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 〃So; you are a shapechanger witch sent to distract me while the others work against us。〃
 〃No;〃 she said clearly。 〃I am Cheysuli。 aye; but I came only
 for Carillon。 You bind him harshly; my lord。 There is no honor
 in your heart。〃
 Keough laughed at her… 〃I have no heart; witch。 None at all。'*
 Duncan moved forward until he stood next to Alix。 〃My
 cheysula has the right of it。 Carillon deserves better。〃
 Keougb pressed his hands against me table and rose。 He was
 unarmed save for a sheathed knife at his belt; but he did not
 reach for it。
 〃I warn you; shapechanger。 I am not an easy man to slay。〃
 Duncan smiled grimly。 〃You will not be slain this night; my lord。 It is not your tahlmorra。 It would not serve the prophecy。〃
 Keough's red brows lanced down。 〃What mean you?〃
 〃Nothing; save I desire Carillon's release。〃
 〃Your price for leaving me alive?〃 Keough laughed。 〃What
 if I refuse?〃
 Duncan shrugged。 〃I have said you will not die this night。 I have never lied。 Even to my enemies。〃
 The huge Atvian lord smiled。 〃I give you nothing; shapechanger。
 What you will have; you must take。〃
 Alix sensed the billowing of the doorflap behind and turned quickly; expecting an Atvian guard。 But instead she saw a familiar silver wolf; and Finn beside him。
 He grinned at her。 〃So; meijha; you will do for yourself what you cannot convince us to do。〃
 〃I asked;〃 she said tightly。 〃You would not e。〃
 〃Enough;〃 Duncan said softly。
 Thorne burst through the draped pavilion entrance; sword drawn and raised to slash its way into flesh and bone。 Finn spun noiselessly and drew his knife; knocking the blade away。 Thorne fell sprawling to the ground; a Cheysuli knife pressed against his throat as Finn knelt by him。
 Duncan looked solemnly at Keough。 〃Your son's life; my lord; in exchange for Carillon's release。〃
 Keough spat out an Atvian oath between his teeth and grabbed up the keys from an open chest。 He flung mem at Duncan。
 Alix followed Duncan's silent order and left the pavilion。 Duncan followed her out; leaving Finn and Storr to keep the Atvian rulers contained。
 〃Where is he?〃 Duncan asked。
 〃By the horses。 Duncan+〃
 〃We will speak of it another time。〃
 Alix winced。 〃What else could I do?〃
 〃We will speak of it another time。〃
 She stopped to protest; then became aware of the odd stillness shrouding the encampment。 She realized not a single Atvian or Solindish soldier moved against the Cheysuli invaders。
 Alix turned puzzled eyes on Duncan。 〃What have you done?〃
 He smiled grimly。 〃We have used the third gift of the gods; Alix。 We could not force all into submission; but we found the captains and took their minds from them for a time。 They; in turn; do as we ordered; and keep the mon soldiers from fighting。 The Homanan captives have been freed。〃
 She drew back a step。 〃By the gods。。。 you are so powerful?〃
 〃It is a thing we rarely do。 It takes the spirit from a man; and that is a thing no Cheysuli would do if there were another way。〃 His eyes were reproving。 〃You have brought this about; cheysula。〃
 Her hands clenched into fists。 〃I would do the same for you!〃 she burst out。 〃For you I would give my life。 How can you deny me this for Carillon?〃
 He sighed and jangled the keys against his leg。 〃Alix; we will speak of this later。 You have forced me to free the prince; so let me be about it。 Do you e?〃
 She started to walk on; then stopped stiffly and turned back。
 〃The boy!〃
 〃What boy?〃
 〃Rowan。〃 She gestured at the post and saw the boy was
 gone。 〃He was there。 Tied。 I freed him。〃 She frowned。 〃I
 thought he had not the strength to leave this place。〃 Alix's face
 cleared。 〃But if he is Cheysuli+〃
 Duncan took her arm。 〃e; cheysula。 If the boy is free; it is fortunate for him。〃
 She went with him to Carillon。
 The prince still sat in the tumbril; legs drawn up。 Moonlight spilled across the iron on his legs and hands; illuminating the drawn hollows around his eyes。 When he saw Alix he shifted forward; ignoring the clank of chain。
 〃You are safe'〃
 She smiled and slid a quick sideways glance at Duncan。
 〃Aye; I am。〃
 Carillon blinked in surprise as he saw the Cheysuli warrior。 Then a wariness came into his face。 〃What have you e for; shapechanger?〃
 Duncan regarded Carillon solemnly。 〃I lost something; my lord… I came to recover it。〃 He spread his hands。 〃But while I am here; I may as well see to your welfare。 My foolish cheysula has forced me to do her bidding。〃
 Carillon nearly smiled。 Alix saw the struggle in his face as he tried to keep his emotional distance from the Cheysuli… But his relief and good nature won out。
 〃She is a foolish woman。 I told her so when first she appeared; but she would have none of it。〃 He shrugged。 〃Women are willful creatures。〃
 Duncan lost his solemnity and grinned。 〃Aye; especially this one。 I think it is the royalty in her。〃
 Carillon laughed。 Alix; disgruntled by the amusement in them
 both at her expense; glared at Duncan;
 〃Have you brought the keys for nothing; Duncan? See to your prince!〃
 Duncan banished his smile but not the glint in his eyes。 He bent and unlocked the leg shackles。 Then he unlocked the heavy bands around his wrists。
 The iron fell away。 Alix hissed as she saw the raw wounds ringing Carillon's wrists; as if he still wore the shackles。 Care…fully he stretched out his hands and tried to work them。
 Duncan stopped him。 〃Do not。 If you will suffer it; 1 can take away the pain when we are free of this place。〃 His eyes were very watchful。 〃Will you suffer it?〃
 Carillon sighed。 〃It seems 1 must。 Alix has chastised me for my unremitting distrust of your race。 Perhaps it is time  listened toner。〃
 A glow came into Duncan's eyes。 〃If she has caused you to reconsider the feelings most Homanans hold for us; then her foolishness has some merit。〃
 〃Duncan!〃 she cried in frustration。
 His brows lifted as he turned to her。 〃Well; it was foolishness。 First you left me Keep; where 1 ordered you to remain; then you joined us when I would have you go back; and now you have e into an enemy camp。 What else am I to think of your behavior?〃
 Alix took a deep bream and glared at him; hands on hips。
 〃My behavior is mine to do。 It has nothing to do with you。 Because I have wed you according to your barbaric shapechanger custom and carry your halfling child does not mean you have the ordering of me。〃
 〃Alix!〃 Carillon cried… He looked first at Duncan; then at her。 After a moment he looked back at Duncan。 〃Does she always speak this way?〃
 〃When it seats her。 I have not found her a diplomatic cheysu。〃
 Alix scowled at him。
 Carillon shook his head slowly。 〃No; I think not。 I had not
 known of her sharp tongue。〃 He grinned suddenly。 〃Well; that
 is not entirely true。 I recall her words when I destroyed her garden。〃
 Alix shoved her hair back from her face。 〃I begin to wish I had not e。〃
 Carillon frowned at her。 〃Who cut off your hair?〃
 Carillon; astonished; looked at the warrior… 〃Why?〃
 Duncan's mouth twisted。 〃She required a lesson。〃 He dropped the keys and stretched out his hand。 〃e; my lord; it is time we took you from this place。〃
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