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 〃So it will sound good; you moron。〃
 〃Who could tell the difference? Have you ever listened to country…and…coal…mining music? Or Aqua Regia and her Plutonium Pals?〃
 〃Point taken。 So we get this group together and publicize them well so all Liokukae knows about them…〃
 〃And has heard their music…〃
 〃And wants to hear more。 On tour。 Which is impossible。 The planet is quarantined。〃
 〃That is the beauty of my plan; Admiral。 When the publicity peaks; and the fame of the group is galaxy…wide; that is when the Rats will mit some crime so awful that they will instantly be shipped off to this prison planet。 Where they will be received with great enthusiasm。 And no suspicion。 Where they will investigate and find the alien artifact and get it back so I can have the antidote。 One other thing。 Before we start operations I will need three million Interstellar Credits。 In coins that have been newly minted here。〃
 〃No way;〃 he snarled。 〃Funds will be supplied as needed。〃
 〃You missed the point。 That is my fee for conducting this operation。 All operating expenses are on top of that。 Pay up or else。〃
 〃Or else what?〃
 〃Or else I die in twenty…nine days and the operation dies and you get a black mark on your service record。〃
 Self…interest prodded him into an instant decision。 〃Why not。 Those financially overburdened academics can afford it and not even notice it。 I'll get that list for you。〃
 He unclipped his phone from his belt; shouted a multi…digit number into it; then barked some brief mands。 Before I had finished my coffee the printer hummed to life in the office; sheets of paper began to pile up in the bin。 We went through them and ticked off a number of possibilities。 There were no names; just code numbers。 When this was done I passed the list back to the Admiral。
 〃We'll need plete files on all the marked ones。〃
 〃That is classified and secret information。〃
 〃And you are the Admiral and you can get it。〃
 〃I'll get it…and censor it。 There is no way I am going to let you know any details of my Security Department。〃
 〃Keep your secrets…I couldn't care less。〃 Which was of course an outright lie。 〃Give them code names as well as numbers; conceal their identities。 All I want to know is their musical abilities; and will they be any good in the field when the going gets rough。〃
 This took a bit of time。 I went for a long jog to loosen the muscles。 Then; while my clothes were being zapped clean in the vacuum washer; I took a hot shower followed by a cold one。 I made a mental note to get some more clothes soon…but not until this operation was up and running。 There was no escaping that deadly clock that was ticking off the seconds to doomsday。
 〃Here is the list;〃 the Admiral said when I entered the office。 〃No names; just numbers。 Male agents are identified by the letter A and 。 。 。〃
 〃Let me guess…the females are B?〃
 A growl was his only response; he pletely lacked any sense of humor。 I flipped through the list。 Slim pickings among the ladies who ran the gamut from B1 to B4。 Pipe…organ player; not very likely; harmonica; tuba…and a singer。
 〃I'll need a photograph of B3。 And what do these other entries after B1 mean? 19T; 908L; and such。〃
 〃Code;〃 he said; grabbing the sheet away from me。 〃It translates as skilled in hand…to…hand bat; qualified marksman on hand weapons; six years in the field。 And the rest is none of your business。〃
 〃Thanks; wonderful; you're a big help。 I sure could use her but not if she has to carry the pipe organ on her back。 Now let us make some selections from the male list and get the photos ing。 Except for this one; A19。 No photograph…I just want him here soonest; in the flesh。〃。
 〃Because he is a percussionist and plays a molecular synthezier。 Since I know next to nothing about music he is going to teach me my job in this pickup band。 A19。 will show me the ropes; then record the numbers and set up the machines to play the different hunks of music。 I'll just smile and press buttons。 Speaking of machines…does your highly secret service have electronic repair facilities on this planet?〃
 〃That is classified information。〃
 〃Everything about this operation is classified。 But I'll still need to do some electronic work。 Here or someplace else。 All right?〃
 〃Facilities will be made available。〃
 〃Good。 And tell me…what is a gastrophone; or a bagpipe?〃
 〃I haven't the slightest idea。 Why?〃
 〃Because they are listed here as musical skills or instruments or something。 I'll need to know。〃
 Lubricated by all the credits from the university; manned by the Admiral's minions; the machinery of my plan began to churn into high gear。 The League did have an outpost on this planet … disguised as an interstellar shipping firm…which contained a fully equipped machine shop and electronic facilities。
 The fact that they gave me full use of everything meant that it would undoubtedly vanish as soon as this operation was over。 While the auditions were being arranged; agent A19 was sent for by the fastest … transportation available。 He appeared; slightly glassy…eyed; later that same afternoon。
 〃You are known to me only by the code reference A19。 Could you give me a slightly better name to call you by? And it doesn't have to be your own。〃
 He was a big man with a big jaw; which he rubbed as he kicked his brain into action。 that's my cousin's name。 Call me Zach。〃
 〃Right on; Zach。 You have quite a musical record。〃
 〃You betcha。 I worked my way through college playing in the band。 Still do a gig or two from time to time。〃
 〃Then you have the job。 You must now sally forth with an open checkbook and buy the best; most expensive and plex hunks of electronic music making that you can find。 And they have to be the most pact and microminiaturized ones going。 Bring them back and I'll make it all smaller since everything we bring with us has to be carried on our backs。 If you。 can't find it on this planet use galactic mail order。 Spend! The more you spend the better。〃
 His eyes glowed with musical fervor。 〃Do you mean that?〃
 〃Absolutely。 Check with Admiral Benbow who will authorize all expenses。 Go!〃
 He went; and the auditions began。 I draw a veil over the more repulsive details of the next two days。 Apparently musical ability and military service were mutually inpatible for the most part。 I whittled away and the list grew smaller with great rapidity。 I had hoped for a large band…now it appeared that I had a tiny bo。
 〃This is it; Admiral;〃 I said; passing over the abbreviated list。 〃We will have to make up in quality what we lack in quantity。 It is going to be me and these three others。〃
 He frowned。 〃Will it be enough?〃
 〃Going to have to be。 The discards may be great operators but I will dream about their sounds for years。 In my nightmares。 So take the survivors aside; tell them about me and the assignment。 I'll meet them after lunch in the audition room。〃
 I was setting glasses and bottles of refreshment on the table when the four of them trooped in。 In step!
 〃First lesson!〃 I shouted。 〃Think civilian。 Anything that even resembles the military will get us all quickly dead。 Now have you all talked to the Admiral? Everyone is nodding; good; good
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