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    Angelina tried to look fierce; which she cannot do unless she really means itthen shrugged her shoulders in a very resigned way。
    〃Of course not。 If you did you would not be the man I married。 So now we wipe out these fiends and save Burada and stop the invasions。〃
    〃Not quite all at once; but that is sort of what I had in mind。 A resistance movement will have to be organized; with our advice and material help Taze should be able to handle that; but there is one thing that takes priority over even that。 We must capture Kraj or one of IBS gray men。〃
    〃What a wonderful idea! If they think they know about torture they will soon learn a thing or two。 I remember 。 。 。〃 
    〃Angelina! That is not what I had in mind。 For a moment there a lot of the old reconstructed you was shining through。〃 
    〃Nonsense。 I admit I could use one or two techniques I learned in those days; but my motives are the purest。 Lioness defending her mate and that sort of thing。 Perfectly justified。〃
    〃Yes; that might be so; but it is not quite what I was talking about。 I want one of those gray men in a laboratory and I want exhaustive tests run on him。 When you were beating up on that bunch earlier today did you notice anything strange about them?〃 
    〃Nothing particular; I was otherwise occupied you might say。 Just the fact that they weren't wearing enough clothing or something; because their skins felt so chill。〃
    〃Exactly so。 And they never laugh or show emotion; they don't gossip or talk unless there is something important to say; and have a number of other little traits that draw the attention。〃 
    〃Just what are you trying to say; darling; that they are zombies or robots or something? I thought that sort of thing appeared only on space operas for the kiddies。〃
    〃Laugh now; while there is still time。 Not robots or such; these types are alive enough。 I just don't think that they are human; that's all。 There are aliens among us。〃
    〃Perhaps you better have some more sleep。 I'll turn down the light。〃
    〃Don't humor me; damn it! I have been thinking about this ever since I first met Kraj; so it is no figment of a recently tortured mind。 There is all sort of evidence。 The Cliaand soldiers are deathly afraid of Kraj and his thugs and won't even talk about them。 The gray men are cut off from normal Cliaandian life and different in every way from them。 Almost as though they were not the same people。 I can visualize these gray men doing a survey of the human planets and finding Cliaand just ripe for their picking。 A stratified; militarized way of life with everyone in uniform。 All they had to do was take over at the top and they would be in control。 And this they seem to have done。 They appear in none of the tables of organization or charts so dear to the military mindyet they seem to be running things most of the time。〃 
    〃There。 You're not convinced but you are beginning to doubt。 Then you'll help me get a specimen gray man?〃
    〃Help?〃 She clapped her hands with sheer girlish enthusiasm。 〃I'm simply looking forward to it。 Of course he might get a little damaged while I'm bringing him in; but as long as he still works that is really all that matters; isn't it?〃
    Before I could answer Taze ran in and threw an armload of clothing onto the bed。
    〃Get dressed; quickly;〃 she ordered。 〃The boots are the biggest we could find and I hope they fit。〃 〃Is there any reason for all this…rush?〃 I asked。
    〃There certainly is。 There are troops and heavy weapons on all sides。 This building is pletely surrounded by the enemy。〃

Chapter 16

    The boot was tight and delicately pointed; but I squeezed my foot in as fast as I could。 〃Were we followed here?〃 I asked Taze。
    〃Noof course not。 I am no beginner at this business。 Nor is the stolen car here any longer。〃
    I cudgeled my sluggish brain into thought while I struggled with the second boot。 The telephone rang and I frozeas did the two womenstaring at it like a poison snake。 It rang just once more then the tiny inset screen lit up and Kraj stared out of it; as emotionless as ever。
    〃You know that you are surrounded;〃 he said。 〃Resistance is useless; diGriz。 Surrender quietly and none of your friends will be hurt。。。〃
    My boot hit the screen and Kraj's image flared and died; I ripped the entire instrument out by the roots and buried it against the wall。 A fine cold sweat dotted my skin。 I knew that most phones can be turned on from central with the right equipment; but this was a bad time to see the theory proven。
    〃Don't panic!〃 I shouted; mostly to myself I imagine; because Angelina and Taze were perfectly calm。 I hopped about the room getting on the other boot and tried to jar some clear thought into my tangled brain。 The last hop ended me up sitting on the cot; panting; counting off on my fingers。
    〃Let us forget that call for a moment and figure out what is happening。 One; we were not followed when we came here。 Two; our transportation is gone so that could not be traced。 Three; Kraj knew that I was here; which means they may have planted a directional radio transponder in me。 In which case the services of a surgeon and a good x…ray machine will be needed as soon as we get out of here。〃 
    〃You are forgetting a simpler explanation;〃 Angelina said。
    〃Don't keep it a secret。 If you can think better than I canwhich is no pliment right nowlet's have it。〃 
    〃The torture box。 You said it was radio controlled。〃
    〃Of course! A directional apparatus is probably an integral part of the mechanism。 Is the thing still here; Taze?〃 
    〃Yes; below。 We thought there might be a use for it。〃 
    〃There is now。 When we leave the box stays here。 Maybe this will keep their attention on the buildingand once away they won't find me this easily again。 Now brief me; Taze; what kind of a building is thisand how do we get out of it?〃
    〃It is a factory; owned by one of our members。 And there is no possible way out; we are doomed to fight and die; but when we do we will sell our lives well and take many of those swine…pig…dogs with us 。 。 。〃
    〃That's fine; yes indeed。 But we'll sell our lives dearly only if we have to。 DiGriz can find escape routes where others only despair。 Is your factory owner here? Good; send her up as quickly as possible。〃 
    Taze left on a run and I turned to my wife。
    〃I assume you brought the usual equipment with you? The sort of thing we had on our honeymoon。〃 
    〃Bombs; grenades; explosives; gas charges; of course。〃 
    〃Good girl。 With you for a wife I have a growing sense of security。〃
    Taze ran back in followed by another uniformed amazon。 A little older perhaps; with a very attractive touch of gray to her hair; yet full…bosomed and round…limbed in a maturely fascinating way 。 。 。 I caught the cold look frosting in Angelina's eyes and quickly put my thoughts on more pressing matters。
    〃I am James diGriz; interstellar agent and spy。〃 
    〃Fayda Firtina of the Guard;〃 she barked and snapped a salute。
    〃Yes; very good Fayda; glad to meet you。 At ease。 I understand that you own this building。〃
    〃That is correct。 Firtina Amalgamated (construction) Robutlers; Limited。 The f
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