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yed over the table as Hagrid coughed and spluttered and the steak slid; with a soft splat; on to the floor。
   'Whadda yeh mean; attacked by Dementors?' growled Hagrid。
   'Didn't you know?' Hermione asked him; wide…eyed。
   'I don' know anythin' that's bin happenin' since I left。 I was on a secret mission; wasn' I; didn' wan' owls followin' me all over the place … ruddy Dementors! Yeh're not serious?'
   'Yeah; I am; they turned up in Little Whinging and attacked my cousin and me; and then the Ministry of Magic expelled me …'
   '… and I had to go to a hearing and everything; but tell us about the giants first。'
   'You were expelled!'
   Tell us about your summer and I'll tell you about mine。'
   Hagrid glared at him through his one open eye。 Harry looked right back; an expression of innocent determination on his face。
   'Oh; all righ';' Hagrid said in a resigned voice。
   He bent down and tugged the dragon steak out of Fang's mouth。
   'Oh; Hagrid; don't; it's not hygien…' Hermione began; but Hagrid had already slapped the meat back over his swollen eye。
   He took another fortifying gulp of tea; then said; 'Well; we set off righ' after term ended …'
   'Madame Maxime went with you; then?' Hermione interjected。
   'Yeah; tha's righ';' said Hagrid; and a softened expression appeared on the few inches of face that were not obscured by beard or green steak。 'Yeah; it was jus' the pair of us。 An' I'll tell yeh this; she's not afraid of roughin' it; Olympe。 Yeh know; she's a fine; well…dressed woman; an' knowin' where we was goin' I wondered 'ow she'd feel abou' clamberin' over boulders an' sleepin' in caves an' tha'; bu' she never plained once。'
   'You knew where you were going?' Harry repeated。 'You knew where the giants were?'
   'Well; Dumbledore knew; an' he told us;' said Hagrid。
   'Are they hidden?' asked Ron。 'Is it a secret; where they are?'
   'Not really' said Hagrid; shaking his shaggy head。 'It's jus' that mos' wizards aren' bothered where they are;'s'long as it's a good long way away。 But where they are's very difficult ter get ter; fer humans anyway; so we needed Dumbledore's instructions。 Took us abou' a month ter get there …'
   'A month?' said Ron; as though he had never heard of a journey lasting such a ridiculously long time。 'But … why couldn't you just grab a Portkey or something?'
   There was an odd expression in Hagrid's unobscured eye as he surveyed Ron; it was almost pitying。
   'We're bein' watched; Ron;' he said gruffly。
   'What d'you mean?'
   'Yeh don' understand;' said Hagrid。 The Ministry's keepin' an eye on Dumbledore an' anyone they reckon's in league with 'im; an' …'
   'We know about that;' said Harry quickly keen to hear the rest of Hagrid's story; 'we know about the Ministry watching Dumbledore …'
   'So you couldn't use magic to get there?' asked Ron; looking thunderstruck; 'you had to act like Muggles all the way?'
   'Well; not exactly all the way' said Hagrid cagily。 'We jus' had ter be careful; 'cause Olympe an' me; we stick out a bit …'
   Ron made a stifled noise somewhere between a snort and a sniff and hastily took a gulp of tea。
   '… so we're not hard ter follow。 We was pretendin' we was goin' on holiday together; so we got inter France an' we made like we was headin' fer where Olympes school is; 'cause we knew we was bein' tailed by someone from the Ministry。 We had to go slow; 'cause I'm not really's'posed ter use magic an' we knew the Ministry'd be lookin' fer a reason ter run us in。 But we managed ter give the berk tailin' us the slip round abou' Dee…John …'
   'Ooooh; Dijon?' said Hermione excitedly。 'I've been there on holiday; did you see …?'
   She fell silent at the look on Ron's face。
   'We chanced a bit o' magic after that an' it wasn' a bad journey。 Ran inter a couple o' mad trolls on the Polish border an' I had a sligh' disagreement with a vampire in a pub in Minsk; bu' apart from tha' couldn't'a bin smoother。
   'An' then we reached the place; an' we started trekkin' up through the mountains; lookin' fer signs of 'em:
   We had ter lay off the magic once we got near 'em。 Partly 'cause they don' like wizards an' we didn' want ter put their backs up too soon; an' partly 'cause Dumbledore had warned us You…Know…Who was bound ter be after the giants an' all。 Said it was odds on he'd sent a messenger off ter them already。 Told us ter be very careful of drawin' attention ter ourselves as we got nearer in case there was Death Eaters around。'
   Hagrid paused for a long draught of tea。
   'Go on!' said Harry urgently。
   'Found 'em;' said Hagrid baldly。 'Went over a ridge one nigh' an' there they was; spread ou' underneath us。 Little fires burnin' below an' huge shadows: it was like watchin' bits o' the mountain movin'。'
   'How big are they?' asked Ron in a hushed voice。
   'Bout twenty feet;' said Hagrid casually。 'Some o' the bigger ones mighta bin twenty…five。'
   'And how many were there?' asked Harry。
   'I reckon abou' seventy or eighty;' said Hagrid。
   'Is that all?' said Hermione。
   'Yep;' said Hagrid sadly; 'eighty left; an' there was loads once; musta bin a hundred diff'rent tribes from all over the world。 Bu' they've bin dyin' out fer ages。 Wizards killed a few; o' course; bu' mostly they killed each other; an' now they're dyin' out faster than ever。 They're not made ter live bunched up together like tha'。 Dumbledore says it's our fault; it was the wizards who forced 'em to go an' made 'em live a good long way from us an' they had no choice bu' ter stick together fer their own protection。'
   'So;' said Harry; 'you saw them and then what?'
   'Well; we waited till morning; didn' want ter go sneakin' up on 'em in the dark; fer our own safety;' said Hagrid。 〃Bout three in the mornin' they fell asleep jus' where they was sittin'。 We didn' dare sleep。 Fer one thing; we wanted ter make sure none of 'em woke up an' came up where we were; an' fer another; the snorin' was unbelievable。 Caused an avalanche near mornin'。
   'Anyway; once it was light we wen' down ter see 'em。'
   'Just like that?' said Ron; looking awestruck。 'You just walked right into a giant camp?'
   'Well; Dumbledore'd told us how ter do it;' said Hagrid。 'Give the Gurg gifts; show some respect; yeh know。'
   'Give the what gifts?' asked Harry。
   'Oh; the Gurg … means the chief。'
   'How could you tell which one was the Gurg?' asked Ron。
   Hagrid grunted in amusement。
   'No problem;' he said。 'He was the biggest; the ugliest an' the laziest。 Sittin' there waitin' ter be brought food by the others。 Dead goats an' such like。 Name o' Karkus。 I'd put him at twenty…two; twenty…three feet an' the weight o' a couple o' bull elephants。 Skin like rhino hide an' all。'
   'And you just walked up to him?' said Hermione breathlessly。
   'Well: down ter him; where he was lyin' in the valley。 They was in this dip between four pretty high mountains; see; beside a mountain lake; an' Karkus was lyin' by the lake roarin' at the others ter feed him an' his wife。 Olympe an' I went down the mountainside 
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