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He spoke; and the gunslinger; dumfounded; heard himself addressed in the High Speech:
〃The gold for a favor; gunslinger。 Just one? For a pretty。〃
The High Speech。 For a moment his mind refused to track it。 It had been years  God!  centuries; millenniums; there was no more High Speech; he was the last; the last gunslinger。 The others were Numbed; he reached into his breast pocket and produced a gold piece。 The split; scrubbed hand reached for it; fondled it; held it up to reflect the greasy glare of the kerosene lamps。 It threw off its proud civilized glow; golden; reddish; bloody。
〃Ahhhhhh。。。 〃An inarticulate sound of pleasure。 The old man did a weaving turn and began moving back to his table; holding the coin at eye level; turning it; flashing it。
The room was emptying rapidly; the batwings shuffling madly back and forth。 The piano player closed the lid of his instrument with a bang and exited after the others in long; ic…opera strides。
〃Sheb!〃 The woman screamed after him; her voice an odd mixture of fear and shrewishness; 〃Sheb; you e back here! Goddammit!〃
The old man; meanwhile; had gone back to his table。
He spun the gold piece on the gouged wood; and the dead…alive eyes followed it with empty fascination。 He spun it a second time; a third; and his eyelids drooped。 The fourth time; and his head settled to the wood before the coin stopped。
〃There;〃 she said softly; furiously。 〃You've driven out my trade。 Are you satisfied?〃
〃They'll be back;〃 the gunslinger said。
〃Not tonight they won't。〃
〃Who is he?〃 He gestured at the weed…eater。
〃Go  〃She pleted the mand by describing an impossible act of masturbation。
〃I have to know;〃 the gunslinger said patiently。 〃He〃
〃He talked to you funny;〃 she said。 〃Nort never talked like that in his life。〃
〃I'm looking for a man。 You would know him。〃
She stared at him; the anger dying。 It was replaced with speculation; then with a high; wet gleam that he had seen before。 The rickety building ticked thoughtfully to itself。 A dog barked brayingly; far away。 The gunslinger waited。 She saw his knowledge and the gleam was replaced by hopelessness; by a dumb need that had no mouth。
〃You know my price;〃 she said。
He looked at her steadily。 The scar would not show in the dark。 Her body was lean enough so the desert and grit and grind hadn't been able to sag everything。 And she'd once been pretty; maybe even beautiful。 Not that it mattered。 It would not have mattered if the grave…beetles had nested in the arid blackness of her womb。 It had all been written。
Her hands came up to her face and there was still some juice left in her  enough to weep。
〃Don't look! You don't have to look at me so mean!〃
〃I'm sorry;〃 the gunslinger said。 〃I didn't mean to be mean。〃
〃None of you mean it!〃 She cried at him。
〃Put out the lights。〃
She wept; hands at her face。 He was glad she had her hands at her face。 Not because of the scar but because it gave her back her maidenhood; if not head。 The pin that held the strap of her dress glittered in the greasy light。
〃Put out the lights and lock up。 Will he steal anything?〃
〃No;〃 she whispered。
〃Then put out the lights。〃
She would not remove her hands until she was behind him and she doused the lamps one by one; turning down the wicks and then breathing the flames into extinction。 Then she took his hand in the dark and it was warm。 She led him upstairs。 There was no light to hide their act。
He made cigarettes in the dark; then lit them and passed one to her。 The room held her scent; fresh lilac; pathetic。 The smell of the desert had overlaid it; crippled it。 It was like the smell of the sea。 He realized he was afraid of the desert ahead。
〃His name is Nort;〃 she said。 No harshness had been worn out of her voice。 〃Just Nort。 He died。〃
The gunslinger waited。
〃He was touched by God。〃
The gunslinger said; 〃I have never seen Him。〃
〃He was here ever since I can remember  Nort; I mean; not God。〃 She laughed jaggedly into the dark。 〃He had a honeywagon for a while。 Started to drink。 Started to smell the grass。 Then to smoke it。 The kids started to follow him around and sic their dogs onto him。 He wore old green pants that stank。 Do you understand?〃
〃He started to chew it。 At the last he just sat in there and didn't eat anything。 He might have been a king; in his mind。 The children might have been his jesters; and the dogs his princes。〃
〃He died right in front of this place;〃 she said。 〃He came clumping down the boardwalk  his boots wouldn't wear out; they were engineer boots  with the children and dogs behind him。 He looked like wire clothes hangers all wrapped and twirled together。 You could see all the lights of hell in his eyes; but he was grinning; just like the grins the children carve into their pumpkins on All…Saints Eve。 You could smell the dirt and the rot and the weed。 It was running down from the corners of his mouth like green blood。 I think he meant to e in and listen to Sheb play the piano。 And right in front; he stopped and cocked his head。 I could see him; and I thought he heard a coach; although there was none due。 Then he puked; and it was black and full of blood。 It went right through that grin like sewer water through a grate。 The stink was enough to make you want to run mad。 He raised up his arms and just threw over。 That was all。 He died with that grin on his face; in his own vomit。〃
She was trembling beside him。 Outside; the wind kept up its steady whine; and somewhere far away a door was banging; like a sound heard in a dream。 Mice ran in the walls。 The gunslinger thought in the back of his mind that it was probably the only place in town prosperous enough to support mice。 He put a hand on her belly and she started violently; then relaxed。
〃The man in black;〃 he said。
〃You have to have it; don't you!〃
〃All right。 I'll tell you。〃 She grasped his hand in both of hers and told him。
He came in the late afternoon of the day Nort died; and the wind was whooping up; pulling away the loose topsoil; sending sheets of grit and uprooted stalks of corn wind milling past。 Kennerly had padlocked the livery; and the other few merchants had shuttered their windows and laid boards across the shutters。 The sky was the yellow color of old cheese and the clouds moved flyingly across it; as if they had seen something horrifying in the desert wastes where they had so lately been。
He came in a rickety rig with a rippling tarp tied across its bed。 They watched him e; and old man Kennerly; lying by the window with a bottle in one hand and the loose; hot flesh of his second…eldest daughter's left breast in the other; resolved not to be there if he should knock。
But the man in black went by without hawing the bay that pulled his rig; and the spinning wheels spumed up dust that the wind clutched eagerly。 He might have been a priest or a monk; he wore a black cassock that had been floured with dust; and a loose hood covered his head and obscured his features。 It rippled and flapped。 Beneath the garment's hem; heavy buckled boots with square toes。
He pulled up in front of Sheb's and tethered the horse; which lowered its head and grunted at the ground。 Around the back of the rig he untied one flap;
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