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Bond had already done several hours on Harriers with their home units and were at Yeovilton to sharpen their skills; with some weapons and tactical training。 That afternoon; Bond had been first man awiiy and was followed by ihe Spanish officer … a sullen young man called Felipe Pantano; who kept very much to himself…one of the Royal Navy Lieutenants; and the American。
 To ply with safety regulations; there was a predetermined flight path to and from the target; and Bond swept his Harrier into a long climbing turn; then gave her full throttle; stood the aeroplane on its tail and。 looking down at the small radar screen on the starboard side of his cockpit; swept the skies immediately above his return course; to be certain none of the other aircraft had strayed。
 The radar showed nothing out of the ordinary; so he dropped the nose to a gentle 20〃 climb。 He had hardly stabilised the Harrier in its ascent when a pletely unexpected sound seemed to fill the cockpit。 So surprised was Bond that it took at least two seconds for him to realise what was happening。
 As the sound became louder in his ears。 Bond woke to the danger。 So far he had only experienced this in the simulator: the harsh; rasping neep…neep…neep quickening all the time。 There was a missile locked on to him … judging by its tone; a Sidewinder。 Just under thirty pounds of high…explosive fragmentation was being guided towards the engine heat of his Harrier;
 Bond had reacted slowly; and that was the way people got blown out of the sky。 He pushed the stick forward; putting the Harrier into a power dive; jinking to left and right; pulling about seven Gs to each jink; holding it for a second or two; then going the other way。 At the same lime; he hit the button which would release four flares to confuse the missile's heat…seeking guidance system; then; for luck。 Followed it with a bundle of chaff …radar…confusing metal strips; h was another safety regulation thai all aircraft using ihe bombing range should carry both flares and chaff; housed in special pods … another lesson of the Falklands where chaff had been stuffed in bundles inside the airbrakes。
 The neep…neeping was still there; quickening as the missile gained on the Harrier。 He lifted the nose; jinked again and; at a thousand feet; performed a rale five turn; pulling a lot of G; then rolling and putting the Harrier into a second dive。 His body felt like lead; his throat was dust…dry and the controls fell stiff as he pushed (he Harrier to its limit。
 He had the aircraft right down almost to sea level before the growling signal suddenly stopped。 There was a flash far off to (he starboard; in the direction of the target range。 Bond took a deep breath; lifted the Harrier's nose; reset his course and climbed to 30;000 feet with the throttle right forward。 As he went up so he switched his radio to transmit … 'Bluebird to Homespun。 Some idiot almost put a Sidewinder up my six。〃 Taking the points of a standard clock; 'six'meant directly behind。
 'Say again。 Bluebird。'
 Bond repeated and Yeovilton asked him to confirm no damage; which he did。 adding that it was more luck than judgment。 Of the four aircraft detailed for the bombing range that afternoon; no one carried anything but cluster…bombs。 The range; however; belonged to the RAF; though its use and timings were strictly monitored。 It was just possible that a Royal Air Force jet had accidentally been scheduled and had arrived either early or late。
 'Bluebird; are you certain it was a missile?'
 'Chased me all around the sky。 Of course I'm sure。〃
 Bond reached Yeovilton without further incident and; once landed and out of his flying gear; he stormed into the office of mander (Air) … known to most as Wings … set in the control tower。
 'Who was the fool?' Bond snapped; then he stopped; for mander Bernic Brazier; an experienced officer; looked both angry and shaken。 He motioned Bond to sit。 'There'll be an investigation; sir。' His eyes had the weary look of a man who had seen iiall and never really got used toil。 'There's a problem。 Nobody from here was carrying missiles; and the RAF say they were not using the range today。 We're checking your Harrier for possible malfunction of detection electronics。'
 That wasn't a malfunction; for God's sake。 It was a real missile; Bernie。 I'm filing a report to thai effecl and heaven help the cretin who loosed one off in my direction。'
 mander Brazier still looked unhappy。 Quietly he said; 'There's another problem。'
 'We've lost an aircraft。'
 'Captain Pantano。 The Spanish officer。 He was second away; bombed on time then went off the radar during his climb out。 Nobody's reported seeing him go down and we've got S and R out looking for him。 or wreckage。'
 'Perhaps a Sidewinder popped him。' There was a large segment of sarcasm in Bond's voice。
 'There were no missile…carrying aircraft around; sir; as I've already told you。'
 'Well; what do you think the one up my backside was; Wings? A Scotch mist?' Now。 quite angry; James Bond turned on his heel and left。
 In the wardroom bar that night before dinner; the atmosphere was only slightly subdued。 It was always a bit of a shaker losing a pilot; but the strange circumstances surrounding this loss; coupled with (he fact that the Spanish pilot had not been a natural mixer; helped to calm what often causes a slight twitch among young pilots。
 So; when Bond entered the wardroom; the bar hummed with near enough the usual high…spirited pre…dinner chatter。 He was about to go over and join two of the other Navy pilots from the course; when his eyes landed on someone he had been watching from afar since reporting to RNAS Ycovilton。 She was tall and very slim; a WRNS Firsl Officer (Women's Royal Naval Service … 'Wrens' as they were referred to) who was always much in demand; as she had the kind of looks and figure that make middle…aged men regret their lost youth: a sloe…eyed bination of self…confidence; together with a hint of plete indif ference to the many officers who paid court to her; 'Like hornets around a honeypot;' as one crusty old visiting Admiral mented。 Her name was Clover Pennington; though she was known to many; in spite of her upbringing in the bosom of a well…connected west country family; as 'Irish Penny'。
 Now this dark…haired; black…eyed beauty had the usual quota of three young Lieutenants toasting her; but。 on seeing Bond; she stepped away from the bar towards him。 'I hear you had a near…miss today; sir。' Her smile lacked the cautious deference her rank demanded when approaching a much senior officer。
 'Not as close as our Spanish pilot it would seem。 Miss 。 。 。 er。 First Officer 。 。 。' Bond let it trail nff。 Recently; he had not been given the chance of spending much of his time with women; a fact which would have gladdened M's heart。
 'First Officer Pennington; sir。 Clover Pennington。'
 'Well。 Miss Pennington; how about joining me tor dinner? The name's Bond; by the way; James Bond。'
 'Delighted; sir。' She gave him a dazzling smile and turned towards the wardroom。 Daggers were invisibly hurled in Bond's direction from the eyes of the ihree young officers still at the bar。
 Tonight was not a formal wardroom dinne
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