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object … not from a tomb robber; of course! It proved to be a heavy gold bar approximately two inches long; set with five small figures of reclining cats; two of which were missing; the surviving three were of gold and carnelian。 Cyrus knew his antiquities too well to remain long in doubt as to the meaning of what he saw。 〃The gold spacer was part of a woman's armlet;〃 he had written。 〃Had to be a female's because of the cats。 It had the cartouches of Thutmose III。 They're saying there were three burials in the tomb; folks … queens or princesses related to Thutmose III。〃
 Attempting (in vain; if I knew Cyrus) to conceal his excitement; he had immediately made Mohassib an offer。 The old gentleman had regretfully declined。 Another party had expressed interest; and he was obliged to give him the first chance。 What else could a man of honor do?
 〃That's how it stands;〃 Cyrus ended his letter。 〃I'm pretty sure the 'other party' is Howard Carter; acting as agent for Carnarvon or some gol…durned museum。 Mohassib is trying to raise the price by playing the bidders off against each other。 You better get down here and talk to Mohassib; Emerson; he's a wily old skunk and you're the only one he's scared of。〃
 〃We are leaving Cairo at once;〃 Emerson declared。
 Ramses exchanged glances with his wife。 〃Excuse me; Father; but I don't see the need for such haste。 The tomb has been cleared and Mohassib isn't going to admit anything; even to you。 It would make better sense to talk with Carter。 Isn't he working for the War Office? He may be in Cairo even now。〃
 〃Hmph;〃 said Emerson thoughtfully。
 〃We cannot leave immediately;〃 Nefret said。 〃I must go to the hospital。 I've been out of touch for months; and there are a number of matters I must settle with Sophia before I go away again。〃
 〃Hmph;〃 said Emerson again。 Emerson's grunts are quite expressive; to those who have learned to differentiate them。 This one expressed disagreement and protest。 The hospital Nefret had founded for the fallen women of Cairo was in a particularly vile part of the city; as she had pointed out; the unhappy creatures she wanted to help would not have dared venture into a respectable neighborhood。
 〃It's all right; Father;〃 Ramses said。 〃You don't suppose I would allow my helpless; timid little wife to go alone to el…Wasa?〃
 Nefret put out her tongue at Ramses。 She had never entirely abandoned such childish gestures。 This one appeared to amuse Ramses a great deal。
 〃Ah;〃 said Emerson; brightening。 〃Good。 What about you; Peabody? Are you going with them?〃
 〃I have other plans;〃 I said; folding my napkin。
 Emerson's eyes narrowed into sapphirine slits。 〃Oh; no; you don't; Peabody。 You are ing with me。 Or;〃 he added; 〃to put it another way; I am going with you。〃
 The children left us and I sent Emerson off to finish dressing。 I knew the process would take him some time; so I went to see how Sennia and her entourage were getting on。 She and Basima and Gargery … and the cat … were still at breakfast。 Sennia had a perfectly astonishing appetite for so small a person。 When she saw me; she dropped her slice of toast … jelly…side down … and ran to throw her arms round me; demanding to know where we were going that day。
 〃You and Gargery and Basima will have to amuse yourselves today;〃 I replied; in the tone that brooked no argument。 〃The rest of us have errands。 I suggest a visit to the Museum; or perhaps you would like to hire a carriage and go out to Giza。〃
 〃I do not believe that is a good plan; madam;〃 said Gargery; winking furiously and wrinkling up his face in a most alarming manner。 〃After what happened last year …〃
 〃That was last year; Gargery。 The people responsible for that incident are no longer a threat to us。〃
 〃But; madam! She will want to take the da … … the cat with us。〃
 He scowled at Horus; who was sitting by Sennia's chair cleaning his whiskers。 Horus left off long enough to sneer at Gargery。 All cats can sneer; but Horus did it better than most。 He had a very large head and the dark stripes on his face reminded one of a gargoyle。
 〃Shall we go to Atiyeh?〃 Basima asked。 〃Others of the family will want to see the Little Bird。〃
 〃And you will want to see them;〃 I said; realizing I ought to have thought of it。 Basima was a devoted and dedicated woman who seldom asked anything for herself。 In fact; it was an admirable idea; the village near Cairo where the northern branch of Abdullah's family lived was not far off; and Sennia would be under the close supervision of dozens of affectionate friends who would prevent her from getting into mischief。 I expressed my approval; and Gargery was pleased to agree。 Nobody asked Horus for his opinion。
 〃Where is Ramses going?〃 demanded Sennia; who was nothing if not persistent。
 〃Somewhere you cannot go。 We will be back in time for tea。〃
 I left her pouting and Gargery fingering some object in his pocket which I hoped was not a pistol; though I feared it was。 He took his duties as Sennia's guard very seriously。
 After I had collected Emerson and made him put on a waistcoat and tie; and had changed my blouse; which bore several sticky handprints; we left the hotel and strolled along the Muski; waving away offers from cabdrivers。
 〃Where are we going?〃 I asked。
 〃Don't be coy with me; Peabody;〃 said Emerson amiably。 〃You are going to the suk; aren't you; to bully; harass; and interrogate antiquities dealers about Sethos。〃
 〃I thought I might ask a few questions of a few people; yes。 Wouldn't that be preferable to having the children prowling about the city after nightfall; with Nefret decked out as Ramses's … er … his … um …〃
 Emerson shuddered。 〃Good Gad; yes。 But … but she didn't mean it; did she?〃
 〃She meant it。〃
 It is a nice healthy stroll from Shepheard's to the Khan el Khalili; along the Muski and through the old Fatimite city with its mosques and gateways。 Yet how the character of the city had changed! Motorcars and motorbicycles wove hazardous paths among horse…drawn cabs and donkey…drawn carts and caravans of camels。 Uniforms were everywhere; the men who wore them as diverse as their insignia: tall rangy Australians and bearded Sikhs; dark…skinned Nubians and pink…cheeked boys fresh from the English countryside。
 It was a depressing sight。 These men; now so bright…eyed and cheerful; were destined for the battlefields of Palestine and Europe; from which most would never return。
 The Khan el Khalili at least had not changed … the same narrow lanes; covered with matting and lined with small shops selling every variety of goods from silks to carpets to silver。 Peddlers and sellers of sweetmeats wended their way through the crowds; a waiter; carrying aloft a tray with small cups of Turkish coffee; hastened to the shopkeeper who had ordered it。
 Not far from the mosque of the venerated Saint Hosein is the area given over to the stalls of the booksellers; and it was here I hoped to rid myself of the amiable but inconvenient presence of my spouse。 Somewhat to my surprise he did not put up much of an argument。
 〃You are calling on Aslimi; I suppose;〃 he said。
 〃And perhaps a few others。〃
 〃Very well。〃 Emerson took out his watch。 〃I will give you three hours; Pe
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