my brain awhile back and tried to do the same to you。 I'm only sorry we couldn't get more from him before he left us。〃 
    〃The next one will tell more。 At least we know now that your idea was right。 They may not be aliens; but they certainly aren't natives of Cliaand。 If we can root them out of there we might be able to stop the entire invasion thing。〃
    〃Easier visualized than acplished。 Let's have that swim and brood about it over a drink when we e out。〃 
    The water loosened up my muscles and made me profoundly aware of a great hunger and thirst。 I called in on my sonar municator So that a small steak and a bottle of beer were waiting at the water's edge whoa we emerged。 These barely brushed the fringes of my appetite yet gave me the strength to make it back to our loom for a more elaborate meal。
    And elaborate it was; seven courses beginning with a fiery Burada soup; going on to fish and meat and other delicacies too numerous to mention。 Angelina ate a bit then sipped at her wine while I finished most of the food in sight。 Finally replete I entered the soiled dishes away and settled back with a sigh。 
    〃I have been thinking;〃 I said。
    〃You could have fooled me。 I thought you were eating like a pig with both trotters in the trough。〃
    〃Just save the bucolic humor。 A hard night's work deserves a good day's food。 Cliaand; that's our problem。 Or rather the gray men who have her war economy so firmly under control。 I'll bet if we could get rid of them the original Cliaandians would not have this same burning interest in interstellar conquest。〃 
    〃Simple enough。 A program of planned assassination。 There can't be too many of them; Kraj said as much。 Polish them off。 I'll be glad to take on the assignment。〃
    〃Oh no you won't。 No wife of mine hires out as a contract gun。 It is not that simplephysically or morally。 The gray men can guard themselves well。 And that the ends justify the means is a bankrupt statement。 You saw what happened to Dr。 Mutfak when he worked for a good end but used means that ran counter to his moral beliefs。 You and I are of tougher fabric; my love; but we would still be affected if we went in for mass slaughter 。 。 。〃
She went white and I was sorry I had said it。 I took her hand。
    〃I didn't mean it that way。 I wasn't talking about the past。〃 
    〃I know; but it still stirred up some unwholesome memories。 Let's forget assassination。 What else can be done?〃 
    〃A number of things; I am sure; if we can only ask just the right questions。 There must be a way to break apart the constantly expanding Cliaand empire。〃
    Angelina touched the wine glass to her lips and a highly attractive concentration line appeared between her eyes。
    〃What about starting counter…revolutions or rebellions on all the conquered worlds?〃 she said。 〃If we kept the Cliaandians busy fighting on the presently conquered planets they couldn't very well go seeking for new territory。〃
    〃You're nibbling close to the idea there; but it's not quite right yet。 We can't expect much from the resistance movements on these different worlds if the example of Burada is at all relevant。 You heard what Taze said; the fighting is dying down because of the massive reaction by the Cliaand forces。 If one of them is killed in a raid they slaughter twenty Buradans in return。 These people; after generations of peace; are not mentally equipped to fight a ruthless guerrilla war。 I even doubt if the Cliaandians would react so viciously if they weren't forced on by the gray men who organized and order everything。 The soldiers just follow orders; and following orders has always been a Cliaand strength。 We'll never stop these people by trying to incite minor revolts behind their backs。 But you are right about causing them trouble on the various worlds。 The entire Cliaandian economy and culture is set up on a continuing wartime basis。 It is like some demented life form that must keep expanding or die。 Cliaand itself can't possibly build or supply its fleets but must depend on the conquered worlds。 These worlds are in the absolute control of the Cliaand so they take orders and turn out the goods and the invasions roll on and nothing ca
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