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he heart monitor shows signs of activity… very faint; but activity nonetheless。〃
 Landon slipped his reading glasses down his nose。 The tech was right: the heart monitor was registering a living organism。
 〃What the hell?〃
 〃Listen to this; sir;〃 the tech said。 〃It's the last few minutes of mo tape。 We kept it rolling even though。。。〃
 Landon grabbed the headphones。 〃Play it for me!〃
 Since the beginning of the emergency; Landon had listened to so many hours of transmission that he could tune out the hiss and crackle that filled his ears。 Behind the static he heard something; barely discernible but distinctly human。。。 a voice calling from the ethers。
 〃This is。。。 Discovery。。。 Spacelab。。。 am alive。。。 Repeat; alive。。。 Help me。。。〃
 Jack Riley and his RAID team began jumping out even before the manches' rotors wound down。 Smith glanced at the enormous hangars lined up like prehistoric turtles; their roofs painted dull brown to blend in with the desolate landscape。 To the south and west were mountain ranges; to the northeast; nothing but desert。 Even through the din of men and machinery; there was an eerie stillness to the base。
 The team arranged their equipment in a flatbed truck that had pulled up; then jumped aboard for the short ride。 Smith and Riley followed in the Humvee。
 The hangar's interior was partitioned to allow the team privacy… and; Smith suspected; to prevent them from seeing what else was stored there。 As Riley had promised; a mo console was up and running; manned by a young female officer。
 〃Colonel;〃 she said。 〃You have flash traffic from Bluebird。〃
 Smith was adjusting his headset when Klein came on。 〃What's your status; Jon?〃
 〃We're getting into our Level Four suits right now。 How about the shuttle?〃
 〃It'll be in the chamber by the time you get there。〃
 〃Doesn't suspect a thing。 He's already suited up and ready to mate the cocoon with the shuttle。〃
 Smith had seen the blueprints and photos of Bauer's creation; but he had never been inside it。
 〃Jon; there's something you need to know… and hear;〃 Klein said。 〃A few minutes ago; Landon received munications from inside the Spacelab。 It was a distress signal。 We're running tests right now。 I don't want to raise your hopes; but the voice sounded like Megan's。〃
 Sheer joy surged through Smith。 Yet at the same time; he was aware of the possibly deadly consequences of this development。
 〃Has Landon told Reed about this?〃
 〃Not that I know of。 munications are still down。 But I should have told Landon to keep quiet in case contact was reestablished。 Wait one。〃
 Smith tried to rein in his clashing emotions。 The idea that Megan was alive brought him hope。 At the same time; if Reed somehow discovered this; he would still have a chance to kill her before he left the shuttle。
 〃Jon? It's all right。 Landon says the link is still down。 I confused the hell out of him by ordering him not to talk in case it es back up; but I have his word that he won't tell Reed a thing。〃
 〃Anything on those voice tests?〃 Smith demanded。
 〃So far they're inconclusive。〃
 〃Can you play me the tape?〃
 〃It's pretty scratched up。〃
 Smith closed his eyes and listened。 After a few moments; he said; 〃That's her; sir。 Megan's alive。〃
 〃Looking Glass; this is Eyeball。 Do you copy?〃
 〃Eyeball; we read you five by five。 What do you see?〃
 〃Discovery has just broken cloud cover。 Trim is good。 Angle of descent good。 Speed good。 She looks to make a pinpoint landing。〃
 〃Roger that; Eyeball。 Maintain surveillance。 Looking Glass out。〃
 The exchange between Eyeball; the lead air force chase plane that would escort the shuttle; and the control tower at Groome Lake was listened to intently by a number of people。
 In the observation bunker; the president glanced briefly around the room。 All eyes were on the monitors that showed Discovery cutting through the air。 On another screen he saw Dr。 Karl Bauer about to leave the decontamination area; called the prep room。 The president took a deep breath。 Soon。。。 very soon。
 Wearing a Level Four biohazard suit; Bauer entered the short corridor between the prep room and the massive; vaultlike door that would allow him to enter the cocoon。 Reaching it; he glanced up at the wall…mounted camera and nodded。 Slowly the door began to open; revealing a cavity cut into the concrete wall。 One end of the cocoon was attached to the wall of the cavity; the edges sealed to the concrete。 Bauer stepped into the cocoon and immediately the door began to close。
 Ahead; he saw a long; blue…lighted tunnel。 When the door was firmly closed and locked; he walked along a rubber…padded runway。 The walls of the cocoon were constructed of heavy gauge; semitransparent plastic。 Looking through them; Bauer could see the vague outlines of the vast holding area; lit up by giant floodlights。 As he moved toward the cocoon's decontamination chamber; he heard a low rumble。 More light poured into the bunker as the runway ramp was lowered。
 〃This is Bauer;〃 he said into his headset。 〃Do you copy?〃
 〃We read you; sir;〃 a tech in the observation bunker replied。
 〃Has the shuttle landed?〃
 〃It's almost on the ground; sir。〃
 〃Good;〃 Bauer replied; and continued walking to the cocoon's decontamination chamber。
 On the other side of the base; Smith was listening in on this exchange。 He turned to Jack Riley。 〃Let's mount up。〃
 The team scrambled into two double deuces with canvas covers。 Smith would have preferred to use the more nimble and speedy Humvees instead of the trucks; but given the team's bulky biohazard suits; space was a problem。
 The hangar doors opened and the small convoy; with Riley in the lead Humvee; pulled out into the desert night。 Rocking back and forth on a bench in the back of the truck; Smith tried to keep a small; Palm Pilot…type monitor as steady as he could。 The shuttle was just three thousand feet above the desert floor。 Its nose was angled up slightly and the landing gear was locked down。 As hard as he tried; Smith couldn't keep his thoughts away from Megan。 He knew that his first instinct would be to rush into the orbiter and search for her。 But doing so would only jeopardize her life。 He had to get to Reed first and neutralize him。 Only then could he go after her。
 Smith recalled Klein's objections when he had told him what he intended to do。 The head of Covert…One shared Smith's concern for Megan; but he also knew the danger that Smith would be exposing himself to。
 〃There's no guarantee that you'll find her alive; Jon;〃 he'd said。 〃We need to know what we're dealing with before I send you in。〃
 〃We'll know;〃 Smith had promised him grimly。
 Riley's voice crackled over his headset。 〃Jon; look to the southeast。〃
 Smith glanced over the truck's tailgate and saw bright lights descending quickly。 On either side were the winking collision lights of the shuttle's escort aircraft。 He listened as Riley counted off the descent: 〃Five hundred feet。。。 two hundred。。。 touchdown。〃
 The convoy was on a runway parallel to the one the shuttle used。 Smith saw the orbiter dip as the nose gear absorbed the weight。 Then the parachutes popped open; slowing the craft。
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