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 'You did it for the good of Titus?'
 'Of course。'
 'And the blackmail; that was also for the good of Titus; was it?'
 'Get out of my office …'
 'Was it; Lyndon?'
 'You're a whore! Whores know nothing: they are igno…rant; diseased animals;' he spat。 'Oh; you're cunning; I grant you that … but then so's any slut with a living to make。'
 She stood up。 He expected a riposte。 He got none; at least not verbally。 But he felt a tautness across his face: as though someone was pressing on it。
 'What。 。 。 are。 。 。 you。 。 。 doing?' he said。
 His eyes were being forced into slits like a child imitat…ing a monstrous Oriental; his mouth was hauled wide and tight; his smile brilliant。 The words were difficult to say …'Stop。。 。it。 。 。' She shook her head。 'Whore。 。 。' he said again; still defying her。 She just stared at him。 His face was beginning to jerk and twitch under the pressure; the muscles going into spasm。
 'The police。 。 。' he tried to say; 'if you lay a finger on me。。。'
 'I won't;' she said; and pressed home her advantage。 Beneath his clothes he felt the same tension all over his body; pulling his skin; drawing him tighter and tighter。
 Something was going to give; he knew it。 Some part of him would be weak; and tear under this relentless assault。 And if he once began to break open; nothing would prevent her ripping him apart。 He worked all this out quite coolly; while his body twitched and he swore at her through his enforced grin。
 'Cunt;' he said。 'Syphilitic cunt。'
 He didn't seem to be afraid; she thought。
 In extremis he just unleashed so much hatred of her; the fear was entirely eclipsed。 Now he was calling her a whore again; though his face was distorted almost beyond recognition。
 And then he began to split。
 The tear began at the bridge of his nose and ran up; across his brow; and down; bisecting his lips and his chin; then his neck and chest。 In a matter of seconds his shirt was dyed red; his dark suit darkening further; his cuffs and trouser…legs pouring blood。 The skin flew off his hands like gloves off a surgeon; and two rings of scarlet tissue lolled down to either side of his flayed face like the ears of an elephant。
 His name…calling had stopped。
 He had been dead of shock now for ten seconds; though she was still working him over vengefully; tugging his skin off his body and flinging the scraps around the room; until at last he stood; steaming; in his red suit; and his red shirt; and his shiny red shoes; and looked; to her eyes; a little more like a sensitive man。 Content with the effect; she released him。 He lay down quietly in a blood puddle and slept。
 My God; she thought; as she calmly took the stairs out the back way; that was murder in the first degree。
 She saw no reports of the death in any of the papers; and nothing on the news bulletins。 Lyndon had apparently died as he had lived; hidden from public view。
 But she knew wheels; so big their hubs could not be seen by insignificant individuals like herself; would be moving。 What they would do; how they would change her life; she could only guess at。 But the murder of Lyndon had not simply been spite; though that had been a part of it。 No; she'd also wanted to stir them up; her enemies in the world; and bring them after her。 Let them show their hands: let them show their contempt; their terror。 She'd gone through her life; it seemed; looking for a sign of herself; only able to define her nature by the look in others' eyes。 Now she wanted an end to that。 It was time to deal with her pursuers。
 Surely now everyone who had seen her; Pettifer first; then Vassi; would e after her; and she would close their eyes permanently: make them forgetful of her。 Only then; the witnesses destroyed; would she be free。
 Pettifer didn't e; of course; not in person。 It was easy for him to find agents; men without scruple or passion; but with a nose for pursuit that would shame a bloodhound。
 A trap was being laid for her; though she couldn't yet see its jaws。 There were signs of it everywhere。 An eruption of birds from behind a wall; a peculiar light from a distant window; footsteps; whistles; dark…suited men reading the news at the limit of her vision。 As the weeks passed they didn't e any closer to her; but then neither did they go away。 They waited; like cats in a tree; their tails twitching; their eyes lazy。
 But the pursuit had Pettifer's mark。 She'd learned enough from him to recognize his circumspection and his guile。 They would e for her eventually; not in her time; but in theirs。 Perhaps not even in theirs: in his。 And though she never saw his face; it was as though Titus was on her heels personally。
 My God; she thought; I'm in danger of my life and I don't care。
 It was useless; this power over flesh; if it had no direction behind it。 She had used it for her own petty reasons; for the gratification of nervous pleasure and sheer anger。 But these displays hadn't brought her any closer to other people: they just made her a freak in their eyes。
 Sometimes she thought of Vassi; and wondered where he was; what he was doing。 He hadn't been a strong man; but he'd had a little passion in his soul。 More than Ben; more than Pettifer; certainly more than Lyndon。 And; she remembered; fondly; he was the only man she'd ever known who had called her Jacqueline。 All the rest had manufactured unendearing corruptions of her name:
 Jackie; or J。; or; in Ben's more irritating moods; Ju…ju。 Only Vassi had called her Jacqueline; plain and simple; accepting; in his formal way; the pleteness of her; the totality of her。 And when she thought of him; tried to picture how he might return to her; she feared for him。
 Vassi's Testimony (part two)
 'Of course I searched for her。 It's only when you've lost someone that you realize the nonsense of that phrase 'it's a small world'。 It isn't。 It's a vast; devouring world; especially if you're alone。
 When I was a lawyer; locked in that incestuous coterie; I used to see the same faces day after day。 Some I'd exchange words with; some smiles; some nods。 We belonged; even if
 we were enemies at the Bar; to the same placent circle。 We ate at the same tables; we drank elbow to elbow。 We even shared mistresses; though we didn't always know it at the time。 In such circumstances; it's easy to believe the world means you no harm。 Certainly you grow older; but then so does everyone else。 You even believe; in your self…satisfied way; that the passage of years makes you a little wiser。 Life is bearable; even the 3 a。m。 sweats e more infrequently as the bank…balance swells。
 But to think that the world is harmless is to lie to yourself; to believe in so…called certainties that are; in fact; simply shared delusions。
 When she left; all the delusions fell away; and all the lies I had assiduously lived by became strikingly apparent。
 It's not a small world; when there's only one face in it you can bear to look upon; and that face is lost somewhere in a maelstrom。 It's not a small world when the few; vital memories of your object of affection are in danger of being trampled out by the thousands of moments that assail you every day; like children tugging at you; demandin
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