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 Because the plex had once been an army medical research facility; certain construction requirements had been met。 Both to prevent intruders from getting in and highly lethal bugs from escaping into the island population; the area between the sea cliff and the lava fields had been cored out。 The giant pit had been lined with thousands of cubic yards of concrete; creating an enormous; multistory cradle。 This was then divided into three levels; or zones; the deepest one reserved for the laboratories that would house the most dangerous viruses。 When Bauer had taken over the facility; virtually everything he needed was already in place。 After one year and a hundred million dollars; the required updating had been pleted and the operation went on…stream。
 Once the Humvee was safely inside the massive garage; the container was off…loaded onto a mechanized trolley; which took it to a waiting elevator。 Three floors below; Bauer was greeted by Klaus Jaunich; the head of his handpicked research staff。 Jaunich and his team of six had been brought over from the pany's Zurich headquarters for the express purpose of working on the smallpox。 All of them had been with Bauer for years; all had profited beyond their wildest dreams from their association with him。
 And all understand that I am privy to secrets that could break them in an instant; Bauer thought; smiling at Jaunich。
 〃It's good to see you; Klaus。〃
 〃The pleasure is mine; Herr Direktor。〃
 Jaunich was a study in contrasts。 A big; bearlike man in his late fifties; he had an unmonly soft voice。 His bearded moon face bespoke a lumberjack; yet the image was dispelled as soon as he smiled; revealing tiny baby teeth。
 Jaunich motioned to his two waiting associates; their orange containment suits making them look like astronauts。 They lifted the container off the trolley and; carrying it between them; proceeded to enter the first of four decontamination chambers; waystations to the laboratory itself。
 〃Does the Direktor wish to view the procedure?〃 Jaunich inquired。
 Jaunich led the way to a glass…enclosed mezzanine that overlooked both the decontamination chambers and the lab。 From this vantage point; Bauer watched as the delivery team moved from one chamber to the next。 Because the decontamination procedure was necessary only when leaving the lab; going in took only a few minutes。
 Inside the lab; the team opened the chest。 Bauer leaned forward and spoke into the microphone。
 〃Be very careful with the transfer;〃 he cautioned the two men。
 〃Ja; Herr Direktor;〃 came the tinny response over the loudspeakers。
 Bauer tensed as the pair dipped their hands into the cloud of nitrogen and slowly withdrew the revolverlike chamber that housed the ampoules。 In the background; the door to the refrigerated vault; not much different from the Coke machine at Bioaparat; opened。
 〃We haven't much time;〃 Bauer murmured。 〃Is the rest of the team ready?〃
 〃More than ready;〃 Jaunich assured him。 〃The entire process will be pleted in less than eight hours。〃
 〃You will start the procedure without me;〃 Bauer said。 〃I will retire; then join you for the final steps in the rebination process。〃
 Jaunich nodded。 Obviously Bauer would want to be present at the beginning of what would eventually be viewed as a milestone in biochemical engineering。 But the circumstances that had brought the smallpox here… whatever they were… had clearly taken their toll on the old scientist。 Before venturing into the tense laboratory atmosphere; he needed to rest。
 〃Be assured that every step of the procedure will be videotaped;Herr Direktor。〃
 〃As it should be;〃 Bauer insisted。 〃What we will acplish here today has never been attempted before。 The Russians couldn't do it at Bioaparat。 The Americans are too frightened to even try。 Think; Klaus: the first steps in the genetic alteration of one of mankind's greatest scourges; the beginning of a transformation that will render all past and present vaccines impotent! The result? The perfect battlefield weapon。〃
 〃For which there is only one cure;〃 Jaunich finished。 〃Strict quarantine。〃
 Bauer's eyes gleamed with anticipation。 〃Exactly! Since there is no known antidote; whichever country is infected must immediately shut down its borders。 Take Iraq; for example。 Baghdad pays no heed to our warnings to desist from a certain course of action。 The decision is made to engage in a preemptive strike。 Our little princess is introduced into the water or food supply。 People contract the disease; the death toll mounts swiftly and exponentially。 The population is desperate to flee; but the borders are sealed。 The word has spread: any Iraqi must be considered infected。 Even those trying to escape through the mountains would be hunted down and slaughtered。〃
 Bauer opened his hands like a magician releasing his dove。 〃Poof! In one fell swoop the enemy is no more。 He cannot fight because there's no longer an army。 He cannot resist because his infrastructure has collapsed。 He cannot remain in power because what is left of his people will turn on him。 The only option is unconditional surrender。〃
 〃Or pleas for a vaccine;〃 Jaunich observed。
 〃A plea that will fall on deaf ears; since there is no vaccine。〃 Bauer savored the moment。 〃Or so the victim will be told。〃 He smiled。 〃But first things first: the samples must be readied for the rebination。 If all goes well; we can see about the antidote。〃
 He clamped his hand on Jaunich's shoulder。 〃I leave the undertaking in your more than capable hands and will see you in a few hours。〃
 Several time zones to the east; in Houston; Megan Olson pulled her cherry…red Mustang into the NASA parking area reserved for members of the space shuttle。 She locked the car and walked quickly into the administration building。 Dylan Reed's message had interrupted her dinner with a pleasant but boring aerospace engineer。 The last word to scroll across her beeper had been URGENT。
 Megan went through the security checkpoints and stepped into an elevator that whisked her to the sixth floor。 Although the area was brightly lighted; there was an eerie silence in the corridors。 The door to Reed's office was ajar; the light slanting into the hall。 Megan knocked and entered。
 The office was divided into a working space and a much larger conference area dominated by a long; oval table。 Megan blinked。 Seated at the table were the shuttle mission pilot; Frank Stone; and the mander; Bill Karol。 Next to them sat the mission director; Harry Landon; and the deputy director of NASA; Lorne Allenby。 The latter two appeared tired; their clothes rumpled as if they'd just gotten off a long flight。 Megan thought that might actually be the case。 With the launch date less than forty…eight hours away; Landon and Allenby should have been at the Cape。
 〃Megan;〃 Dylan Reed said。 〃Thanks for ing on such short notice。 I think you know everyone here。〃
 Megan exchanged murmured greetings as she slipped into a chair beside the mission pilot; Frank Stone。
 Reed massaged the back of his neck; then braced himself on the table with both arms; his attention focused on her。
 〃Have you heard?〃
 Megan shook her head。 〃Heard what?〃
 〃Adam Trelo
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