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 Phillipe had been woken from a sedated sleep。 His eyes were circled with darkness。
 'What do you want?'
 Lewis didn't even attempt to proceed any further with his lie; Phillipe was drugged as it was; and probably confused。 Best to confront him with the truth; and see what came of it。
 'You kept an ape; didn't you?'
 A look of terror crossed Phillipe's face; slowed by the drugs in his blood; but plain enough。
 'Didn't you?'
 'Lewis。 。 。' Phillipe looked so very old。
 'Answer me; Phillipe; I beg you: before it's too late。 Did you keep an ape?'
 'It was an experiment; that's all it was。 An experiment。'
 'Your stories。 Your damn stories: I wanted to see if it was true that they were wild。 I wanted to make a man of it。'
 'Make a man of it。'
 'And that whore。 。 。'
 'She seduced it。'
 Lewis felt sick。 This was a convolution he hadn't anticipated。
 'Seduced it?'
 'Whore;' Phillipe said; with infinite regret。
 'Where is this ape of yours?'
 'You'll kill it。'
 'It broke into the apartment; while Catherine was there。 Destroyed everything; Phillipe。 It's dangerous now that it has no master。 Don't you understand?'
 'No; she's all right。'
 'It's trained: it wouldn't harm her。 It's watched her; in hiding。 e and gone。 Quiet as a mouse。'
 'And the girl?'
 'It was jealous。'
 'So it murdered her?'
 'Perhaps。 I don't know。 I don't want to think about it。'
 'Why haven't you told them; had the thing destroyed?'
 'I don't know if it's true。 It's probably all a fiction; one of your damn fictions; just another story。'
 A sour; wily smile crossed his exhausted face。
 'You must know what I mean; Lewis。 It could be a story; couldn't it? Like your tales of Dupin。 Except that maybe I made it true for a while; did you ever think of that? Maybe I made it true。'
 Lewis stood up。 It was a tired debate: reality and illusion。 Either a thing was; or was not。 Life was not a dream。
 'Where is the ape?' he demanded。
 Phillipe pointed to his temple。
 'Here; where you can never find him;' he said; and spat in Lewis' face。 The spittle hit his lip; like a kiss。
 'You don't know what you did。 You'll never know。'
 Lewis wiped his lip as the warders escorted the prisoner out of the room and back to his happy drugged oblivion。 All he could think of now; left alone in the cold interview room; was that Phillipe had it easy。 He'd taken refuge in pretended guilt; and locked himself away where memory; and revenge; and the truth; the wild; marauding truth; could never touch him again。 He hated Phillipe at that moment; with all his heart。 Hated him for the dilettante and the coward he'd always known him to be。 It wasn't a more gentle world Phillipe had created around him; it was a hiding place; as much a lie as that summer of 1937 had been。 No life could be lived the way he'd lived it without a reckoning ing sooner or later; and here it was。
 That night; in the safety of his cell; Phillipe woke。 It was warm; but he was cold。 In the utter dark he chewed at his wrists until a pulse of blood bubbled into his mouth。 He lay back on his bed; and quietly splashed and fountained away to death; out of sight and out of mind。
 The suicide was reported in a small article on the second page of Le Monde。 The big news of the following day however was the sensational murder of a redheaded pros…titute in a little house off the Rue de Rochechquant。 Monique Zevaco had been found at three o'clock in the morning by her flat mate; her body in a state so horrible as to 'defy description'。
 Despite the alleged impossibility of the task; the media set about describing the indescribable with a morbid will。 Every last scratch; tear and gouging on Monique's partially nude body … tattooed; drooled Le Monde; with a map of France … was chronicled in detail。 As indeed was the appearance of her well…dressed; over…perfumed murderer; who had apparently watched her at her toilet through a small back window; then broken in and attacked Mademoiselle Zevaco in her bathroom。 The murderer had then fled down the stairs; bumping into the flat mate who would minutes after discover Mademoiselle Zevaco's mutilated corpse。 Only one mentator made any con…nection between the murder at the Rue des Martyrs and the slaughter of Mme Zevaco; and he failed to pick up on the curious coincidence that the accused Phillipe Laborteaux had that same night taken his own life。
 The funeral took place in a storm; the cortege edging its pitiful way through the abandoned streets towards Montparnasse with the lashing snow entirely blotting out the road ahead。 Lewis sat with Catherine and Jacques Solal as they laid Phillipe to rest。 Every one of his circle had deserted him; unwilling to attend the funeral of a suicide and of a suspected murderer。 His wit; his good looks; his infinite capacity to charm went for nothing at the end。
 He was not; as it turned out; entirely unmourned by strangers。 As they stood at the graveside; the cold cutting into them; Solal sidled up to Lewis and nudged him。
 'Over there。 Under the tree。' Solal nodded beyond the praying priest。
 The stranger was standing at a distance; almost hidden by the marble mausoleums。 A heavy black scarf was wrapped across his face; and a wide…brimmed hat pulled down over his brow; but his bulk was unmistakable。 Catherine had seen him too。 She was shaking as she stood; wrapped round by Lewis's embrace; not just with cold; but with fear。 It was as though the creature was some morbid angel; e to hover a while; and enjoy the grief。 It was grotesque; and eerie; that this thing should e to see Phillipe consigned to the frozen earth。 'What did it feel? Anguish? Guilt?
 Yes; did it feel guilt?
 It knew it had been seen; and it turned its back; shambling away。 Without a word to Lewis; Jacques Solal slipped away from the grave in pursuit。 In a short while both the stranger and his pursuer were erased by the snow。
 Back at the Quai de Bourbon Catherine and Lewis said nothing of the incident。 A kind of barrier had appeared between them; forbidding contact on any level but the most trivial。 There was no purpose in analysis; and none in regrets。 Phillipe was dead。 The past; their past together; was dead。 This final chapter in their joint lives soured utterly everything that preceded it; so that no shared memory could be enjoyed without the pleasure being spoilt。 Phillipe had died horribly; devouring his own flesh and blood; perhaps driven mad by a knowledge he possessed of his own guilt and depravity。 No innocence; no history of joy could remain unstained by that fact。 Silently they mourned the loss; not only of Phillipe; but of their own past。 Lewis understood now Phillipe's reluctance to live when there was such loss in the world。
 Solal rang。 Breathless after his chase; but elated; he spoke in whispers to Lewis; clearly enjoying the excitement。
 'I'm at the Gare du Nord; and I've found out where our friend lives。 I've found him; Lewis!'
 'Excellent。 I'll e straight away。 I'll meet you on the steps of the Gare du Nord。 I'll take a cab: ten minutes。'
 'It's in the basement of number sixteen; Rue des Fleurs。 I'll see you there …;
 'Don't g
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