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ough their brief acquaintanceship; though she had never thought them possible。 Now she could not prehend it。 The revelation of her ancestry destroyed the roots she had depended on。
 〃I will wed a princess; one day;〃 he said lightly; 〃to get heirs for me throne。 But princes have mistresses often enough。〃
 She heard the echo of Duncan's voice in her mind; explaining the casual Cheysuli custom of wives and mistresses。 An open practice she could not prehend。
 Yet Carillon offers me much the same。。。 She shivered
 convulsively。 Who has the right of it the Cheysuli or the Homanans?
 She carefully freed her hand from his and met his blue eyes。
 〃I cannot say; Carillon。 We are not even free of this place yet。〃
 He started to say something; but Finn's approach drove him into silence。 Carillon glared at the Cheysuli warrior; who merely laughed mockingly。 Then Finn turned to Alix。
 〃Will you ride with me; rujhoila
 She noted the change of address and felt a mixture of gratitude and resentment。 She would acknowledge no blood relationship to him; nor would she accept the sort of physical mitment he wanted from her。
 She moved closer to Carillon。 〃I ride with the prince。〃
 〃And likely have him fall off the horse from in front of you。〃
 Carillon glared at him。 〃I will keep to my horse; shapechanger。〃
 Finn's earring winked as he laughed。 〃You had better change your name for us; princeling; or you insult your cousin as well。〃
 〃You seek to do that; not him!〃 Alix snapped。
 He grinned at her; then shot a mocking glance at Carillon。。 〃Have you forgot? You have gained more than just your light woman as a cousin this day。 You also have kin among the rest of us。〃
 〃Kin among you?'* Carillon asked disparagingly。
 〃Aye;〃 Finn said equably。 〃Myself。 She is my rujholla; princeling; though only by half。 But it makes you and I cousins; of a sort。〃 He laughed。 〃I am kin to Homana's prince; who would serve his Uege lord by slaying us all。 But to do that you would have to slay her; would you not?〃
 Color surged into Carillon's face。 〃If I slay any shapechanger; it will be you。 I leave the rest to my uncle the Mujhar。〃
 〃Carillon!〃 Alix said; horrified。
 Finn laughed at them both; spreading his hands。 〃Do you see; princeling? What you say of us concerns her。 Beware your intentions; do you seek to keep her safe。〃
 Carillon's hand dropped to the heavy sword belted at his hips;
 Alix was still amazed the Cheysuli had let him keep it。 But he did not draw the blade。 Finn smiled at them both and walked away; calling to another warrior in the Old Tongue。
 〃He only seeks to goad you;〃 Alix said softly。 〃To satisfy his own craving for a place。〃
 Carillon glanced at her in surprise。 Then he smiled。 〃Do you prophesy for me; Alix? Can you see into my heart as well as his?〃
 Inwardly she flinched away from the reference to sorcery; and
 that at her own mand。 〃No。 I only say what I feel in him。 As for you。。。*' She hesitated; then smiled。 *'I think you will be Mujhar; one day。〃
 He laughed at her and pulled her into his arms; lifting her into the air。 〃Alix; I thank the gods I rode my warhorse through your garden that day! Else I would not have you sharing such wisdom with me。〃
 She grinned down at him; delighting in the feelings spilling through her body。 His hands on her waist were firm and sure; possessive; betraying no signs of weakness from the wolf…wound。 Alix let one hand curve itself around his neck; tangling in his tawny hair。
 〃And did I not share my wisdom with you when you trampled all my fine young plants?〃
 He spun her again; then set her down with a rueful grin。
 〃Aye; that you did。 You near made me ashamed of my birth。〃
 Alix laughed at him。 〃Even a prince can manage to go around a garden when his prey avoids it。 I cared little for the fine clothes you wore or me gold you threw at me to pay for the damage。〃 She lifted her head haughtily; mimicking the actions of a high…born court lady。 〃I cannot be bought; my lord prince; for all you are heir of Homana。〃
 〃But can you be won?〃 he asked steadily。
 Her smile faded。 She averted her face。 〃If I can be won。 it is something left to me to discover。 I cannot say。〃
 〃I cannot say。 Carillon。〃
 Duncan came up before Carillon could speak again。 He led a bay horse and carried the oddly pact bow he had polished tile evening before。 Carillon; looking sharply at it; sucked in his breath。
 Duncan frowned at him。 〃My lord?〃
 〃Your bow。〃
 The Cheysuli held it up。 〃This? It is not so much。 I have better at the Keep。 This is for raiding and hunting; and expendable。〃
 〃But it is still a Cheysuli bow;〃 Carillon said seriously… 〃I have heard of them all my life。〃
 Duncan smiled briefly and held it out。 〃Here。 But keep in mind it is not the best I have made。〃
 Carillon disregarded the modest statement and took the bow almost reverently; fingering his enemy's weapon。 It was finely crafted; age…polished hardwood。 The grip was laced with leather to cushion a man's palm。 Odd runic symbols ran from top to bottom; winding around the bow like a serpent。
 Carillon looked at Duncan。 〃You know what is said of a Cheysuli bow。〃
 Duncan smiled ironically。 〃That an arrow loosed by one cannot miss。 But that is all it is; my lord; a legend。〃 His eyes narrowed in cynicism。 〃Though it serves us well。 If Shaine's troops fear a Cheysuli bow; it is all the better for us。〃
 〃Do you say a man can miss with this bow?〃
 Duncan laughed。 〃Any arrow can miss its mark。 It is only rare for a Cheysuli to loose one with poor aim。〃 His smile faded into implacability。 〃It es from fighting for survival; my lord。 When you are hunted down like a be plagued animal by the Mujhar's guardsmen; you leam to fight back how you can。〃
 Carillon's face tautened。 〃The legend of these bows was known before the purge; shapechanger。〃
 Duncan's mouth twisted。 〃Then let us say the skill was refined by it; prince。〃
 Carillon thrust out the bow。 Duncan took it without ment and looked at Alix。 〃It is time to go。 Will you ride with me?〃
 Her head lifted。 〃I told your brother ride with the prince。〃
 Duncan handed the reins of the bay horse to Carillon。。 〃Your warhorse will be returned when you are better; my lord。 For now you may have mine。〃
 Carillon mounted silently。 Before Alix could attempt a scrambling mount Duncan lifted her up behind the Cheysuli saddle。 She looked down into his impassive eyes and felt a faint tug of familiarity。 But he walked away before she could question it。
 Finn; mounted on a dun…colored horse; rode up beside them。 〃Should the princeling falter before you; rujholta; I will be more than happy to take you onto my horse。〃
 Alix looked directly into his angular; mocking face and said nothing at all; ignoring him as pointedly as she could。
 Finn merely grinned and fell into place before them。 The journey was begun。
 Chapter Six
 The long ride took the heart from Alix as she clung to Carillon…
 She drooped dispiritedly against his broad back; longing for
 respite from the steady motion of the horse。 Whenever Finn rode
 by she straightened and arranged her face into an expression of
 determined spirit; but when he left them she re
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