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 He opened his mouth to deny it; then refrained。 He saw the bleakness in her eyes and the weariness of her movements as she shifted into a more fortable position。 Carillon put a long arm out and drew her against his chest。
 〃Alix; I have said it does not matter。〃
 〃You are the heir;〃 she said softly。 〃It must matter。〃
 〃Until I am the Mujhar; what I believe does not matter at
 And when you are the Mujhar; will you slay my kin? she
 In the morning Duncan led Carillon's chestnut warhorse to them。 Alix looked from the horse to the clan…leader and marked his solemn expression。 Finn; standing with him; smiled at her suggestively。 Alix colored and ignored him; watching Duncan instead。
 〃You rode well enough yesterday; my lord;〃 he said quietly。
 〃You have our leave to go。 Finn will acpany you。〃
 Carillon glared at him。 〃I can find my own way back; shapechanger。〃
 Duncan's lips twitched。 〃I have no doubt of that。 But the Cheysuli have spent twenty…five years fleeing the unnatural wrath of the Mujhar; and we would be foolish indeed to lead his heir to our new home。 Finn will see you do not follow us to the Keep。〃
 Carillon reddened with anger but ignored the Cheysuli's dry tone。 He took the scarlet leather reins from Duncan and turned to Alix。
 〃You may ride in the saddle before me。〃
 Duncan stepped swiftly between the horse and Alix as she moved to mount。 His eyes were flat and hard。 〃You remain with us。〃
 〃You cannot force me to stay!〃 she said angrily。 〃I nave
 listened to your words; and I respect them; but I will not go with
 you。 My home is with my father;〃
 〃Your home is with your father's people。〃
 Alix felt herself grow cold。 Without thought she had spoken of Torrin; but the clan…leader reminded her; in a single sentence; she was no longer a simple Homanan croft…girl。
 She steadied her breath with effort。 〃I want to go with Carillon。〃
 His hawk earring swung as he shook his head。 〃No。〃
 Finn laughed at her。 〃You cannot wish to leave us so soon; rujholla。 You have hardly learned our names。 There is much more for you to leam of the clan。〃
 〃I am still half Homanan。〃 she said steadily。 〃And free of any man's bidding save my father's。〃 She challenged Duncan with a defiant glance。 〃I will go with Carillon。〃
 The prince moved beside her; setting a possessive hand on her
 shoulder。 〃By your own words you have said she is my cousin。 I
 will have her with me in Homana…Mujhar。 You cannot deny her that。〃
 Finn raised his brows curiously。 〃Can we not? Your fates were decided in Council last night; while you slept。 It was my position we should keep you both; forcing you to see we are not me demons you believe; but I was overruled。 My rujholli would have you returned safely to your uncle; who will send guardsmen to strike us down。〃 He shrugged。 〃Some even believed you would be won to the belief we are only men; like yourself; did you spend time with us; but I think you would only plan to harm us how you could。〃 Finn smiled humorlessly。 〃What would you have done; princeling; had you stayed with us?〃
 Carillon's ringers dug into Alix's shoulder。 〃I would have found my escape; shapechanger; and made my way back to Mujhara。 You have the right of it。 I would aid my kinsman in setting troops after you。〃
 〃At the risk of her life?〃 Finn asked softly。
 Alix shivered。 Carillon's hand dropped to his sword hilt。
 〃You will not harm her; shapechanger。〃
 〃We do not harm our own;〃 Duncan said coldly。 〃But does Shaine bid his men spare the life of a single CheysuU? They are not discriminating men。 If you allow them to follow us and attack; you risk the girt。〃
 〃Then let me go;〃 Alix said。 〃Perhaps the Mujhar would not send his troops。〃
 〃Alix!〃 Carillon said sharply。
 Finn grinned cynically。 〃Do you see; meijha; what manner of man your princeling is? Yet he would have you believe we arc the bloodthirsty demons。 I say it was the Homanans who began the qu'mahlin and me Homanans who perpetuate it。 It was none of Cheysuli doing。〃
 〃No more of this!〃 Alix cried。 〃No more!〃
 Carillon stepped from her and drew his sword hissing from its
 sheath。 He stood before them with the massive blade gleaming;
 clenched in both hands。 Alix saw the ruby wink redly in the
 sunlight; then drew in her breath。 Down the blade ran runic
 symbols very similar to those on Duncan's bow…
 〃You do not take her;〃 Carillon said softly。 〃She es with roe。〃
 Finn crossed both arms over his chest and waited silently; armbands flashing in the light。 Alix; frozen in place; felt an odd slowing of time。 Carillon stood next to her with blade bared; feet planted; his size alone warning enough to any man。 Yet Duncan stood calmly before the weapon as if it did not concern him in the least。
 Her skin contracted with foreboding。 Will I see a man die this day because of me? She swallowed heavily; wishing she could look away and knowing she could not。 Lindir's actions set the purge into motion; if I dm truly her daughter; does this not add to it?
 Duncan smiled oddly。 〃You had best recall the maker of that blade; my lord。〃
 Finn's teem showed in a feral smile。 〃A Cheysuli blade ever knows its first master。〃
 Alix looked again at the runes on the sword; transfixed by their alien shapes and the implications of them。
 Carillon held his ground。 〃You do not even use swords yourselves; shapechanger!〃
 Finn shrugged。 〃We prefer to give men a close death。 A sword does not serve us。 We fight with knives。〃 He paused; glancing at Alix。 〃Knives。。。 and fir…shape。〃
 〃Then what of your bows?〃 Carillon snapped。
 〃They were for hunting; originally;〃 Duncan said lightly。
 〃Then the Mujhars of Homana began requiring our services in
 war; and we learned to use them against men。〃 His yellow eyes
 were implacable。 〃When the qu'mahlin began; we used them
 against those we once served;〃
 Finn moved forward; so close to Carillon the tip of the broad…sword rested against his throat。 〃Use it;〃 he taunted in a whisper。 〃Use it; princeling。 Strike home; if you can。〃
 Carillon did not move; as if puzzled by the invitation。 Alix; sickened by the tensions; bit at her bottom lip。
 Finn smiled and put his hand on the blade。 His browned fingers rested lightly on the finely honed edges。 〃Tell me; my lord; whom Hale's sword will answer。 The heir of the man who began the qu'mahlin; or Hale's only blood…son?〃
 〃Finn;〃 Duncan said softly。 Alix thought he sounded re…proachful。
 Her fingers twined themselves into the folds of her yellow skirts; scraping against the rough woolen fabric。 She knew she would see Finn die; even with his hand on the blade the warrior could never keep Carillon from striking him down。 She owed no kindness to Finn; who had stolen her so rudely; but neither did she wish to see him struck down before her eyes。 The sour taste of fear filled her mouth。
 〃Carillon。。。〃 she begged。 She swallowed back me constriction in her throat。 〃Do you begin your uncle's work already?〃
 〃As I can;〃 he said grimly。
 Finn's fingers on me blade shifted slightly。 Alix thought he
 would drop me hand and move into a defensive posture; but he
 did not。 Before she could cry out he twisted the sword aside 
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