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    It was with a great deal of pleasure that I found myself assigned as pilot of a troop transport。 This was a role I could fill with honor。 My earlier assignment of a roommate had not been accidental either; because Otrov climbed into the navroom a few minutes later and announced that he was going to be my copilot。
    〃Wonderful;〃 I told him。 〃How many hours do you have on one of these Pavijan class transports?〃
    He admitted to an unhappily low figure and I patted him on the shoulder。
    〃You are in luck。 Unlike most First Pilots your old Uncle Vaska is without ego。 For an old drinking buddy no sacrifice is too great。 I am going to let you fire the takeoff and if you do the kind of job I think you will do; then I might let you shoot the landing as well。 Now hand me the check list。〃
His gratitude was overwhelming; so much so that he admitted that he had been saving his fountain pen for a real emergency since it was filled with 200 proof alcohol and we both had a squirt。 It was with a feeling of contentmentand scarred throatsthat we watched the troops marching up and filing into the loading ports far below。 A few minutes later a grizzled fullbearded colonel in bat uniform stamped into the navroom。 
    〃No passengers allowed here;〃 I said。
    〃Shut your mouth; lieutenant。 I have your course tapes。〃 
    〃Well let me have them?〃
    〃What? You must be either mad or jokingand both are shooting offenses in bat。〃 
    〃I must be on edge; colonel; not much sleep; you know 。 。 。〃 
    〃Yes。〃 He relented slightly。 〃Allowances must be made; I suppose。 It hasn't been easy for anyone。 But that's behind us now。 Victory for Cliaand!〃
    〃Victory for Cliaand!〃 we entolled ritually。 There had been a lot of this the last couple of days。 The Colonel looked at his watch。 
    〃Almost time。 Get the mand circuit;〃 he ordered。
    I pointed to Otrov; who pressed the right button instantly。 A message appeared on the screen。 STANDBY。 We stood。 Then it began blinking quickly and changed to the harsh letters; SET COURSE。 The colonel took the tape container from his pouch and we had to sign as witnesses on a form slating that the tape was sealed when we received it。 Otrov inserted the tape into the puter and the colonel grunted in satisfaction; his work done; and turned to leave。 He fired a parting shot over his shoulder on the way out。
    〃And none of those 10 G landings that you moronic pilots seem to enjoy。 I'll courtmartial you both if that happens。〃
    〃Your mother knits sweaters out of garbage;〃 I shouted after him; waiting; of course; until the door was closed。 But even this feeble effort stirred enthusiasm in Otrov who was beginning to respect me more and more。
    Hurry up and wait is mon to all military forces and that is what we did next。 The check lists were plete and we saw ship after ship take off until most were gone。 The transports were last。 The green BLASTOFF signal came as a relief。 We were on our way。 To a nameless planet circling an unknown star as far as any of us were concerned。 The tape told the puter where we were going but did not condescend; nor had it been programmed; to inform us。
    This security blanket lasted right up to the invasion itself。 We were seven boring days en route with nothing to drink and the ship piloted by the puter and the frozen rations barely edible。 On a long term basis; without the ameliorating effects of alcohol; Otrov proved to be less than a sparkling panion。 No matter where the conversation began it invariably ended up in repetitive anecdotes from his school days。 I slept well; I'll say that; and usually while he was talking but he never seemed to mind。 I also checked him out on the instruments with drills and dry runs; which may have done him some active good and certainly acquainted me with the controls and operation of the ship。
    Since the ship was pletely automated; Otrov and I were the only crew members aboard。 The single doorway to the troop area was sealed and my friend the surly colonel had the only key。 He visited us once or twice which was no pleasure at all。 On the seventh day he was standing behind us glowering at the back of my neck when we broke out of warpdrive and back into normal space。
    〃Take this; inspect here; sign that;〃 he snapped and we did all those things before he broke the seal on the flat case。 This was labeled INVASION in large red letters which rather suggested that things would be honing up soon。 My instructions were simple enough and I switched on the circuits as ordered so the ship could home on the squadron leader。 A yellowish sun shone brightly off to one side and the blue sphere of a planet was on the other。 The colonel glared at this planet as though he wanted to reach out and grab it and take a bite out of it; so future developments seemed obvious enough without asking questions。
    The invasion began。 Most of the fleet was ahead of us; lost in the night of space and visible only occasionally as a network of sparks when they changed course。 Our squadron of transports stayed together; automatically following the course set by the lead ship; and the planet grew in the screens ahead。 It looked peaceful enough from this distance; though I knew the advance units of the fleet must be attacking by this time。
    I was not looking forward to this invasionwho but a madman can enjoy the prospect of approaching war?but I was hoping to find out the answer to the question that had brought me here。 I believed that interplanetary invasions were still impossible; despite the fact that I was now involved in one myself。 I felt somewhat like the man who; upon seeing one of the most exotic animals in the zoo; said 'there ain't no such animal。' Interplanetary invasions just don't work。
    The interplanetary invading force rushed on; a mighty armada giving the lie to my theories。 As the nameless planet grew larger and larger; filling the forward screens; I could see the first signs of the war that I knew was already in progress; tiny sparkles of light in the night hemisphere。 Otrov saw them too and waved his fist and cheered。
    〃Give it to them boys;〃 he shouted。
    〃Shut up and watch your instruments;〃 I snarled。 Suddenly hating him。 And instantly relenting。 He was a product of his environment。 As the twig is bent so grows the bough and so forth。 His twig had been bent nicely by the military boarding school into which he had been stuffed as a small child。 Which; for some unknown reason; he still thought well of although every story he told me about it had some depressing or sadistic point to make。 He had been raised never to question; to believe God had created Cliaand a bit better than all the other planets; and that they were therefore ordained to take care of the inferior races。 It is amazing the things people will believe if you catch them early enough。
    Then we were turned loose as the individual transports scattered to home in on their separate targets。 I fiddled with the radio and Silently cursed the Cliaandian passion for security and secrecy。 Here I was landing a shipload of troopsand I didn't even know where! On the planet below; surely; they could not very well disguise that fact; but on what continent? At what city? All I k
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