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wood in bloom but doubted his senses; for the season was late。 Yet many desert plants bloomed according to rainfall and with small regard for seasons。
 Maria Cristina came to the fire and accepted coffee from him。 Her face was somber; and she stood; feet apart; holding the cup in both hands。 〃It is quiet;〃 she said suddenly。 〃Yes 。。。 I like it here。〃
 She drank her coffee; then ate。 He gathered more firewood and then walked back up the trail to study the approaches by daylight。 Only two or three places offered access to the water and all were in full view of their camp site。
 From the top of the knoll he studied the surroundings。 There was a nearby mesa that offered danger but few approaches through the cactus barrier。 At the top of the knoll in a place he could work without being seen he assembled a few rocks into a low barrier。
 There was grass for the horse and they had food for several days。 They could wait
 Maria Cristina had washed their few dishes and had hot water on when he returned。 She was putting creosote leaves into the water and when they had steeped for some time she bathed her bruised face in the water。
 All day long they rested; sleeping much of the time。 Occasionally; from the top of the knoll; Jordan made a reconnaissance of the country around; always keeping himself under cover。 He could see but a short distance and in that distance there was nothing alive but the birds; who seemed very busy among the cacti。 Without doubt the Sutton…Bayless riders were somewhere around。 By this time they should be closing in。 The thought increased his restlessness but there would be nowhere that would offer them more than they had at present。
 Maria Cristina bathed her bruised face several times and in the late afternoon went into the thicket to find herbs that could be eaten to fill out their slender supply of food。
 At dusk Trace Jordan took his Winchester and worked his way to the top of the mesa where he sat for a long time; studying the country。 From there he could see for miles in all directions; yet it was not until he started to get up to return that he caught sight of the distant spot of red。
 Far beyond the limits of the cholla forest; it was without doubt a campfire。 And it would be ten or twelve miles away。 Catching the last of the fading light; he worked his way back down the mesa to the oasis。
 〃They're out there;〃 he said。
 〃We stay?〃
 〃If we don't move we won't make tracks。〃
 They did not have to worry about their own fire。 He knew the distance a blaze can be seen at night but their own camp was so deep in the canyon and so well surrounded by trees and brush that it could not be seen fifty yards off。 Their best chance was to sit tight
 She sat close by the fire; its light touching her somber face。 Some of the swelling had gone and the bruises were changing color。 Yet now she looked remote; lonely。
 〃What will you do?〃 he asked suddenly。 〃You cannot go back。〃
 She shrugged。
 〃Stay with me。〃
 She looked up; her eyes flashing; almost angry。 〃With you? For why? Why I go with you?〃
 〃You're my woman; Maria Cristina。〃
 〃I am nobody's woman。〃
 〃You're my woman。 Get used to the idea。〃
 She glared at him; then said contemptuously; 〃For why am I your woman? Because I help you? I do it for a dog。 All right 。。。 I am in trouble。 They hate me。 I hate them too。〃
 〃I'm not going to let you go; Maria。〃
 〃You have nothing to say if I go or stay。〃
 He got his bed roll and opened it out near the fire。 He stretched out; leaning on one elbow。 He fed small sticks into the fire and tried to find words to say what was in his mind。
 She could never go back now and because of him。 Because of him she was lost to her family and yet he knew it was no sense of obligation that made him feel as he did。
 It had been a long time since he had talked to women and words did not e easily to him and yet he knew; desperately; that he must find words to reach this woman。 He must make her realize that he loved her; that he really wanted her。 He thought of many things to say but they found no shape on his lips。 They all seemed empty and meaningless。
 He was learning that to speak of love is not easy when the feeling is deep and strong。
 She lifted her eyes suddenly and looked across the small fire at him。 〃You think because I e here with you that I am your woman? Well 。。。 I am not。〃
 〃I need you; Maria;〃
 〃You need me? You need a woman 。。。 any woman。 Then you ride…on。 Maybe sometime again you need a woman; you find one again。〃 She looked at him with a taunt in her eyes。 〃Anyway; I don't think you need a woman very often。〃
 He ignored the ment and relaxed。 〃Trouble is;〃 he mused; 〃I let you ride that horse。 I should have made you walk 。。。 all the way。〃
 He sat up and began to roll a smoke。 〃And I should have made you carry the pack too。〃
 She glared at him。 He took a stick from the fire and lighted his cigarette。 〃A good woman needs to work;〃 he said。 〃They're unhappy if they aren't working。 Keep 'em busy; that's what I say。〃
 〃You!〃 she said witheringly。 〃What do you know?〃
 He drew deep on the cigarette。 〃I know you're my woman; Maria Cristina。 Maybe I'll make you my woman tonight。〃
 〃Maybe you die。〃 She looked at him; her eyes fierce and proud。
 〃Sure;〃 he said; 〃my mistake was letting you ride。 If you had followed behind with a pack on your back you'd be happy now。 Next time we move; you walk。〃
 〃You think you strong!〃
 The moon had risen beyond the mesa and the cholla needles were like white flowers in the strange light; a beautiful white like a garden of flowers 。。。 a garden of death。 A bat dipped and darted through the air and out across the pool something splashed in the water。
 He rolled up on his elbow again。 〃Always figured to get myself a ranch。 Just a few cows and some horses。 Mostly horses。 Nothing real big; just a place that's mine。 I want my own home。
 〃I always wanted a place with a view。 One where I can see all the way into tomorrow 。。。 a place with a long trail leading to it with my house at the end of the road。 I want to see my own horses feeding in my own meadow。 I want to see some youngsters growing up。〃
 He smoked the cigarette down to a butt; then nursed the last few drags before tossing it into the flames。 〃Been a long time since I had a home。 Take me awhile to get halter…broke again。。。 but I could do it。〃
 A coyote spoke the moon; his shrill cries mounting in crescendo; then dying away in echoes against the mesa wall。
 〃A man can't make it alone。 Needs him a woman。 These here city women; they look mighty nice but a man out here needs a woman who can walk beside him; not behind him。〃
 Maria Cristina said nothing。 Her eyes were a little softer; perhaps; her hands relaxed。 Some of the tenseness seemed to have gone out of her。
 〃You an' me; we could make it。 I'm a hand with horses and I know where there's some pretty good wild stock。 Buy us a stallion maybe; good blood。 Might get a Morgan。
 〃Man can do a lot worse than raise horses。 This is horse country; an' down here they'll always have a need for horse stock。 With a Morgan stallion a man could breed some fair stuff in a few years。 First year or two might not be easy。 Reckon I couldn't of
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