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ls and her wing's all funny; look …'
   Professor Grubbly…Plank stuck her pipe firmly between her teeth and took Hedwig from Harry while Professor McGonagall watched。
   'Hmm;' said Professor Grubbly…Plank; her pipe waggling slightly as she talked。 'Looks like something's attacked her。 Can't think what would have done it; though。 Thestrals will sometimes go for birds; of course; but Hagrid's got the Hogwarts Thestrals well…trained not to touch owls。'
   Harry neither knew nor cared what Thestrals were; he just wanted to know that Hedwig was going to be all right。 Professor McGonagall; however; looked sharply at Harry and said; 'Do you know how far this owl's travelled; Potter?'
   'Er;' said Harry。 'From London; I think。'
   He met her eyes briefly and knew; by the way her eyebrows had joined in the middle; that she understood 'London' to mean 'number twelve; Grimmauld Place'。
   Professor Grubbly…Plank pulled a monocle out of the inside of her robes and screwed it into her eye; to examine Hedwig's wing closely。 'I should be able to sort this out if you leave her with me; Potter;' she said; 'she shouldn't be flying long distances for a few days; in any case。'
   'Er … right … thanks;' said Harry; just as the bell rang for break。
   'No problem;' said Professor Grubbly…Plank gruffly; turning back into the staff room。
   'Just a moment; Wilhelmina!' said Professor McGonagall。 'Potters letter!'
   'Oh yeah!' said Harry; who had momentarily forgotten the scroll tied to Hedwig's leg。 Professor Grubbly…Plank handed it over and then disappeared into the staff room carrying Hedwig; who was staring at Harry as though unable to believe he would give her away like this。 Feeling slightly guilty; he turned to go; but Professor McGonagall called him back。
   'Yes; Professor?'
   She glanced up and down the corridor; there were students ing from both directions。
   'Bear in mind;' she said quickly and quietly; her eyes on the scroll in his hand; 'that channels of munication in and out of Hogwarts may be being watched; won't you?'
   'I …' said Harry; but the flood of students rolling along the corridor was almost upon him。 Professor McGonagall gave him a curt nod and retreated into the staff room; leaving Harry to be swept out into the courtyard with the crowd。 He spotted Ron and Hermione already standing in a sheltered corner; their cloak collars turned up against the wind。 Harry slit open the scroll as he hurried towards them and found five words in Sirius's handwriting:
   Today; same time; same place。
   'Is Hedwig OK?' asked Hermione anxiously; the moment he was within earshot。
   'Where did you take her?' asked Ron。
   To Grubbly…Plank;' said Harry。 'And I met McGonagall: listen:〃
   And he told them what Professor McGonagall had said。 To his surprise; neither of the others looked shocked。 On the contrary; they exchanged significant looks。
   'What?' said Harry; looking from Ron to Hermione and back again。
   Well; I was just saying to Ron: what if someone had tried to intercept Hedwig? I mean; she's never been hurt on a flight before; has she?'
   'Who's the letter from; anyway?' asked Ron; taking the note from Harry。
   'Snuffles;' said Harry quietly。
   '〃Same time; same place?〃 Does he mean the fire in the mon room?'
   'Obviously;' said Hermione; also reading the note。 She looked uneasy。 'I just hope nobody else has read this:'
   'But it was still sealed and everything;' said Harry; trying to convince himself as much as her。 'And nobody would understand what it meant if they didn't know where we'd spoken to him before; would they?'
   'I don't know;' said Hermione anxiously; hitching her bag back over her shoulder as the bell rang again; 'it wouldn't be exactly difficult to re…seal the scroll by magic: and if anyone's watching the Floo Network: but I don't really see how we can warn him not to e without that being intercepted; too!'
   They trudged down the stone steps to the dungeons for Potions; all three of them lost in thought; but as they reached the bottom of the steps they were recalled to themselves by the voice of Draco Malfoy who was standing just outside Snape's classroom door; waving around an official…looking piece of parchment and talking much louder than was necessary so that they could hear every word。
   'Yeah; Umbridge gave the Slytherin Quidditch team permission to continue playing straightaway; I went to ask her first thing this morning。 Well; it was pretty much automatic; I mean; she knows my father really well; he's always popping in and out of the Ministry: it'll be interesting to see whether Gryffindor are allowed to keep playing; won't it?'
   'Don't rise;' Hermione whispered imploringly to Harry and Ron; who were both watching Malfoy; faces set and fists clenched。 'It's what he wants。'
   'I mean;' said Malfoy; raising his voice a little more; his grey eyes glittering malevolently in Harry and Ron's direction; 'if it's a question of influence with the Ministry; I don't think they've got much chance: from what my father says; they've been looking for an excuse to sack Arthur Weasley for years: and as for Potter: my father says it's a matter of time before the Ministry has him carted off to St Mungo's: apparently they've got a special ward for people whose brains have been addled by magic。'
   Malfoy made a grotesque face; his mouth sagging open and his eyes rolling。 Crabbe and Goyle gave their usual grunts of laughter; Pansy Parkinson shrieked with glee。
   Something collided hard with Harry's shoulder; knocking him sideways。 A split second later he realised that Neville had just charged past him; heading straight for Malfoy。
   'Neville; no!'
   Harry leapt forward and seized the back of Neville's robes; Neville struggled frantically; his fists flailing; trying desperately to get at Malfoy who looked; for a moment; extremely shocked。
   'Help me!' Harry flung at Ron; managing to get an arm around Neville's neck and dragging him backwards; away from the Slytherins。 Crabbe and Goyle were flexing their arms as they stepped in front of Malfoy; ready for the fight。 Ron seized Neville's arms; and together he and Harry succeeded in dragging Neville back into the Gryffindor line。 Neville's face was scarlet; the pressure Harry was exerting on his throat rendered him quite inprehensible; but odd words spluttered from his mouth。
   'Not: funny: don't: Mungo's: show: him:'
   The dungeon door opened。 Snape appeared there。 His black eyes swept up the Gryffindor line to the point where Harry and Ron were wrestling with Neville。
   'Fighting; Potter; Weasley; Longbottom?' Snape said in his cold; sneering voice。 Ten points from Gryffindor。 Release Longbottom; Potter; or it will be detention。 Inside; all of you。'
   Harry let go of Neville; who stood panting and glaring at him。
   'I had to stop you;' Harry gasped; picking up his bag。 'Crabbe and Goyle would've torn you apart。'
   Neville said nothing; he merely snatched up his own bag and stalked off into the dungeon。
   'What in the name of Merlin;' said Ron slowly; as they followed Neville; 'was that ab
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