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 munications did not e back to him uniil almost ten…thirty the next morning。 There were two messages waiting for him。 First; a flash from Regent's Park authorising him to remove Speaker from the interrogation of Deeley if he was not happy。 The second was almost an afterthought; but in cipher。
 And; sure enough; there was Daniel Woodward's photograph with a number stamped beneath it。 He looked into the face to see clearly that the Americans' Daniel Woodward was certainly not the Woodward they had on board Invincible。
 Bond went back to his cabin; clipped the holster to his bell; behind his right hip; inserted the Browning 9mm and sent for Bruce Trimble; Sergeant Harvey and four marines。 Trimble arrived first; and Bond wasted no (ime in telling him they had at least an impostor; at worst a terrorist; in Ihe shape of Dan Woodward。
 'Was goin' to talk with you anyhow。' The massive Trimblc looked menacing。 'I been worried about that guy。 Doesn't mix; won't be drawn。 Best get him in the brig。〃
 They went together … four marines with loaded weapons; Sergeant Harvey; Bond and Bruce Trimblc who looked as though he would rather do the job single…handed。
 Stan Hare told them that Woodward was in the cabin they all shared; so they look up assault positions and Bond raised his hand to knock。 If possible he wanted to take the man clean; and with little violence; but; before his knuckles could tap on the metal door; Ihe whole ship seemed to tremble under their feel; as though it had suddenly hit unexpected; and very rough water。 The jolt was so great that they were all thrown to one side。 The explosion was not loud; more like a heavy…duty grenade exploding a long wayoff。
Then the warning klaxons started to wail。
 The Rain in Spain
Half an hour earlier。 Petty Officer Blackie Blackstone sat in the Engine Room Control module; passing the time with the other members of his watch。 None of them noticed that Blackstone idly kept scanning one particular section of the turbine controls … those which would give indications of oil…temperature rise。
 They had told him to expect the temperature on Number One turbine to start going up rapidly sometime between nine and eleven o'clock;
 He spotted the first indicator at 09。45。 Number One was showing a minute rise。 By 10。(X) it was really going up; and at 1(1。05 Blackie was able to give a startled cry … 'Oil temp on Number One going into the red!' He moved towards the controls; checking off item by item; trying to locate any obvious fault。 In fact he let his Chief Petty Officer discover the problem。 ll took less than a minute。
 〃It's the bloody filters。 Change Filter One on Number One Turbine; Blackie。'
 ?Done。' Blackstone went into the little store room behind the Control Room; signed for one filter and took a sealed package from the spare module rack。
'Want some help; Blackie?' the Killick asked。
'Nah。 Take me a couple of minutes。' Blackie went into the Engine Room; making his way to the far side of the first turbine。 In case of accidents; he had already put the new; but doctored; filter; in its packaging on the shelf which held filters in the store room。 As it was first in line; the filter would; naturally; be the one to be used if any emergency arose。 They had told him that; within five minutes; this filter would produce thick smoke and do a very small amount of damage which would cause the turbine to be shut down。 The small pencil mark he had inscribed to identify this doctored package was there; so he had no worries。 Change the filter; he thought; then go back and wait for the panic。
 Petty Officer Blackstone went through exactly the same sequence of events as he had done on the previous night: unscrewing the lugs and lifting the filter out with his long tweezers。 He took the second; doctored filter in the tweezers and dropped it in place。
 There was a great deal of smoke; then an explosion which lifted Blackstone off his feet; hurling him against the metal wall behind him and removing parts of his body as it did so。 His last thought before his final sleep descended on him was 'They said it would only be smoke。 They said there was no risk。'
Orders were ing through the Tannoy system; spoken calmly but giving essentials … all fireproof doors to be closed up: damage control to their stations; all firefighting crews to the Engine Room。 This is not a drill! This is not a drill!' the disembodied voice repeated several limes。
 James Bond and his party were thrown around the passageway in Irani of the cabin door where (hey were preparing to take the substitute Dan Woodward into custody。 Bond had been knocked off his feet by the lurch of the ship; and was just picking himself up; when the cabin door opened to reveal Joe Israel; looking puzzled; 〃Hey。 what the hell's going on? 。。。 1 was just 。 。 。' He was cut off by Dan Woodward's arm snaking around his neck。
 'I think (hey want to have words with me; Joe。' Woodward was pressing against Israel。 Tell them I have a gun in your back。' He spoke loudly; but with confidence。
 Israel let out a long sigh。 'Okay。 Yes; James; he's pushing a large piece into my back; and I've no doubt he'll take me out。 I presume he's not really 。 。 。'
 'Desperate Dan Woodward? No; I'm not;' Abou Hamarik hissed。 'This is most unfortunate; because I must now get off this ship alive。 I would suggest Captain Bond takes me; unless he would like to see this wretched man blown apart。 Now; just put down your weapons; all of you。 Gently does it。 Just put them down on the deck。 This is really most inconvenient。'
 'Okay。' Bond's face was like stone。 'Just do as he says。 I don't want to endanger Joe in any way。'
 As he bent at the knees to place the Browning on the carpeted deck; he caught a slight movement out of the corner of his left eye。 Someone pressed against the bulkhead in the Russian section of cabins。
 Around him the marines and Bruce Trimble also put down their weapons。
 'Okay;' Hamarik whispered。 'Now move away from the door。 I'm bringing the American out。'
 Bond did nol dare to even allow his eyes to flicker in the direction of the Russian section。 He did not know which way this fake Woodward wanted to go; so he simply stood back against the far wall of the narrow passageway。 'Do as 1 do。' he told the others。 〃Backs against the wall here。' They obeyed … a line of seven men against (he wall; and a small arsenal of weapons on the deck。 They felt stupid and (here was not one of them who felt he should make some kind of move。 Bond sensed it and said loudly。 'I don't want any heroics。 Don't do anything stupid。' Then; to Hamarik。 〃Where do you want to go?'
 'Off this ship; but I would like to take another guest with me。 You have a girl called Deeley in custody。 I think。'
'1 will take her also; and you; Bond; will lead us。'
 'Okay;' Bond shrugged。 'If you want to get Deeley you'll have to turn left out of the cabin door。 You want me to lead you?'
'1 want all of you in front of me。 Move; the lot of you。〃
 'Do as he says。' It was a risk Bond had to take。 Someone would now be behind the so…called Woodward; so maybe they could do something; even though; in the
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