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aised his rifle。
    〃You are wrong;〃 I said; 〃and insulting as well to a fellow officer who recently was a flight…major。 I am aiding our invading forces by securing this drinking establishment to prevent any of your troops from being drunk on duty and therefore injuring our all…out efforts。 And while in this place I took a prisoner who was hiding here。 That is what happened and it is my word against yours; colonel。〃
    He raised his gun barrel towards me and said; 〃It is only my word that I caught you looting and was forced to shoot you when you resisted arrest。〃
    〃I am a hard one to shoot;〃 I said; letting the muzzle of my pistol slide up over the edge of the bar until it was centered between his eyes。 〃I am an expert shot and one of these explosive slugs will take the top of your head off。〃
    Apparently he had not expected this kind of instant response from a flying officer and he hesitated for a moment。 Pire squealed faintly and there was a thud。 I assumed he had fainted but was too busy to look。 This murderous tableau held for a moment and there was no way of knowing how it might have ended if a soldier had not rushed into view with a field radio。 The colonel took the phone and went back to the war while I stuffed two bottles into the back of my jacket and went out the other exit; stepping over Pire who was unconscious on the floor and undoubtedly better off that way。 I was gone before the colonel realized it and I took the drink back to the ship and sent it up the service lift to Otrov。 〃And don't drink more than one;〃 I ordered and his voice responded with a happy cry over the inter。
    I was on my own now and I meant to make the most of the opportunity。 With the battle still being waged my movements would not be watched and I could make my observations。 Of course I might also be killed; but that is one of the occupational hazards of the service。 Once the invasion had succeeded movement would be sharply restricted and I would probably be on my way back to Cliaand。 The guide booklet was still in my pocket; the heat of my hip keeping the action going on the cover。 I opened it and flipped through the pages which were heavy on pictures and short on copy。 This was the hard sell all right with low music ing from the illustration of the floating orchestra on beautiful Sabun Bay and the scent of flowers from the Kanape fields。 I expected some snow to fall out of the picture of skiing in the Kar mountains; but the technology of advertising did not extend this far。 There was a map showing the airport and the city; diagrammatic and worthless for the most part; though it did tell me I was standing in Sucuk Spaceport close by Sucuk City。 I threw away the book and went to see the sights。
    Depressing。 It would be a long time before the tourists came back to these sunny shores。 I walked through the empty streets; peeked by explosions and charred by fire; and wondered what the purpose of this could possibly be。 War; always a foolish business; seemed even more infantile at this moment。 Horrible might be a better word; I saw my first corpses。 There was the sound of dragging feet and a horde of prisoners appeared in the street ahead; guarded on all sides by alert Cliaandian troops。 Many of the prisoners were wounded and few bandaged。 The sergeant in charge saluted when they went by and gave a wave of victory。 I smiled in return but it took an effort。 What I had to do now was to find some responsible citizen of Sucuk City who was not yet a prisoner or dead and get the answers to some questions。
    The citizen found me first。 I left the main road and turned down a narrow winding street ominously labeled Matbaacilik…sasurtmekany street with a name like that could not be all good。 My suspicions had some justification in fact。 I discovered this when I turned a sharp corner and found myself facing a young woman who was pointing a large bore hunting rifle at me。 I was waving my little fingers in the air even before she spoke。 
    〃Surrender or die!〃
    〃I've surrenderedcan't you see! Long live Burada; rah…rah 。 。 。〃
〃None of your sickening jokes; you foul war…mongering male; or I'll shoot you on the spot。〃
    〃I'm on your side; believe me。 Peace on Burada; good will to menand women too of course。〃
    She snorted at this and waved me towards a dark doorway with the gun。 Even in anger she was a handsome woman; wide…faced with flaring nostrils and black hair hanging straight to her shoulders。 She wore a dark green uniform; high boots; leather straps and all; with some kind of insignia on the sleeve。 She was feminine despite this; no uniform could be made to disguise the magnificent swell of that bosom。 I entered the doorway as she demanded and she reached to take my pistol as I passed。 I could have done some quick business then with her arm and the gun barrel and ended up with both weapons; but I restrained myself。 As long as she felt she was in charge she might talk more easily。 We entered a dark inner room with a single window; an office of some kind; where another girl in uniform was stretched out on the desk。 Her eyes were closed and the leg of her uniform had been cut away to disclose an ugly wound now bound with clumsy bandages。 Blood had seeped through them and pooled upon the desk top。
    〃You have medicine?〃 my captress asked。
    〃I do;〃 I said; opening the medpack at my waist。 〃But I don't think it will do much good。 She appears to have lost a lot of blood and needs medical attention。〃 
    〃Where will she get it? Not from you swine invaders。〃 
    〃Perhaps。〃 I was busy with pressure points; tearing off the old bandages; sprinkling on antiseptic powder and applying better bandages。 〃Her pulse is slow and very weak。 I don't think she will make it。〃
    〃If she doesn'tyou killed her。〃 Tears were in my opponent's eyes; though this did not stop her from keeping the blunderbuss pointed at my midriff。
    〃I'm trying to save her; remember? And you can call me Vaska。〃
    〃Taze;〃 she said automatically。 〃Sergeant in the Guard before they took over。〃
    〃They?〃 I felt slightly confused。 〃You mean them; us; the army of Cliaand?〃
    〃No; of course not。 But why am I talking to you when I should be killing you 。 。 。〃
    〃You shouldn't。 Kill me I mean。 Would you believe me if I told you I was a friend?〃
    〃That I was a spy from elsewhere now working against the Cliaands although I am in their Space Armada?〃
    〃I would say that you are a worm pleading for your worthless life and willing to say anything。〃
    〃Well it's true; anyway;〃 I grumbled; realizing she wasn't going to take my revelations on faith。
    〃Taze 。 。 。〃 the girl on the table said weakly and we both turned that way。 Then 〃Taze〃 again and died。
    I thought I was dead as well。 Taze swung the rifle up and I could see her knuckles whiten as she squeezed。 I did a lot of things quickly; starting with a dive to get under the gun and a roll right into her。 The gun firedthe blast almost taking my head off in the confined spacebut I wasn't hit。 Before she could fire again I had the barrel in my hand and did a quick chop at the muscles in her arm and a few other things one does not normally do to women except in an emergency like this。 Th
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