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  The larger speck was the left…hand tower of The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy office building; descending through the stratosphere of Frogstar World B。
  As it descended; Roosta suddenly broke the long unfortable silence that had grown up between the two men。
  He stood up and gathered his towel into a bag。 He said:
  〃Beeblebrox; I will now do the job I was sent here to do。〃
  Zaphod looked up at him from where he was sitting in a corner sharing unspoken thoughts with Marvin。
  〃Yeah?〃 he said。
  〃The building will shortly be landing。 When you leave the building; do not go out of the door;〃 said Roosta; 〃go out of the window。〃
  〃Good luck;〃 he added; and walked out of the door; disappearing from Zaphod's life as mysteriously as he had entered it。
  Zaphod leapt up and tried the door; but Roosta had already looked it。 He shrugged and returned to the corner。
  Two minutes later; the building crashlanded amongst the other wreckage。 Its escort of Frogstar Fighters deactivated their force beams and soared off into the air again; bound for Frogstar World A; an altogether more congenial spot。 They never landed on Frogstar World B。 No one did。 No one ever walked on its surface other than the intended victims of the Total Perspective Vortex。
  Zaphod was badly shaken by the crash。 He lay for a while in the silent dusty rubble to which most of the room had been reduced。 He felt that he was at the lowest ebb he had ever reached in his life。 He felt bewildered; he felt lonely; he felt unloved。 Eventually he felt he ought to get whatever it was over with。
  He looked around the cracked and broken room。 The wall had split round the door frame; and the door hung open。 The window; by some miracle was closed and unbroken。 For a while he hesitated; then he thought that if his strange and recent panion had been through all that he had been through just to tell him what he had told him; then there must be a good reason for it。 With Marvin's help he got the window open。 Outside it; the cloud of dust aroused by the crash; and the hulks of the other buildings with which this one was surrounded; effectively prevented Zaphod from seeing anything of the world outside。
  Not that this concerned him unduly。 His main concern was what he saw when he looked down。 Zarniwoop's office was on the fifteenth floor。 The building had landed at a tilt of about forty…five degrees; but still the descent looked heart…stopping。
  Eventually; stung by the continuous series of contemptuous looks that Marvin appeared to be giving him; he took a deep breath and clambered out on to the steeply inclined side of the building。 Marvin followed him; and together they began to crawl slowly and painfully down the fifteen floors that separated them from the ground。
  As he crawled; the dank air and dust choked his lungs; his eyes smarted and the terrifying distance down made his heads spin。
  The occasional remark from Marvin of the order of 〃This is the sort of thing you lifeforms enjoy is it? I ask merely for information;〃 did little to improve his state of mind。
  About half…way down the side of the shattered building they stopped to rest。 It seemed to Zaphod as he lay there panting with fear and exhaustion that Marvin seemed a mite more cheerful than usual。 Eventually he realized this wasn't so。 The robot just seemed cheerful in parison with his own mood。
  A large; scraggy black bird came flapping through the slowly settling clouds of dust and; stretching down its scrawny legs; landed on an inclined window ledge a couple of yards from Zaphod。 It folded its ungainly wings and teetered awkwardly on its perch。
  Its wingspan must have been something like six feet; and its head and neck seemed curiously large for a bird。 Its face was flat; the beak underdeveloped; and half…way along the underside of its wings the vestiges of something handlike could be clearly seen。
  In fact; it looked almost human。
  It turned its heavy eyes on Zaphod and clicked its beak in a desultory fashion。
  〃Go away;〃 said Zaphod。
  〃OK;〃 muttered the bird morosely and flapped off into the dust again。
  Zaphod watched its departure in bewilderment。
  〃Did that bird just talk to me?〃 he asked Marvin nervously。 He was quite prepared to believe the alternative explanation; that he was in fact hallucinating。
  〃Yes;〃 confirmed Marvin。
  〃Poor souls;〃 said a deep; ethereal voice in Zaphod's ear。
  Twisting round violently to find the source of the voice nearly caused Zaphod to fall off the building。 He grabbed savagely at a protruding window fitting and cut his hand on it。 He hung on; breathing heavily。
  The voice had no visible source whatever … there was no one there。 Nevertheless; it spoke again。
  〃A tragic history behind them; you know。 A terrible blight。〃
  Zaphod looked wildly about。 The voice was deep and quiet。 In other circumstances it would even be described as soothing。 There is; however; nothing soothing about being addressed by a disembodied voice out of nowhere; particularly if you are; like Zaphod Beeblebrox; not at your best and hanging from a ledge eight storeys up a crashed building。
  〃Hey; er。。。〃 he stammered。
  〃Shall I tell you their story?〃 inquired the voice quietly。
  〃Hey; who are you?〃 panted Zaphod。 〃Where are you?〃
  〃Later then; perhaps;〃 murmured the voice。 〃I am Gargravarr。 I am the Custodian of the Total Perspective Vortex。〃
  〃Why can't I see。。。〃
  〃You will find your progress down the building greatly facilitated;〃 the voice lifted; 〃if you move about two yards to your left。 Why don't you try it?〃
  Zaphod looked and saw a series of short horizontal grooves leading all the way down the side of the building。 Gratefully he shifted himself across to them。
  〃Why don't I see you again at the bottom?〃 said the voice in his ear; and as it spoke it faded。
  〃Hey;〃 called out Zaphod; 〃Where are you。。。〃
  〃It'll only take a couple of minutes。。。〃 said the voice very faintly。
  〃Marvin;〃 said Zaphod earnestly to the robot squatting dejectedly next to him; 〃Did a。。。 did a voice just。。。〃
  〃Yes;〃 Marvin replied tersely。
  Zaphod nodded。 He took out his Peril Sensitive Sunglasses again。 They were pletely black; and by now quite badly scratched by the unexpected metal object in his pocket。 He put them on。 He would find his way down the building more fortably if he didn't actually have to look at what he was doing。
  Minutes later he clambered over the ripped and mangled foundations of the building and; once more removing his sunglasses; he dropped to the ground。
  Marvin joined him a moment or so later and lay face down in the dust and rubble; from which position he seemed too disinclined to move。
  〃Ah; there you are;〃 said the voice suddenly in Zaphod's ear; 〃excuse me leaving you like that; it's just that I have a terrible head for heights。 At least;〃 it added wistfully; 〃I did have a terrible head for heights。〃
  Zaphod looked around slowly and carefully; just to see if he had missed something which might be the source of the voice。 All he saw; however; was the dust; the rubble and the towering hulks of the encircling buildings。
  〃Hey; e
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