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 We walked side by side down the wide hall with its framed portraits of heroes。 My panion smiled warmly in my direction。 Pulling his gun a bit out of the holster at the same time; then letting it slide back。
 〃You do understand that if you breathe one word about our conversation you will be no more than a grease spot on the floor?〃
 〃pletely aware; thank you。 Absolute silence on that topic; yes; sir。 I will look at the artifact and explain its operation。 Nothing more。〃
 Maybe I was smiling on the outside…but I was pretty gloomy on the inside。 Jim; you are getting yourself in deeper than a porcuswine in a mudhole。 A depressing thought…and a true one。 But I really had no choice。
 It was quite a long walk and I was getting tired again。 When all this was over…of it were ever over…I promised myself a nice long holiday。 Head…up; Jim! Think positive and get ready to improvise。
 A last door opened and we were in what was obviously a laboratory。 plete with control boards; power cables; bubbling retorts and aged scientists in white smocks。 There was a lot of loyal fist…smacking on chests when the leader appeared。 Salutes that he returned with the merest tap of his own loosely clenched fist。 They moved respectfully back to give us access to a lab bench。 On it; now sprouting wires and connections to the surrounding test gear; was the alien artifact。 I clapped my brow and staggered。
 〃What are you cretins doing with the cagleator!〃 I shouted。 〃We are all dead if you have actuated it!〃
 〃No; no…not that!〃 an ;elderly scientist cackled。 Then shut up and looked fearfully at the mander who sneered in return。
 〃You are all morons。 Now tell this Outsider what you have done;〃; he ordered。 〃He is the ;one who knows what the' device can do。〃
 〃Thank you; thank you! Of course; as you have ordered。〃; The wrinkly turned back to。 me with shaking hands and pointed a quavering finger。 〃We have only X…rayed the device and charted the circuitry。 Very plex; as you know。 There vas; however 。 。 。〃 he began to sweat; looking about unhappily; 〃a reaction of some kind。 when we attempted to test the circuitry。〃
 〃A reaction? If you have made a mistake the world has just ended! Show me。〃
 〃No; not a big。 reaction。 Just that it absorbed electricity from our test circuit。 We were: not aware of this at first…and we instantly terminated the test when we saw what was happening。〃
 〃And just what did you sees happening?〃 The mander asked; voice like a file on rough steel。
 〃That; sir; we saw that。 A cover of some kind fell away disclosing this recess。 And 。。 the lights。 That is all。 just lights 。 。 。〃
 Fascinated; we all leaned forward to look。 Yes; there was the recess。 And inside it there' were four little blobs of light。 Green; red; orange and white。
 〃What is the significance of this?〃 my inquisitor asked; fingers strumming on the gunbutt。
 〃Nothing important;〃 I sand; stifling a yawn at the unimportance of it all。 〃The test circuitry is simply testing the circuits of your test circuitry。〃
 I poked out a casual finger… towards。 the glowing lights and found the barrel of his weapon grinding into my side。
 〃That sounds like absolute waffle to me。 The truth; now; or you are dead。〃
 There are seconds that sometimes ;appear to stretch for a length of time bordering on eternity。 This was one of those occasions。 The mander glared at me。 I tried to look innocent: The scientists; slack…jawed; looked at him。 The Killerbot waited in the doorway and clanked to itself; hissing steam and probably wishing that it was killing something。 Time stood still and eternity hovered close by。
 I had very few options open。
 Like none。
 〃The truth is 。 。 。〃 I said。 And could not go on。 What could I 。possibly say that would impress this maniac in any way? At this moment there was a great explosion and pieces of Killerbot Banked and rattled in through the door。
 As you…u might imagine this really did draw everyone's attention。 As did the voice that rang out an instant later。
 And there was Floyd at the open door; brandishing an impressive weapon of some kind。 Fido has done its job and freed him。 He had polished off the Killerbot and was now taking the action from there。
 The mander swung his weapon around; raised it; ready to fire。
 I did not drop as instructed because I was possessed by a hallucinatory moment of madness。 I had been pushed around too much of late and suddenly; overwhelmingly; felt like doing a little pushing back。
 The lights in the artifact glowed their wele and my finger punched out in their direction。
 To do what?
 To touch one of the beckoning colored lights; of course。
 Which one?
 What color meant what to the ancient aliens who had built this thing;
 I had no idea。
 But green had always meant go to me。
 Cackling hysterically I stabbed down on the green
 Apparently nothing happened。 I pulled my finger back and looked at the lights。 Then at The mander and his drawn gun; wondering why he hadn't used it。
 Then looked at him again。 And saw that he wasn't moving。 I mean just not moving in the slightest。 I mean like paralyzed。 Petrified。 Glassy…eyed and frozen。
 As was everyone else in the room。 Floyd stood in the doorway; gun raised and mouth open in an endless shout。 Behind him; for the first time; I noticed an unmoving Fido。
 The world was a freeze…frame and I was the only one not trapped in it。 I was surrounded by people stopped in the act of speaking; walking; moving。 Off…balance; hands raised; mouths gaping。 Now stilled; silent…dead?
 I started towards The mander; to relieve him of his gun…saw that his finger was tight on the trigger! But with each step I felt the air resisting my movement; growing firm; then more solid until it was like walking into an unyielding wall。 Nor could I breathe…the air was a thick liquid that I could not force into my lungs。
 Panic grew and grabbed me…then died away just as quickly when I stepped back。 I felt normal again。 Air was air and I breathed in and out quite nicely。
 〃Put the mind in gear; Jim!〃 I shouted at myself; my words loud in the surrounding silence。 〃Something is happening…but what? Something happened after you touched the green light。 Something to do with the artifact。〃
 I stared at it。 Tapped it with my knuckles。 Groped about for inspiration。 Found it。
 〃Tachyons! This thing emits them…we know that because that is how Aida tracked it in the first place。 Tachyons…the units of time 。 。 。〃
 The device was now functioning…I had turned it on when I had pressed the light。 Green for go。 Go where?
 Stasis or speed。 Either I had been speeded up or the world had slowed down。 Or how could I tell the difference? From my point of view everything seemed to have slowed and stopped。 The artifact had done something; projected a temporal field or stopped the motion of molecules。 Or had created an occurrence that froze the surrounding world in a single moment of time。 Time had e to a stop everywhere that I could see…except in the close vicinity of the device。 I moved even closer and patted it。
 〃Good little time machine。 Time mover; slower; halter; stopper…whatever you are。 Neat trick。 But what do I do next?〃
 It chose 
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