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 Ramses dutifully obeyed。 〃What is that you're making?〃 he asked。 It was hard to tell the bloodstains from the pattern。
 〃It's just a little something to keep my hands occupied。 Stop fretting; dear boy; I will talk to Nefret myself。 Tactfully。〃
 She stuck the needle into the fabric and folded her work。 〃It is past time for luncheon。 Emerson is late as usual。〃
 He turned up a few minutes later; with Sennia; and dropped rather heavily into a chair。 Emerson could work under the hot Upper Egyptian sun from dawn until sunset without any sign of fatigue; but a few hours with Sennia left even him worn out。 〃Are we ready for lunch?〃 he asked。
 〃Nefret isn't back yet;〃 his wife said。
 Ramses had been watching the clock。 It was after one。 His father gave him a critical look。 〃Is she waiting for you to fetch her?〃
 〃No;〃 Ramses said; and went on; before his father could voice his opinion of a man who would allow his wife to walk the alleys of el…Wasa unattended。 〃I expect she's got involved and lost track of the time。 The rest of you go down; I'll run over to the hospital。〃
 He wasn't worried … not really … but she knew they were due to leave that evening; and she had said she'd be back before luncheon。
 He took the most direct way to the hospital; the one they always followed; expecting at every turn of the street to see her hurrying toward him。 The foul alleys were deserted; the denizens were indoors; resting during the heat of the day。 Anger; born of concern; quickened his steps。 She had no business worrying him like this; after he had done her the courtesy of leaving her free of his escort。
 He had almost reached the hospital when a man stepped out into his path。 〃You must e with me; Brother of Demons。〃
 〃Get out of my way; Musa。 I haven't time to listen to el…Gharbi's pliments。〃
 〃You must!〃 the other man repeated。 He held out his hands。 Stretched between his palms was the filmy scarf Nefret had worn round her neck that morning。
 Seeing Ramses's expression; Musa jumped back a few feet and began to babble。 〃Do not strike me; Brother of Demons; she is not hurt; she is safe; I will take you to her。〃
 〃Damned right you will。〃 Ramses's hand shot out; catching Musa's stringy arm in a bruising grip。 〃Where is she?〃
 〃e。 e with me; it is not far。 She is unharmed; I tell you。 Would any of us dare injure …〃
 〃Shut up。 Which way?〃
 Knowing he was no longer in imminent danger of violence; Musa said plaintively; 〃You are hurting my arm; Brother of Demons。 I can walk faster if you do not hold on to me。 I will not run away。 I was ordered to bring you to her。〃
 Ramses didn't bother to ask who had given the order。 He released his grip and brushed at the enterprising fleas that had already found his hand。 〃Where?〃
 〃This way; this way。〃 Musa trotted ahead; around a corner and through a pile of discarded fruit rinds and peelings that squelched under his bare feet。 〃This way;〃 he said again; and turned his head to nod reassuringly at Ramses。 〃Do you have a cigarette?〃
 〃Don't push me too far; Musa。〃
 He was no longer worried about Nefret; though。 The man who must be responsible for this would not harm her。 They ended up where Ramses had expected: in an outstandingly filthy alley behind the house el…Gharbi had once occupied。 Musa went to the small inconspicuous door Ramses remembered from earlier visits。 The police had barricaded it with heavy boards; but someone had removed most of the nails; Musa pulled the planks aside and climbed through the opening。
 The house that had once been alive with music and the other colorful acpaniments of a contemptible trade was dark; deserted; and dusty。 The windows had been boarded up; the rich furnishings removed or left to molder。 There was a little light; streaking through cracks in the boards。 When they reached the room in which el…Gharbi had held court; Ramses made out a massive shape squatting on the ruined cushions。 Nefret sat next to him。 A ray of sunlight sparked in her hair。
 〃Sorry;〃 she said cheerfully。 〃I did it again。〃
 Ramses got the words out through lips unsteady with relief。 〃Not your fault this time。 Another black mark against you; el…Gharbi。 What do you mean by this?〃
 〃But; my dear young friend; what choice had I?〃 The voice was the well…remembered high…pitched whine; but as his eyes adjusted to the gloom; Ramses saw that the procurer was dressed in a ragged galabeeyah instead of his elegant white robes。 He didn't appear to have lost any weight; though。 Shifting unfortably; he went on; 〃You would not e to the camp。 You would not have e to me here … so I invited your lovely wife。 We have been having a most enjoyable conversation。 Sit down; won't you? I regret I cannot offer you tea …〃
 〃What do you want?〃 Ramses interrupted。
 〃Why; the pleasure of seeing you and your lovely …〃
 〃I don't have time for this;〃 Ramses said rather loudly。 〃You cannot keep us here against our will; you know。〃
 〃Alas; it is true。〃 The procurer sighed。 〃I do not have the manpower I once had。〃
 〃What is your point; then?〃
 〃You won't sit down? Oh; very well。 It is the camp; you see。 It is no place for a person of refinement like myself。〃 A shudder of distaste ran through the huge body。 〃I want out。〃
 〃You are out;〃 Ramses said; unwilling amusement replacing his annoyance。 El…Gharbi was unconquerable。
 〃Only for a few hours。 If I am not there tonight when they make the rounds; that rude person Harvey will turn out every police officer in Cairo to look for me。 I do not intend to spend the rest of my life running away from the police; it is too unfortable。〃
 〃Yes; I suppose it would be。 Can you give me one good reason why I should intercede on your behalf; even if I were able?〃
 〃But my dear young friend; surely the many favors I have done for you …〃
 〃And I have done several for you。 If the score is not even; the debt is on your side。〃
 〃I was afraid you would see it that way。 What of future favors; then? I am at your mand。〃
 〃There is nothing I want from you。 Nefret; let's go。 The parents will be getting anxious。〃
 〃Yes; of course。〃 She rose。 〃Good…bye; Mr。 el…Gharbi。〃
 She used the English words; possibly because the Arabic terms of farewell invoked a blessing or an expression of goodwill。 El…Gharbi didn't miss the implications。 He chuckled richly。
 〃Maassalameh; honored lady。 And to you; my beautiful young friend。 Remember what I have said。 The time may e 。 。 。〃
 〃I hope to God it won't e;〃 Ramses muttered; as they left the room。 〃Nefret; are you all right?〃
 〃Musa was very polite。 No damage; darling; except 。 。 。〃 She scratched her arm。 〃Let's hurry。 I expect Father is frantic by this time; and I'm being devoured by fleas。〃
 〃That makes two of us。〃
 〃My poor darling。 What you suffer for me!〃
 The narrow back door was still unbarred。 Ramses did not bother replacing the boards。
 Taking the coward's way out; he sent a servant to the dining saloon to announce their return; and they went straight to their room and the adjoining bath chamber。 When he emerged; wearing only a towel; his father was sitting in an armchair; pipe in hand。
 〃Where is she?〃 he demanded。
 〃Still bathing。 I'll tell her you're here。〃
 〃Oh;〃 said Emerson; belated
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