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   'Well; I'b going do find dem wid you;' said Neville firmly。
   'But Hermione …'
   'We'll dake her wid us;' said Neville firmly。 'I'll carry her … you're bedder at fighding dem dan I ab …'
   He stood up and seized one of Hermione's arms; glaring at Harry; who hesitated; then grabbed the other and helped hoist Hermione's limp form over Neville's shoulders。
   'Wait;' said Harry; snatching up Hermione's wand from the floor and shoving it into Neville's hand; 'you'd better take this。'
   Neville kicked aside the broken fragments of his own wand as they walked slowly towards the door。
   'My gran's going do kill be;' said Neville thickly; blood spattering from his nose as he spoke; 'dat was by dad's old wand。'
   Harry stuck his head out of the door and looked around cautiously。 The baby…headed Death Eater was screaming and banging into things; toppling grandfather clocks and overturning desks; bawling and confused; while the glass…fronted cabinet that Harry now suspected had contained Time…Turners continued to fall; shatter and repair itself on the wall behind them。
   'He's never going to notice us;' he whispered。 'C'mon: keep close behind me:〃
   They crept out of the office and back towards the door into the black hallway; which now seemed pletely deserted。 They walked a few steps forwards; Neville tottering slightly due to Hermione's weight; the door of the Time Room swung shut behind them and the walls began to rotate once more。 The recent blow on the back of Harry's head seemed to have unsteadied him; he narrowed his eyes; swaying slightly; until the walls stopped moving again。 With a sinking heart; Harry saw that Hermione's fiery crosses had faded from the doors。
   'So which way d'you reck…?'
   But before they could make a decision as to which way to try; a door to their right sprang open and three people fell out of it。
   'Ron!' croaked Harry; dashing towards them。 'Ginny … are you all …?'
   'Harry;' said Ron; giggling weakly; lurching forwards; seizing the front of Harry's robes and gazing at him with unfocused eyes; 'there you are: ha ha ha: you look funny; Harry: you're all messed up:'
   Ron's face was very white and something dark was trickling from the corner of his mouth。 Next moment his knees had given way; but he still clutched the front of Harry's robes; so that Harry was pulled into a kind of bow。
   'Ginny?' Harry said fearfully。 'What happened?'
   But Ginny shook her head and slid down the wall into a sitting position; panting and holding her ankle。
   'I think her ankle's broken; I heard something crack;' whispered Luna; who was bending over her and who alone seemed to be unhurt。 'Four of them chased us into a dark room full of planets; it was a very odd place; some of the time we were just floating in the dark …'
   'Harry; we saw Uranus up close!' said Ron; still giggling feebly。 'Get it; Harry? We saw Uranus … ha ha ha …'
   A bubble of blood grew at the corner of Ron's mouth and burst。
   '… anyway; one of them grabbed Ginny's foot; I used the Reductor Curse and blew up Pluto in his face; but:'
   Luna gestured hopelessly at Ginny; who was breathing in a very shallow way; her eyes still closed。
   'And what about Ron?' said Harry fearfully; as Ron continued to giggle; still hanging off the front of Harry's robes。
   'I don't know what they hit him with;' said Luna sadly; 'but he's gone a bit funny; I could hardly get him along at all。'
   'Harry;' said Ron; pulling Harry's ear down to his mouth and still giggling weakly; 'you know who this girl is; Harry? She's Loony: Loony Lovegood: ha ha ha
   'We've got to get out of here;' said Harry firmly。 'Luna; can you help Ginny?'
   'Yes;' said Luna; sticking her wand behind her ear for safekeeping; then putting an arm around Ginnys waist and pulling her up。
   'It's only my ankle; I can do it myself!' said Ginny impatiently; but next moment she had collapsed sideways and grabbed Luna for support。 Harry pulled Ron's arm over his shoulder just as; so many months ago; he had pulled Dudley's。 He looked around: they had a one in twelve chance of getting the exit right first time …
   He heaved Ron towards a door; they were within a few feet of it when another door across the hall burst open and three Death Eaters sped in; led by Bellatrix Lestrange。
   'There they are!' she shrieked。
   Stunning Spells shot across the room: Harry smashed his way through the door ahead; flung Ron unceremoniously from him and ducked back to help Neville in with Hermione: they were all over the threshold just in time to slam the door against Bellatrix。
   'Colloportus!' shouted Harry; and he heard three bodies slam into the door on the other side。
   'It doesn't matter!' said a man's voice。 There are other ways in … WE'VE GOT THEM; THEY'RE HERE!'
   Harry span around; they were back in the Brain Room and; sure enough; there were doors all around the walls。 He could hear footsteps in the hall behind them as more Death Eaters came running to join the first。
   'Luna … Neville … help me!'
   The three of them tore around the room; sealing the doors as they went; Harry crashed into a table and rolled over the top of it in his haste to reach the next door:
   There were footsteps running along behind the doors; every now and then another heavy body would launch itself against one; so it creaked and shuddered; Luna and Neville were bewitching the doors along the opposite wall … then; as Harry reached the very top of the room; he heard Luna cry:
   'Collo… aaaaaaaaargh:'
   He turned in time to see her flying through the air; five Death Eaters were surging into the room through the door she had not reached in time; Luna hit a desk; slid over its surface and on to the floor on the other side where she lay sprawled; as still as Hermione。
   'Get Potter!' shrieked Bellatrix; and she ran at him; he dodged her and sprinted back up the room; he was safe as long as they thought they might hit the prophecy …
   'Hey!' said Ron; who had staggered to his feet and was now tottering drunkenly towards Harry; giggling。 'Hey Harry; there are brains in here; ha ha ha; isn't that weird; Harry?'
   'Ron; get out of the way; get down …'
   But Ron had already pointed his wand at the tank。
   'Honest; Harry; they're brains … look … Accio brain!'
   The scene seemed momentarily frozen。 Harry; Ginny and Neville and each of the Death Eaters turned in spite of themselves to watch the top of the tank as a brain burst from the green liquid like a leaping fish: for a moment it seemed suspended in midair; then it soared towards Ron; spinning as it came; and what looked like ribbons of moving images flew from it; unravelling like rolls of film…
   'Ha ha ha; Harry; look at it …' said Ron; watching it disgorge its gaudy innards; 'Harry e and touch it; bet it's weird …'
   'RON; NO!'
   Harry did not know what would happen if Ron touched the tentacles of thought now flying behind the brain; but he was sure it would not be anything good。 He darted forwards but Ron had already caught the brain in his outstretche
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