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 〃None。 But that is the law。 I will have to interview you now to enable me to conduct your defense at the trial。〃
 〃This is madness…I'll be dead?〃
 〃That is correct。 But it is the law。〃 He turned to the Colonel。 〃I must be alone with my client。 That is also the law。〃
 〃You have ten minutes; no longer。〃
 〃That will suffice。 Admit my assistant in five minutes。 He has the court papers and the will。〃
 The door thunked shut and Narcoses opened his briefcase and took out a plastic bottle filled with a greenish liquid。 He removed the top and handed it to me。
 〃Drink this; all of it。 I'll hold the gun。〃
 I handed him the weapon; took the bottle; smelled it and coughed。 〃Horrible。 Why should I drink it?〃
 〃Because I told you to。 It is of vital importance and you have no choice。〃
 Which was true…and what difference would it make anyway?
 I gulped it down。 The champagne had tasted a lot better。
 〃I will now explain;〃 he said; recapping the bottle and putting it back into his briefcase。 〃You have just drunk a thirty…day poison。 This is a puter…generated plex of toxins that are neutral now…but which will kill you horribly in exactly thirty days if you are not given the antidote。 Which is also puter…generated and impossible to duplicate。〃
 He jumped back quite smartly when I leaped at him。 But the chain on my ankle would not quite reach。 My fingers snapped ineffectually just in front of his throat。
 〃If you will cease clawing at the air I will explain;〃 Narcoses said with an air of weary sophistication。 Had he done this kind of thing before I wondered? I folded my arms and stepped back。
 〃Much better。 Although I am a lawyer licensed to practice on this planet; I am also a representative of the Galactic League。〃
 〃Wonderful。 The Paskonjakians want to drown me…you poison me。 I thought this was a galaxy of peace?〃
 〃You are wasting time。 I am here to free you; under certain conditions。 The League has need of a criminal。 One who is both skilled and reliable。 Which is an oxymoron。 You have proved your criminalistic ability by your almost…successful theft。 The poison guarantees your reliability。 Do I assume that you will cooperate? At the minimum you have a life extension of thirty days。〃
 〃Yes; sure; you're on。 Not that I have a choice。〃
 〃You don't。〃 He looked at the watch set into his little fingernail and stepped aside as the door opened。 A chubby; bearded youth came in with a sheaf of papers。
 〃Excellent;〃 Narcoses said。 〃You have the will?〃 The young man nodded。 The door was closed and sealed again。
 〃Five minutes;〃 Narcoses said。
 The newer pulled down a zipper that sealed his onepiece suit。 Took off the suit…and a lot of flesh with it。 The suit was padded。 He was not fat at all; but lean and muscular quite like me。 When he peeled off the fake beard I realized that he looked exactly like me。 I blinked rapidly as I stared at my own face。
 〃Only four minutes left diGriz。 Put on the suit。 I'll fix the beard。〃
 The well…built and handsome stranger pulled on my discarded robe。 Stepped aside when Narcoses took a key from his pocket; bent and unlocked the restraining cuff on my ankle。 f landed it to the other who emotionlessly bent and snapped it t(》 Isis own ankle。
 〃Why…why are you doing this?〃 I asked him。
 He said nothing; just leaned over to retrieve the gun。
 〃I'll need another bullet;〃 he said。 With my voice。
 〃The Colonel will supply it;〃 Narcoses said。 Then remembered something else he had said just moments ago;
 〃You called me diGriz。 You know my name?〃
 〃I know a lot more than that;〃 he said pressing the beard and mustache into position on my face。 〃Carry these papers。 Follow me out of here。 Keep your mouth shut。〃
 All of which I was very happy to do。 With one last look at my imprisoned self I trotted forth to freedom。
 I trotted behind Narcoses; clutching the papers and trying to think bearded and fat。 The guards were ignoring us; watching instead with sadistic fascination as one of their number started to close the watertight door。
 〃Wait;〃 the Colonel said; opening a small box and taking out a cartridge。 He looked up as I passed; stared me straight in the face。 I felt perspiration bursting from my pores。 The momentary glance must have lasted about a subjective hour。 Then he kept on turning and called out to the guard。
 〃Open that again you idiot? I load the gun then you close the door。 When that has been done this business will be over with once and for all。〃
 We turned a corner and the noxious group vanished from sight behind us。 Silently; as ordered; I followed the lawyer through many a guarded portal; into an elevator; out of it and then through one final door; escaping the Mint at last。 Letting out a great sigh of relief as we went past the armed guards and headed for the waiting ground car。
 〃Silence? Into the car。 Speak to me in the office about a salary raise…not before。〃
 Narcoses must know things that I didn't。 Detector bugs in the ornamental trees we were passing? Acoustic microphones aimed our way? I realized now that my carefully planned crime had apparently been a disaster from the moment I had conceived it。
 The driver was silent as a tomb…and about as attractive。 I watched the buildings stream by; then the outskirts of the city appeared。 We drove on until we reached a small building in a leafy suburb。 The front door opened as we approached; then closed behind us apparently without human intervention。 The same thing happened to the inner door which was tastefully labeled with jewel…studded gold letters PEDERASTS NARCOSES Attorney at Laws。 It closed silently and I wheeled about and pointed a menacing finger at him。
 〃You knew about me even before I landed on this planet。〃
 〃Of course。 As soon as your false credentials were filed the investigation began。〃
 〃So you stood by and let me plot and plan and mit a crime and get sentenced to death…without making any attempt to interfere?〃
 〃That's right。〃
 〃That's criminal! More of a crime than my crime。〃
 〃Not really。 You were always going to be plucked out of that terminal swimming pool in any case。 We just wanted to see how well you did。〃
 〃How did I do?〃
 〃Very good…for a lad your age。 You got the job。〃
 〃Well good for me。 But what about my double…the bloke who took my place?〃
 〃That bloke; as you refer to him; is one of the finest and most expensive humanoid robots that money can afford。 Which money will not be wasted since the doctor who is now performing the postmortem is in our pay。 The incident is closed。〃'
 〃Wonderful;〃 I sighed; dropping limply onto the couch。 〃Look; can I get a drink? It has been a long day。 No spirits howevera beer will do fine。〃
 〃A capital idea。 I will join you。〃
 A tiny but well…stocked bar unfolded from one wall; the dispenser produced two chilled brews。 I gulped and smacked。
 〃Excellent。 If I have only thirty days to go shouldn't you be telling me about what you want me to do?〃
 〃In good time;〃 he said; sitting down across from me。 〃Captain Varod asked me to send his regards。 And to convey the message that he knee you were lying when you promised to give up a life of crime。〃
 〃So he had me watched?〃
 〃You're catching on。 Aft
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