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e; curled up on a red drum like a sleeping snake。 Beside that; sitting in two brackets on the wall; was an axe。
 A very pretty axe。
 Stephen walked into the office。 A little distance away he heard running feet; shouts; a whistle。 But nobody came to interrupt Steve; as he made friends with the axe。
 First he smiled at it。
 The curve of the blade of the axe smiled back。
 Then he touched it。
 The axe seemed to like being touched。 It was dusty; and hadn't been used in a long while。 Too long。 It wanted to be picked up; and stroked; and smiled at。 Steve took it out of its brackets very gently; and slid it under his jacket to keep warm。 Then he walked back out of the reception office; through the swing…doors and out to find his other shoe。
 Quaid woke again。
 It took Steve a very short time to orient himself。 There was a spring in his step as he began to make his way to Pilgrim Street。 He felt like a clown; dressed in so many bright colours; in such floppy trousers; such silly boots。 He was a ical fellow; wasn't he? He made himself laugh; he was so ical。
 The wind began to get into him; whipping him up into a frenzy as it scooted through his hair and made his eye…balls as cold as two lumps of ice in his sockets。
 He began to run; skip; dance; cavort through the streets; white under the lights; dark in between。 Now you see me; now you don't。 Now you see me; now you …Quaid hadn't been woken by the dream this time。 This
 time he had heard a noise。 Definitely a noise。
 The moon had risen high enough to throw its beams through the window; through the door and on to the top of the stairs。 There was no need to put on the light。 All he needed to see; he could see。 The top of the stairs were empty; as ever。
 Then the bottom stair creaked; a tiny noise as though a breath had landed on it。
 Quaid knew dread then。
 Another creak; as it came up the stairs towards him; the ridiculous dream。 It had to be a dream。 After all; he knew no clowns; no axe…killers。 So how could that absurd image; the same image that woke him night after night; be anything but a dream?
 Yet; perhaps there were some dreams so preposterous they could only be true。
 No clowns; he said to himself; as he stood watching the door; and the stairway; and the spotlight of the moon。 Quaid knew only fragile minds; so weak they couldn't give him a clue to the nature; to the origin; or to the cure for the panic that now held him in thrall。 All they did was break; crumble into dust; when faced with the slightest sign of the dread at the heart of life。
 He knew no clowns; never had; never would。
 Then it appeared; the face of a fool。 Pale to whiteness in the light of the moon; its young features bruised; unshaven and puffy; its smile open like a child's smile。 It had bitten its lip in its excitement。 Blood was smeared across its lower jaw; and its gums were almost black with blood。 Still it was a clown。 Indisputably a clown even to its ill…fitting clothes; so incongruous; so pathetic。
 Only the axe didn't quite match the smile。
 It caught the moonlight as the maniac made small; chopping motions with it; his tiny black eyes glinting with anticipation of the fun ahead。
 Almost at the top of the stairs; he stopped; his smile not faltering for a moment as he gazed at Quaid's terror。
 Quaid's legs gave out; and he stumbled to his knees。
 The clown climbed another stair; skipping as he did so; his glittering eyes fixed on Quaid; filled with a sort of benign malice。 The axe rocked back and forth in his white hands; in a petite version of the killing stroke。
 Quaid knew him。
 It was his pupil: his guinea…pig; transformed into the image of his own dread。
 Him。 Of all men。 Him。 The deaf boy。
 The skipping was bigger now; and the clown was making a deep…throated noise; like the call of some fantastical bird。 The axe was describing wider and wider sweeps in the air; each more lethal than the last。
 'Stephen;' said Quaid。
 The name meant nothing to Steve。 All he saw was the mouth opening。 The mouth closing。 Perhaps a sound came out: perhaps not。 It was irrelevant to him。
 The throat of the clown gave out a screech; and the axe swung up over his head; two…handed。 At the same moment the merry little dance became a run; as the axe man leapt the last two stairs and ran into the bedroom; full into the spotlight。
 Quaid's body half turned to avoid the killing blow; but not quickly or elegantly enough。 The blade slit the air and sliced through the back of Quaid's arm; sheering off most of his triceps; shattering his humerus and opening the flesh of his lower arm in a gash that just missed his artery。
 Quaid's scream could have been heard ten houses away; except that those houses were rubble。 There was nobody to hear。 Nobody to e and drag the clown off him。
 The axe; eager to be about its business; was hacking at Quaid's thigh now; as though it was chopping a log。 Yawning wounds four or five inches deep exposed the shiny steak of the philosopher's muscle; the bone; the marrow。 With each stroke the clown would tug at the axe to pull it out; and Quaid's body would jerk like a puppet。
 Quaid screamed。 Quaid begged。 Quaid cajoled。
 The clown didn't hear a word。
 All he heard was the noise in his head: the whistles; the whoops; the howls; the hums。 He had taken refuge where no rational argument; nor threat; would ever fetch him out again。 Where the thump of his heart was law; and the whine of his blood was music。
 How he danced; this deaf…boy; danced like a loon to see his tormentor gaping like a fish; the depravity of his intellect silenced forever。 How the blood spurted! How it gushed and fountained!
 The little clown laughed to see such fun。 There was a night's entertainment to be had here; he thought。 The axe was his friend forever; keen and wise。 It could cut; and cross…cut; it could slice and amputate; yet still they could keep this man alive; if they were cunning enough; alive for a long; long while。
 Steve was happy as a lamb。 They had the rest of the night ahead of them; and all the music he could possibly want was sounding in his head。
 And Quaid knew; meeting the clown's vacant stare through an air turned bloody; that there was worse in the world than dread。 Worse than death itself。
 There was pain without hope of healing。 There was life that refused to end; long after the mind had begged the body to cease。 And worst; there were dreams e true。
 HELL CAME UP to the streets and squares of London that September; icy from the depths of the Ninth Circle; too frozen to be warmed even by the swelter of an Indian summer。 It had laid its plans as carefully as ever; plans being what they were; and fragile。 This time it was perhaps a little more finicky than usual; checking every last detail twice or three times; to be certain it had every chance of winning this vital game。
 It had never lacked petitive spirit; it had matched life against flesh a thousand thousand times down the centuries; sometimes winning; more often losing。 Wagers were; after all; the stuff of its advancement。 Without the human urge to pete; to bargain; and to bet; Pandemonium might well have fallen for want of citizens。 D
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