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ternly back at him。
   'No password; no entrance;' she said loftily。
   'Harry; I know it!' Someone panted up behind him and he turned to see Neville jogging towards him。 'Guess what it is? I'm actually going to be able to remember it for once …' He waved the stunted little cactus he had shown them on the train。 'Mimbulus mimbletonia!'
   'Correct;' said the Fat Lady; and her portrait swung open towards them like a door; revealing a circular hole in the wall behind; through which Harry and Neville now climbed。
   The Gryffindor mon room looked as weling as ever; a cosy circular tower room full of dilapidated squashy armchairs and rickety old tables。 A fire was crackling merrily in the grate and a few people were warming their hands by it before going up to their dormitories; on the other side of the room Fred and George Weasley were pinning something up on the noticeboard。 Harry waved goodnight to them and headed straight for the door to the boys' dormitories; he was not in much of a mood for talking at the moment。 Neville followed him。
   Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan had reached the dormitory first and were in the process of covering the walls beside their beds with posters and photographs。 They had been talking as Harry pushed open the door but stopped abruptly the moment they saw him。 Harry wondered whether they had been talking about him; then whether he was being paranoid。
   'Hi;' he said; moving across to his own trunk and opening it。
   'Hey; Harry;' said Dean; who was putting on a pair of pyjamas in the West Ham colours。 'Good holiday?'
   'Not bad;' muttered Harry; as a true account of his holiday would have taken most of the night to relate and he could not face it。 'You?'
   'Yeah; it was OK;' chuckled Dean。 'Better than Seamus's; anyway; he was just telling me。'
   'Why; what happened; Seamus?' Neville asked as he placed his Mimbulus mimbletonia tenderly on his bedside cabinet。
   Seamus did not answer immediately; he was making rather a meal of ensuring that his poster of the Kenmare Kestrels Quidditch team was quite straight。 Then he said; with his back still turned to Harry; 'Me mum didn't want me to e back。'
   'What?' said Harry; pausing in the act of pulling off his robes。
   'She didn't want me to e back to Hogwarts。'
   Seamus turned away from his poster and pulled his own pyjamas out of his trunk; still not looking at Harry。
   'But … why?' said Harry; astonished。 He knew that Seamus's mother was a witch and could not understand; therefore; why she should have e over so Dursleyish。
   Seamus did not answer until he had finished buttoning his pyjamas。
   'Well;' he said in a measured voice; 'I suppose: because of you。'
   'What d'you mean?' said Harry quickly。
   His heart was beating rather fast。 He felt vaguely as though something was closing in on him。
   'Well;' said Seamus again; still avoiding Harry's eye; 'she: er: well; it's not just you; it's Dumbledore; too:'
   'She believes the Daily Prophet?' said Harry。 'She thinks I'm a liar and Dumbledore's an old fool?'
   Seamus looked up at him。
   'Yeah; something like that。'
   Harry said nothing。 He threw his wand down on to his bedside table; pulled off his robes; stuffed them angrily into his trunk and pulled on his pyjamas。 He was sick of it; sick of being the person who is stared at and talked about all the time。 If any of them knew; if any of them had the faintest idea what it felt like to be the one all these things had happened to: Mrs Finnigan had no idea; the stupid woman; he thought savagely。
   He got into bed and made to pull the hangings closed around him; but before he could do so; Seamus said; 'Look: what did happen that night when: you know; when: with Cedric Diggory and all?'
   Seamus sounded nervous and eager at the same time。 Dean; who had been bending over his trunk trying to retrieve a slipper; went oddly still and Harry knew he was listening hard。
   'What are you asking me for?' Harry retorted。 'Just read the Daily Prophet like your mother; why don't you? That'll tell you all you need to know。'
   'Don't you have a go at my mother;' Seamus snapped。
   I'll have a go at anyone who calls me a liar;' said Harry。
   'Don't talk to me like that!'
   I'll talk to you how I want;' said Harry; his temper rising so fast he snatched his wand back from his bedside table。 'If you've got a problem sharing a dormitory with me; go and ask McGonagall if you can be moved: stop your mummy worrying …'
   'Leave my mother out of this; Potter!'
   'What's going on?'
   Ron had appeared in the doorway。 His wide eyes travelled from Harry; who was kneeling on his bed with his wand pointing at Seamus; to Seamus; who was standing there with his fists raised。
   'He's having a go at my mother!' Seamus yelled。
   'What?' said Ron。 'Harry wouldn't do that … we met your mother; we liked her:〃
   That's before she started believing every word the stinking Daily Prophet writes about me!' said Harry at the top of his voice。
   'Oh;' said Ron; prehension dawning across his freckled face。 'Oh: right。'
   'You know what?' said Seamus heatedly; casting Harry a venomous look。 'He's right; I don't want to share a dormitory with him any more; he's mad。'
   'That's out of order; Seamus;' said Ron; whose ears were starting to glow red … always a danger sign。
   'Out of order; am I?' shouted Seamus; who in contrast with Ron was going pale。 'You believe all the rubbish he's e out with about You…Know…Who; do you; you reckon he's telling the truth?'
   'Yeah; I do!' said Ron angrily。
   Then you're mad; too;' said Seamus in disgust。
   'Yeah? Well; unfortunately for you; pal; I'm also a prefect!' said Ron; jabbing himself in the chest with a finger。 'So unless you want detention; watch your mouth!'
   Seamus looked for a few seconds as though detention would be a reasonable price to pay to say what was going through his mind; but with a noise of contempt he turned on his heel; vaulted into bed and pulled the hangings shut with such violence that they were ripped from the bed and fell in a dusty pile to the floor。 Ron glared at Seamus; then looked at Dean and Neville。
   'Anyone else's parents got a problem with Harry?' he said aggressively。
   'My parents are Muggles; mate;' said Dean; shrugging。 They don't know nothing about no deaths at Hogwarts; because I'm not stupid enough to tell them。'
   'You don't know my mother; she'd weasel anything out of anyone!' Seamus snapped at him。 'Anyway your parents don't get the Daily Prophet。 They don't know our Headmaster's been sacked from the Wizengamot and the International Confederation of Wizards because he's losing his marbles …'
   'My gran says that's rubbish;' piped up Neville。 'She says it's the Daily Prophet that's going downhill; not Dumbledore。 She's cancelled our subscription。 We believe Harry' said Neville simply。 He climbed into bed and pulled the covers up to his chin; looking owlishly over them at Seamus。 'My gran's always said You…Know…Who would e back one day。 She says if Dumbledore says he's back; he's back。'
   Harry felt a rush of gratitude towa
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