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 He's slightly brighter than the others; he thought。 Slightly less gullible; at least。 Better make sure I'm always the last to leave。 Don't want any clever ideas about following me home。
 You need a special kind of mind to rule a city like Ankh…Morpork; and Lord Vetinari had it。 But then; he was a special kind of person。
 He baffled and infuriated the lesser merchant princes; to the extent that they had long ago given up trying to assassinate him and now merely jockeyed for position amongst themselves。 Anyway; any assassin who tried to attack the Patrician would be hard put to it to find enough flesh to insert the dagger。
 While other lords dined on larks stuffed with peacocks' tongues; Lord Vetinari considered that a glass of boiled water and half a slice of dry bread was an elegant sufficiency。
 It was exasperating。 He appeared to have no vice that anyone could discover。 You'd have thought; with that pale; equine face; that he'd incline towards stuff with whips; needles; and young women in dungeons。 The other lords could have accepted that。 Nothing wrong with whips and needles; in moderation。 But the Patrician apparently spent his evenings studying reports and; on special occasions; if he could stand the excitement; playing chess。
 He wore black a lot。 It wasn't particularly impressive black; such as the best assassins wore; but the sober; slightly shabby black of a man who doesn't want to waste time in the mornings wondering what to wear。 And you had to get up very early in the morning to get the better of the Patrician; in fact; it was wiser not to go to bed at all。
 But he was popular; in a way。 Under his hand; for the first time in a thousand years; Ankh…Morpork operated。 It might not be fair or just or particularly democratic; but it worked。 He tended it as one tends a topiary bush; encouraging a growth here; pruning an errant twig there。 It was said that he would tolerate absolutely anything apart from anything that threatened the city'11'; and here it was 。 。 。
 He stared at the stricken wall for a long time; while the rain dripped off his chin and soaked his clothes。 Behind him; Wonse hovered nervously。
 Then one long; thin; blue…veined hand reached out and the fingertips traced the shadows。
 Well; not so much shadows; more a series of silhouettes。 The outline was very distinct。 Inside; there was the familiar pattern of brickwork。 Outside; though; something had fused the wall in a rather nice ceramic substance; giving the ancient flettons a melted; mirror…like finish。
 The shapes outlined in brickwork showed a tableau of six men frozen in an attitude of surprise。 Various upraised hands had quite clearly been holding knives and cutlasses。
 Then Patrician looked down silently on the pile of ash at his feet。 A few streaks of molten metal might once have been the very same weapons that were now so decisively etched into the wall。
 〃Hmm;〃 he said。
 Captain Vimes respectfully led him across the lane and into Fast Luck Alley; where he pointed out Exhibit A; to whit 。 。 。
 〃Footprints;〃 he said。 〃Which is stretching it a bit; sir。 They're more what you'd call claws。 One might go so far as to say talons。〃
 The Patrician stared at the prints in the mud。 His expression was quite unreadable。
 〃I see;〃 he said eventually。 〃And do you have an opinion about all this; Captain?〃
 The captain did。 In the hours until dawn he'd had all sorts of opinions; starting with a conviction that it had been a big mistake to be born。
 And then the grey light had filtered even into the Shades; and he was still alive and uncooked; and had looked around him with an expression of idiot relief and seen; not a yard away; these footprints。 That had not been a good moment to be sober。
 〃Well; sir;〃 he said; 〃I know that dragons have been extinct for thousands of years; sir。。。〃
 〃Yes?〃 The Patrician's eyes narrowed。
 Vimes plunged on。 〃But; sir; the thing is; do they know? Sergeant Colon said he heard a leathery sound just before; just before; just before the; er 。 。 。 offence。〃
 〃So you think an extinct; and indeed a possibly entirely mythical; dragon flew into the city; landed in this narrow alley; incinerated a group of criminals; and then flew away?〃 said the Patrician。 〃One might say; it was a very public…spirited creature。〃
 〃Well; when you put it like that。。。〃
 〃If I recall; the dragons of legend were solitary and rural creatures who shunned people and dwelt in forsaken; out of the way places;〃 said the Patrician。 〃They were hardly urban creatures。〃
 〃No; sir;〃 said the captain; repressing a ment that if you wanted to find a really forsaken; out of the way place then the Shades would fit the bill pretty well。
 〃Besides;〃 said Lord Vetinari; 〃one would imagine that someone would have noticed; wouldn't you agree?〃
 The captain nodded at the wall and its dreadful frieze。 〃Apart from them; you mean; sir?〃
 〃In my opinion;〃 said Lord Vetinari; 〃it's some kind of warfare。 Possibly a rival gang has hired a wizard。 A little local difficulty。〃
 〃Could be linked to all this strange thieving; sir;〃 volunteered Wonse。
 〃But there's the footprints; sir;〃 said Vimes doggedly。
 〃We're close to the river;〃 said the Patrician。 〃Possibly it was; perhaps; a wading bird of some sort。 A mere coincidence;〃 he added; 〃but I should cover them over; if I were you。 We don't want people getting the wrong idea and jumping to silly conclusions; do we?〃 he added sharply。
 Vimes gave in。
 〃As you wish; sir;〃 he said; looking at his sandals。
 The Patrician patted him on the shoulder。
 〃Never mind;〃 he said。 〃Carry on。 Good show of initiative; that man。 Patrolling in the Shades; too。 Well done。〃
 He turned; and almost walked into the wall of chain mail that was Carrot。
 To his horror; Captain Vimes saw his newest recruit point politely to the Patrician's coach。 Around it; fully…armed and wary; were six members of the Palace Guard; who straightened up and took a wary interest。 Vimes disliked them intensely。 They had plumes on their helmets。 He hated plumes on a guard。
 He heard Carrot say。 〃Excuse me; sir; is this your coach; sir?〃 and the Patrician looked him blankly up and down and said; 〃It is。 Who are you; young man?〃
 Carrot saluted。 〃Lance…constable Carrot; sir。〃
 〃Carrot; Carrot。 That name rings a bell。〃
 Lupine Wonse; who had been hovering behind him; whispered in the Patrician's ear。 His face brightened。' 'Ah; the young thief…taker。 A little error there; I think; but mendable。 No person is above the law; eh?〃
 〃No; sir;〃 said Carrot。
 〃mendable; mendable;〃 said the Patrician。 〃And now; gentlemen…〃
 〃About your coach; sir;〃 said Carrot doggedly; 〃I couldn't help noticing that the front offside wheel; contrary to the…〃
 He's going to arrest the Patrician; Vimes told himself; the thought trickling through his brain like an icy rivulet。 He's actually going to arrest the Patrician。 The supreme ruler。 He's going to arrest him。 This is what he's actually going to do。 The boy doesn't know the meaning of the word 'fear'。 Oh; wouldn't it be a good idea if he knew the meaning of the word 'survival' 。 。 。
 And I can't get my jaw muscles to move。
 We're all dead。 Or worse; we're a
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