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 starbursts。 They saw things in a kind of eerie; horror…house surreality。
The brute sound of the river was channeled to them by the confining rock; magnified in its own natural amplifier。 Yet the sound remained oddly constant; even as they approached the crossing point the gunslinger was sure lay ahead; because the walls were widening; drawing back。 The angle of their ascent became more pronounced。
The tracks arrowed straight ahead in the new light。 To the gunslinger they looked like the captive tubes of swamp gas sometimes sold for a pretty at the Feast of Joseph fair…time; to the boy they looked like endless streamers of neon tubing。 But in its glow they could both see that the rock that had enclosed them so long ended up ahead in ragged twin peninsulas that pointed toward a gulf of darkness ahead the chasm over the river。
The tracks continued out and over the unknowable drop; supported by a trestle aeons old。 And beyond; what seemed an incredible distance; was a tiny pinprick of light; not phosphorescence or fluorescence; but the hard; true light of day。 It was as tiny as a needle…prick in a dark cloth; yet weighted with frightful meaning。
〃Stop;〃 the boy said。 〃Stop for a minute。 Please。〃
Unquestioning; the gunslinger let the handcar coast to a rest。 The sound of the river was a steady; booming roar; ing from beneath and ahead。 The artificial glow from the wet rock was suddenly hateful。 For the first time he felt a claustrophobic hand touch him; and the urge to get out; to get free of this living burial; was strong and nearly undeniable。
〃We'll go through;〃 the boy said。 〃Is that what he wants? For us to drive the handcar out over 。 。 。 that 。 。 。 and fall down?〃
The gunslinger knew it was not but said: 〃I don't know what he wants。〃
〃We're close now。 Can't we walk?〃
They got down and approached the lip of the drop carefully。 The stone beneath their feet continued to rise until; with a sudden; angling drop; the floor fell away from the tracks and the tracks continued alone; across blackness。
The gunslinger dropped to his knees and peered down。 He could dimly make out a plex; nearly incredible webwork of steel girders and struts; disappearing down toward the roar of the river; all in support of the graceful arch of the tracks across the void。
In his mind's eye he could imagine the work of time and water on the steel; in deadly tandem。 How much support was left? Little? Hardly any? None? He suddenly saw the face of the mummy again; and the way the flesh; seemingly solid; had crumbled effortlessly to powder at the bare touch of his finger。
〃We'll walk;〃 the gunslinger said。
He half expected the boy to balk again; but he preceded the gunslinger calmly out onto the rails; crossing on the welded steel slats calmly; with sure feet。 The gunslinger followed him; ready to catch him if Jake should put foot wrong。
They left the handcar behind them and walked precariously out over darkness。
The gunslinger felt a fine slick of sweat cover his skin。 The trestle was rotten; very rotten。 It thrummed beneath his feet with the heady motion of the river far beneath; swaying a little on unseen guy wires。 We're acrobats; he thought。 Look; mother; no net。 I'm flying。 He knelt once and examined the crossties they were walking on。 They were caked and pitted with rust (he could feel the reason on his face; fresh air; the friend of corruption: very close to the surface now); and a strong blow of the fist made the metal quiver sickly。 Once he heard a warning groan beneath his feet and felt the steel settle preparatory to giving way; but he had already moved on。
The boy; of course; was over a hundred pounds lighter and safe enough; unless the going became progressively worse。
Behind them; the handcar had melted into the general gloom。 The stone pier on the left extended out perhaps twenty feet。 Further than the one on the right; but this was also left behind and they were alone over the gulf。
At first it seemed that the tiny prick of daylight remained mockingly constant (perhaps drawing away from them at the exact pace they approached it  that would be wonderful magic indeed); but gradually the gunslinger realized that it was widening; being more defined。 They were still below it; but the tracks were still rising。
The boy gave a surprised grunt and suddenly lurched to the side; arms pinwheeling in slow; wide revolutions。 It seemed that he tottered on the brink for a very long time indeed before stepping forward again。
〃It almost went on me;〃 he said softly; without emotion。 〃Step over。〃
The gunslinger did so。 The crosstie the boy had stepped on had given way almost entirely and flopped downward lazily; swinging easily on a disintegrating rivet; like a shutter on a haunted window。
Upward; still upward。 It was a nightmare walk and so seemed to go on much longer than it did; the air itself seemed to thicken and bee like taffy; and the gunslinger felt as if he might be swimming rather than walking。 Again and again his mind tried to turn itself to thoughtful; lunatic consideration of the awful space between this trestle and the river below。 His brain viewed it in spectacular detail; and how it would be: The scream of twisting metal; the lurch as his body slid off to the side; the grabbing for nonexistent handholds with the fingers; the swift rattle of bootheels on treacherous; rotted steel  and then down; turning over and over; the warm spray in his crotch as his bladder let go; the rush of wind against his face; rippling his hair up in cartoon fright; pulling his eyelids back; the dark water rushing to meet him; faster; outstripping even his own scream 
Metal screamed beneath him and he stepped past it unhurriedly; shifting his weight; not thinking of the drop; or of how far they had e; or of how far was left。 Not thinking that the boy was expendable and that the sale of his honor was now; at last; nearly negotiated。
〃Three ties out here;〃 the boy said coolly。 〃I'm going to jump。 Here! Here!〃
The gunslinger saw him silhouetted for a moment against the daylight; an awkward; hunched spread…eagle。 He landed and the whole edifice swayed drunkenly。 Metal beneath them protested and something far below fell; first with a crash; then with the sound of deep water。
〃Are you over?〃 The gunslinger asked。
〃Yes;〃 the boy said remotely; 〃but it's very rotten。 I don't think it will hold you。 Me; but not you。 Go back now。 Go back now and leave me alone。〃
His voice was hysterical; cold but hysterical。
The gunslinger stepped over the break。 One large step did it。 The boy was shuddering helplessly。 〃Go back。 I don't want you to kill me。〃
〃For Christ's sake; walk;〃 the gunslinger said roughly。 ''It's going to fall down。〃
The boy walked drunkenly now; his hands held out shudderingly before him; fingers splayed。
They went up。
Yes; it was much more rotten now。 There were frequent breaks of one; two; even three ties; and the gunslinger expected again and again that they would find the long empty space between rails that would either force them back or make them walk on the rails themselves; balanced giddily over the chasm。
He kept his eyes fixed on the daylight。
The glow had taken on a color  blue  and as it came closer it became softer; paling the r
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