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 At last Alix turned a corner and saw before her the red stones of Homana…Mujhar。 The walls rose mutely in the moonlight; throwing dark shadows into surrounding streets。 And she saw the Solindish and Atvian guards surrounding the place; posted at every gate。 She wondered if Tynstar had yet broken through Shaine's wards; taking the palace for Bellam。
 Alix drew back in the sheltering shadows; suddenly at a loss for what to do。 She had anticipated finding Duncan no matter how impossible the task seemed; even in the cul…de…sacs and strange turnings。 Now she stared worriedly at the bronze…and…timber gates and feared she had acted wrongly。
 Where are they? she asked fearfully。 Where are the Cheysuli?
 The child whimpered in her arms。 Alix shifted him closer to her chest and placed gentle lips against his forehead; silently promising him safety。 But she also feared for her own。
 She glanced back the way she had e and stiffened。 Through the narrow street walked a cloaked figure; moving with familiar grace。 The hood was drawn up again to hide me man's features; but she knew him by his movements。Alix pressed back against the wall。
 Then a second figure slid out from the shadows; just behind me cloaked Ihlini。 Alix watched in painful silence as the second man moved into the moonlighted street; then caught her breath in a gasp as muted light glinted off gold /(/bands。
 〃Ihlini!〃 the Cheysuli whispered。
 The cloaked figure spun and froze。 Alix saw him push his hands out sideways; away from his body; as if to indicate his innocent intent。 The Cheysuli moved closer and a shaft of moon…light slanted clearly across his face。
 ' 'Duncan!〃 she whispered in horror; clutching at the child。
 The Ihlini's voice; quiet but pitched to carry; came clearly to her。 〃We should not fight; you and I。 The Cheysuli and flilini are much alike。 You have your gifts; I mine。 We could use them in concert。〃
 She heard Duncan's soft laugh。 〃There is no likeness between us; sorcerer; save equal determination to serve our own gods。〃
 The Ihlini lowered his hands; then pulled his cloak off and dropped it to the cobbles。 〃Then I will serve my gods; shapechanger; by ridding this land of one more Cheysuli。〃
 The fight was sudden and vicious。 Alix gasped as Duncan closed widi the Ihlini; movements half…hidden。 She saw only the glint of knives and heard their grunts of effort as each sought to slay the other。
 〃By the gods;〃 she whispered to herself; horrified; 〃it is much worse than I thought。 Much worse!〃
 The child whimpered again and she hugged him closer; seeking her own strength in his need for security。 But her mind was with Duncan。
 She saw the Ihlini stumble back。 A metallic glint flashed from his left shoulder and she saw the hilt of a Cheysuli knife stand out from his dark leathers。 Duncan; crouched in readiness; straightened。 Alix felt overwhelming relief flood her body; then realized how much she had longed for me sorcerer's death。 The emotion shocked and sickened her。
 The Ihlini did not fall。 His back turned to her and she saw his right arm move to pull me knife from his shoulder。 Duncan; hands empty; waited warily。
 Die; Ihlini。。。 she whispered silently; hating herself for desiring another's death。 Die!
 The sorcerer went to one knee。 She saw Duncan clearly in the moonlight; feet spread to brace himself against his enemy。 Dark…ness slid down one arm; dulling his /t'r…band; and she realized the Dilini's knife had found at least part of its target。 She bit her lip and fought back the instinct to run to him。
 A rattle behind Duncan spun him around。 He was unarmed; vulnerable to a second attack; but something in his stance told her he was prepared。 Then she saw the Solindish soldier move into the moonlight; sword bared。
 Cai! Alix cried。 Cai+do something!
 The pattern was faint。 At last Cai answered her。 Liren; I cannot。 It is an Ihlini he faces。。。 the lir do not interfere。 It is part of the gods' law。
 The Solindish soldier made no move against Duncan。 He stood braced; ready to fight; yet did not step in against his shapechanger enemy。 Alix saw the Ihlini e out of his crouch and realized the Solindish man acted only as a decoy。
 Her cry of warning was lost in the Solindish soldier's shout。 Alix spun and set the baby down in the darkness near a wall; dragging the knife from her boot。 Then she pushed herself free of the wall and ran toward the Ihlini。
 She saw Duncan stiffen spasmodically as the sorcerer snaked a gleaming wire around his throat。 Both hands flew to the wire and clawed at it; seeking to rip it away。 Bnt the Ihlini stood unmoving。 slowly tautening the thin garrote until blood broke from Duncan's throat。
 〃No!〃 Alix shrieked。
 The Solindish soldier stared past the Ihlini and his prisoner in alarm。 His sword shifted; rising; and she realized he would move to stop her。
 But she could not hesitate。 Her fear had been replaced by the overwhelming need to strike down the Dilini who threatened Duncan。 Her veneer of civilization and gentle ways was stripped from her easily; leaving her naked before all men; and she knew herself as capable of slaying a man as any warrior。
 Duncan's knees buckled。 The Ihlini stood firm; bending slightly as he tautened the garrote even further。 Alix was oddly aware of the flash of the Solindish sword as she stumbled to a halt behind the sorcerer。 But it did not matter。 She lifted the knife; clutching it in both hands; and brought it down with all her strength。
 The shock ran through her arms as she drove the knife through
 leathers and into the flesh of the Ihlini。 She felt him stiffen
 spasmodically; crying out。 One gloved hand clawed briefly at his
 back; fingers stretching and scraping; then it dropped daddy at his side。 The sorcerer sagged over Duncan and fell into the street。
 Alix heard the soldier swear a violent oath; unable to decipher his words。 She saw the malevolent gleam in his eyes as he lifted the sword over one shoulder; preparing to unleash the killing stroke。 Somehow; she was unafraid。
 〃By the gods!〃 cried a clear voice; 〃you will not!〃
 Dimly she heard the clatter of hoof on stone and saw the horse rearing behind the soldier。 Before the Solindish man could turn; a flashing sword swung through the air in a swift arc and severed head from shoulders。
 Alix staggered back; gagging; as blood sprayed from the falling trunk。 It splattered over her face and clothing; staining her hands as she raised them to cover her eyes。 Then she peered through her fingers into the blazing blue eyes of the prince of Homana。
 Instantly she forgot Carillon。 She stumbled forward; reaching frenziedly toward the sprawled bodies。 Blood ran through the cobbles; muddying the ash and dust; but she ignored it all as she clawed at the Bilini's still form。
 Alix tugged ineffectually at the heavy body until Carillon flung himself from his horse and helped her; dragging the slain sorcerer free of Duncan。
 〃No!〃 she cried; falling to her knees。 〃No!〃
 The wire; she saw; had fallen partially free of Duncan's throat。 It had bitten deeply but had not yet sliced into the vulnerable windpipe。 Carefully she pulled the wire away and threw it into the street; moaning as she sa
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