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ll to cropping grass。 He had his own degrees of patience and was being accustomed to the oddities of human behavior。
 Later; when most of the coffee had boiled away; Jordan drank it; black and strong。
 She looked at him; her eyes soft in the gathering dusk。 〃You know one time I say I don't think you ever make it?〃
 〃I remember。〃
 〃Well。。。 now I think maybe you make it。〃
 She laughed then; a laugh teasing and tender; a soft laughter that lost itself with the campfire smoke in the brush along the canyon's wall。
 Louis L'Amour; born Louis Dearborn L'Amour; is of French…Irish descent。 Although Mr。 L'Amour claims his writing began as a 〃spur…of…the…moment thing;〃 prompted by friends who relished his verbal tales of the West; he es by his talent honestly。 A frontiersman by heritage (his grandfather was scalped by the Sioux); and a universal man by experience; Louis L'Amour lives the life of his fictional heroes。 Since leaving his native Jamestown; North Dakota; at the age of fifteen; he's been a longshoreman; lumberjack; elephant handler; hay stocker; flume builder; fruit picker; and an officer on tank destroyers during World War II。 And he's written four hundred short stories and over fifty books (including a volume of poetry)。
 Mr。 L'Amour has lectured widely; traveled the West thoroughly; studied archaeology; piled biographies of over one thousand Western gunfighters; and read prodigiously (his library holds more than two thousand volumes)。 And he's watched thirty…one of his westerns as movies。 He's circled the world on a freighter; mined in the West; sailed a dhow on the Red Sea; been shipwrecked in the West Indies; stranded in the Mojave Desert He's won fifty…one of fifty…nine fights as a professional boxer and pinch…hit for Dorothy Kilgallen when she was on vacation from her column。 Since 1816; thirty…three members of his family have been writers。 And; he says; 〃I could sit in the middle of Sunset Boulevard and write with my typewriter on my knees; temperamental I am not。〃
 Mr。 L'Amour is re…creating an 1865 Western town; christened Shalako; where the borders of Utah; Arizona; New Mexico; and Colorado meet Historically authentic from whistle to well; it will be a live; operating town; as well as a movie location and tourist attraction。
 Mr。 L'Amour now lives in Los Angeles with his wife Kathy; who helps with the enormous amount of research he does for his books。 Soon; Mr。 L'Amour hopes; the children (Beau and Angelique) will be helping too。


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