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e available。
 Experienced in the ways of the military; Smith could guess where Nichols and Drake had disappeared。 Scattered throughout the army were special units。 The most public of these were the Rangers。 But there were others; whose members were culled from the most experienced and battle…hardened troops。 In Vietnam; they had been known as LRRPs…Long Range Reconnaissance Patrols; in other parts of the world; they had no designation whatsoever。
 Smith was aware of three such outfits but suspected there were more。 He knew no one in any of them; and didn't have the time or the resources to start a hunt from scratch。 There was only one way to go: with the phone number that Peter Howell had coaxed from the dying Travis Nichols's lips。
 For the next hour; Smith considered one plan of action after another。 From each one he took away a detail or two that; when strung together; formed a coherent whole。 Then he went over it again and again; probing for weaknesses; eliminating questions; trying to give himself the best possible advantage。 He knew that the minute he made the call to that as yet unknown person at the other end of a number that didn't exist; his life would hang on his every word and action。
 Outside; the insects and birds began their nocturnal litany。 As Smith rose to close the window; his phone rang。
 〃Jon; it's Randi。〃
 〃Randi! What time is it over there?〃
 〃I don't know。 I've lost track。 Listen; Sasha broke through the laptop's firewalls。 All the E…mails… and everything else… are in the clear。〃
 By her tone; Smith knew that Randi wanted an explanation。
 〃I need what you have; Randi;〃 he said quietly。 〃No questions asked。 Not now。〃
 〃Jon; you asked me to do you a favor。 I did。 From the little I've read; this stuff's explosive。 There are references to Bioaparat and to something called the Cassandra pact…〃
 〃But I haven't seen any of that;〃 Smith said urgently。 〃That's why I need it… to try to find out what's going on。〃
 〃You have to tell me one thing;〃 Randi replied。 〃This 'situation;' whatever it is; is it localized in Russia? Or has something gotten out?〃
 Smith had e up against Randi's single…mindedness before。 He knew she wasn't vying for glory; she was an intelligence agent trying to do her job。 Somehow he had to convince her that his interests and hers were the same。
 〃Something has gotten out;〃 he said。
 She stared at him。 〃Not like Hades; Jon。 Not again!〃
 〃It isn't like that at all;〃 Smith assured her。 〃We have a situation here at home。 Believe me; all stops have been pulled out on this。 The orders e from the highest level。 Do you understand? The highest level。〃 He allowed his words to sink in。 〃What you've done will help me enormously;〃 he continued。 〃Please believe me: there's nothing more you can do on your end。 At least not right now。〃
 〃So I take it you don't want me to signal Langley。〃
 〃It's the last thing I want you to do。 I'm asking you to trust me; Randi。 Please。〃
 After a moment's hesitation; she replied; 〃It's not a matter of trust; Jon。 I just don't want。。。 I couldn't bear to stand by and let another situation like Hades develop。〃
 〃No one does。 And it won't happen。〃
 〃Will you at least keep me posted?〃
 〃As much as I can;〃 Smith replied truthfully。 〃Things are moving fast here。〃
 〃All right。 But remember your promise。〃
 〃You won't hear it on CNN。〃
 〃I'll ship you the contents now。 What do you want me to do with the laptop?〃
 Smith considered his options。 By all rights he should have the puter returned to Kirov。 But what if Lara Telegin wasn't the only traitor? He couldn't run the risk that somehow vital secrets would fall into the wrong hands。
 〃I'm sure that you have a secure safe;〃 he said。 〃Preferably something tamperproof。〃
 〃I have one of the new flash vaults。 Anyone trying to get in is in for a nasty surprise。〃
 〃Good。 One last thing: the cell phone。〃
 〃It had a bunch of numbers in its memory… all on the Russian military exchange。 I'll send you copies。〃
 Hearing a ping!; Smith turned to his monitor as an ining message scrolled across the screen。
 〃I'm receiving your feed;〃 he said。
 〃I hope it's what you need。〃 Randi hesitated; then added; 〃Good luck; Jon。 I'll be thinking of you。〃
 Smith turned his attention to the screen and scanned the E…mails one by one。 The sender was code…named Sphinx; the receiver; Mephisto。
 As he continued to read; the enormity of what was referred to as the Cassandra pact grew before his eyes。 Lara Telegin… Sphinx… had been in contact with Mephisto for over two years; feeding him top…secret information on Bioaparat; its personnel and security。 The most recent notes mentioned Yuri Danko and Ivan Beria by name。
 Who were you feeding? Who is Mephisto?
 Smith worked his way deeper into the E…mails。 Suddenly he spotted something and scrolled back。 It was a congratulatory note。 Mephisto had been awarded a citation。 There was a reference to a ceremony on a certain date。
 Veterans Day。。。
 Using his USAMRIID access code; Smith got into the Pentagon site and punched in the date。 Instantly the specifics of the ceremony appeared; including pictures。 There was a shot of President Castilla holding the citation。 And the soldier who was about to receive it。
 〃Are you absolutely sure?〃 Klein asked。
 Smith thought Klein sounded tired; but maybe it was just the connection。
 〃Yes; sir;〃 he replied。 〃The E…mail refers to a specific date。 There was only that one ceremony。 Only one such citation was awarded。 There's no mistake。〃
 〃I see。。。。 Given this new development; have you e up with a way to proceed?〃
 〃Yes; sir。〃
 It had taken Smith two hours to revise the plan he'd e up with prior to Randi Russell's call。 Quickly he gave Klein the details。
 〃It sounds awfully dangerous; Jon;〃 Klein said softly。 〃I'd feel a whole lot better if you weren't going in alone。〃
 〃Believe me; I'd like to have Peter Howell around but there's no time to get him here。 Besides; I need him in Europe。〃
 〃And you're sure you want to proceed immediately?〃
 〃As long as you can get those items I mentioned; I'll be ready。〃
 〃Consider it done。 And Jon; you will be wearing a transmitter; won't you?〃
 Smith held up a tiny fiberoptic patch that looked identical to a small round Band…Aid; the kind that might be used on a shaving cut。
 〃If something goes wrong; sir; you'll at least know how far I got。〃
 〃Don't even think that。〃'
 After hanging up; Smith took a moment to pose himself。 He thought of everything that had happened up to this point; all the lives that had been sacrificed on the altar of the Cassandra pact。 Then he saw Yuri Danko ing toward him across St。 Mark's Square。。。 and Katrina; his widow。
 Without hesitation; he reached for the phone; made sure the scrambler was activated; and dialed the number Peter Howell had passed along。 If anyone tried to trace the call; they'd find themselves zipping from one cutout to another all over the country。
 On the other end; the phone was ringing。 The receiver was picked up and an unearthly voice; electronically distorted; answered: 〃Yes?〃
 〃This is Nichols。 I'm home。 Hurt。 I need to e in。〃
 General Frank Richardson inadvertently 
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