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  The animal staggered to its feet。 It gave a mellow gurgle。
  〃A very wise choice; sir; if I may say so。 Very good;〃 it said; 〃I'll just nip off and shoot myself。〃
  He turned and gave a friendly wink to Arthur。
  〃Don't worry; sir;〃 he said; 〃I'll be very humane。〃
  It waddled unhurriedly off into the kitchen。
  A matter of minutes later the waiter arrived with four huge steaming steaks。 Zaphod and Ford wolfed straight into them without a second's hesitation。 Trillian paused; then shrugged and started into hers。
  Arthur stared at his feeling slightly ill。
  〃Hey; Earthman;〃 said Zaphod with a malicious grin on the face that wasn't stuffing itself; 〃what's eating you?〃
  And the band played on。
  All around the Restaurant people and things relaxed and chatted。 The air was filled with talk of this and that; and with the mingled scents of exotic plants; extravagant foods and insidious wines。 For an infinite number of miles in every direction the universal cataclysm was gathering to a stupefying climax。 Glancing at his watch; Max returned to the stage with a flourish。
  〃And now; ladies and gentlemen;〃 he beamed; 〃is everyone having one last wonderful time?〃
  〃Yes;〃 called out the sort of people who call out 〃yes〃 when edians ask them if they're having a wonderful time。
  〃That's wonderful;〃 enthused Max; 〃absolutely wonderful。 And as the photon storms gather in swirling crowds around us; preparing to tear apart the last of the red hot suns; I know you're all going to settle back and enjoy with me what I know we will find all an immensely exciting and terminal experience。〃
  He paused。 He caught the audience with a glittering eye。
  〃Believe me; ladies and gentlemen;〃 he said; 〃there's nothing penultimate about this one。〃
  He paused again。 Tonight his timing was immaculate。 Time after time he had done this show; night after night。 Not that the word night had any meaning here at the extremity of time。 All there was was the endless repetition of the final moment; as the Restaurant rocked slowly forward over the brink of time's furthest edge … and back again。 This 〃night〃 was good though; the audience was writhing in the palm of his sickly hand。 His voice dropped。 They had to strain to hear him。
  〃This;〃 he said; 〃really is the absolute end; the final chilling desolation; in which the whole majestic sweep of creation bees extinct。 This; ladies and gentlemen; is the proverbial 'it'。〃
  He dropped his voice still lower。 In the stillness; a fly would not have dared cleat its throat。
  〃After this;〃 he said; 〃there is nothing。 Void。 Emptiness。 Oblivion。 Absolute nothing。。。〃
  His eyes glittered again … or did they twinkle?〃
  〃Nothing。。。 except of course for the sweet trolley; and a fine selection of Aldebaran liqueurs!〃
  The band gave him a musical sting。 He wished they wouldn't; he didn't need it; not an artist of his calibre。 He could play the audience like his own musical instrument。 They were laughing with relief。 He followed on。
  〃And for once;〃 he cried cheerily; 〃you don't need to worry about having a hangover in the morning … because there won't be any more mornings!〃
  He beamed at his happy; laughing audience。 He glanced up at the sky; going through the same dead routine every night; but his glance was only for a fraction of a second。 He trusted it to do its job; as one professional trusts another。
  〃And now;〃 he said; strutting about the stage; 〃at the risk of putting a damper on the wonderful sense of doom and futility here this evening; I would like to wele a few parties。〃
  He pulled a card from his pocket。
  〃Do we have。。。〃 he put up a hand to hold back the cheers; 〃Do we have a party here from the Zansellquasure Flamarion Bridge Club from beyond the Vortvoid of Qvarne? Are they here?〃
  A rousing cheer came from the back; but he pretended not to hear。 He peered around trying to find them。
  〃Are they here?〃 he asked again; to elicit a louder cheer。
  He got it; as he always did。
  〃Ah; there they are。 Well; last bids lads … and no cheating; remember this is a very solemn moment。〃
  He lapped up the laughter。
  〃And do we also have; do we have。。。 a party of minor deities from the Halls of Asgard?〃
  Away to his right came a rumble of thunder。 Lightning arced across the stage。 A small group of hairy men with helmets sat looking very pleased with themselves; and raised their glasses to him。
  Hasbeens; he thought to himself。
  〃Careful with that hammer; sir;〃 he said。
  They did their trick with the lightning again。 Max gave them a very thin lipped smile。
  〃And thirdly;〃 he said; 〃thirdly a party of Young Conservatives from Sirius B; are they here?〃
  A party of smartly dressed young dogs stopped throwing rolls at each other and started throwing rolls at the stage。 They yapped and barked unintelligibly。
  〃Yes;〃 said Max; 〃well this is all your fault; you realize that?〃
  〃And finally;〃 said Max; quieting the audience down and putting on his solemn face; 〃finally I believe we have with us here tonight; a party of believers; very devout believers; from the Church of the Second ing of the Great Prophet Zarquon。〃
  There were about twenty of them; sitting right out on the edge of the floor; ascetically dressed; sipping mineral water nervously; and staying apart from the festivities。 They blinked resentfully as the spotlight was turned on them。
  〃There they are;〃 said Max; 〃sitting there; patiently。 He said he'd e again; and he's kept you waiting a long time; so let's hope he's hurrying fellas; because he's only got eight minutes left!〃
  The party of Zarquon's followers sat rigid; refusing to be buffeted by the waves of uncharitable laughter which swept over them。
  Max restrained his audience。
  〃No; but seriously though folks; seriously though; no offence meant。 No; I know we shouldn't make fun of deeply held beliefs; so I think a big hand please for the Great Prophet Zarquon。。。〃
  The audience clapped respectfully。
  〃。。。 wherever he's got to!〃
  He blew a kiss to the stony…faced party and returned to the centre of the stage。
  He grabbed a tall stool and sat on it。
  〃It's marvellous though;〃 he rattled on; 〃to see so many of you here tonight … no isn't it though? Yes; absolutely marvellous。 Because I know that so many of you e here time and time again; which I think is really wonderful; to e and watch this final end of everything; and then return home to your own eras。。。 and raise families; strive for new and better societies; fight terrible wars for what you know to be right。。。 it really gives one hope for the future of all lifekind。 Except of course;〃 he waved at the blitzing turmoil above and around them; 〃that we know it hasn't got one。。。〃
  Arthur turned to Ford … he hadn't quite got this place worked out in his mind。
  〃Look; surely;〃 he said; 〃if the Universe is about to end。。。 don't we go with it?〃
  Ford gave him a three…Pan…Galactic…Gargle…Blaster look; in other words a rather unsteady one。
  〃No;〃 he said; 〃look;〃 he said; 〃as soon as you e into this dive you get held in this sort of amazing force…shielded temporal warp thing。 I think。〃
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