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uch he could say no to。
 〃I'm exhausted;〃 he said。 〃I need to get some sleep; somewhere where no one will disturb me。〃
 〃Already arranged。 The driver will take you to the Four Seasons。 There's a suite waiting for you。 Take as much time as you need。 Call me later。〃
 Throwing his arm over Treloar's shoulder; Reed walked him to the door。 〃The car's outside。 Adam; thank you。 All of us thank you。 Your contribution has been invaluable。〃
 Treloar had his hand on the doorknob。 〃The money?〃 he asked under his breath。
 〃There's an envelope at the hotel。 Inside; you'll find two numbers: One is for the account; the other is the bank director's private number in Zurich。〃
 Treloar stepped out into the gloaming。 The wind had picked up and he shivered。 He looked back once and saw only the black door; closed。
 The car was not waiting in front of the townhouse。 Treloar looked up and down the street; then spotted it halfway down the block。 He thought he understood why: there were no parking spaces。
 Walking down the street; the scotch warming his belly; he replayed Reed's reassuring words。 He was right: everything that had happened in Russia was behind him。 No one had any evidence against him。 Besides; he knew so much about Reed; Bauer; and the others that they would always have to protect him。
 The idea of holding such power lulled Treloar。 Looking up; he expected to see the Lincoln on his left。 Instead; it was farther down the block; a stone's throw from Wisconsin Avenue。 He shook his head。 He was more tired than he realized and must have miscalculated the distance。 Then he heard the soft slap of leather on concrete; footsteps approaching。
 Treloar saw the shoes first; then the pant legs with razor…sharp creases。 When he looked up; the figure was less than two feet away。
 Treloar's eyes rolled wildly as he stared at Ivan Beria。
 Beria took a quick step toward him。 Treloar could smell his breath; heard the soft whistle that escaped Beria's nostrils。
 〃I missed you;〃 Beria said softly。
 Treloar cried out weakly as a sharp pain shot through his chest。 For an instant he thought he was having a heart attack。
 〃When you were a little boy; did you prick balloons with a needle? That's all it is; really。 Just a balloon。〃
 Absurdly; Treloar clung to the image even as the tip of Beria's stiletto wriggled into his heart。 He sighed once and felt all the air rush out of his lungs。 Lying there on the sidewalk; he could see the people walking along Wisconsin and Beria stepping off the sidewalk。 He must have tried to call out; because Beria turned and looked at him。 Then; as his eyes closed; so did the door of the black Lincoln。
 Dr。 Dylan Reed had put Adam Treloar out of his mind as soon as the door had closed behind him。 Having made the arrangements himself; he knew what was in store for the hapless scientist。 By the time he returned to the kitchen; Dr。 Karl Bauer and General Richardson… the latter dressed in mufti… were waiting。
 Richardson held up a cell phone。 〃I just heard from Beria。 It's done。〃
 〃Then we have to get moving;〃 Reed replied。
 He glanced at Bauer; who had already removed the canister from the freezer and was opening it on the counter。 At his feet was a lightweight titanium chest the size of a picnic cooler。
 〃Are you sure you want to do that here; Karl?〃
 Bauer finished opening the canister before replying。 〃Open the chest; please; Dylan。〃
 Kneeling; Reed pulled the handles。 There was a faint hiss as the seals came apart。
 The interior was surprisingly small; but Reed knew this was because the chest was merely a larger version of the canister that had been carried from Russia。 Its thick walls were studded with liquid nitrogen capsules; which; when fully activated; would keep the interior at a steady temperature of minus two hundred degrees centigrade。 Developed by Bauer…Zermatt A。G。; the chest was standard issue when it came to the transport of toxic cultures。
 Using thick; specially lined gloves; Bauer removed the inner chamber in which the ampoules rested。 Looking at them; he thought they resembled miniature missiles; lined up ready to fire。 Except that by the time the protocols were altered; they would be vastly more potent than any nuclear weapon in the American arsenal。
 Although Bauer had been handling viruses for more than forty years; he never forgot what he was dealing with。 He made sure that his hands were absolutely steady and that there was no moisture on the counter or anywhere near his feet before he slowly lowered it into a special cradle in the chest。 Closing the lid; he entered an alphanumeric bination into the security lock pad and set the temperature。
 Looking up; he said; 〃Gentlemen; the clock is running。〃
 The row houses of Volta Place shared a mon characteristic: each had a small garage behind the backyard that opened up on an alley。 Reed and Richardson carried the chest into the garage and stowed it in the cargo partment of a Volvo station wagon。 Bauer stayed behind a moment to make sure that nothing that could link the three men to this location had been left behind。 He was not concerned about fingerprints or fibers or any other forensic minutiae; in a few minutes; a special NSA cleaning crew would arrive to wash and vacuum the interior。 The NSA maintained several such safe houses in the Washington area。 For the cleaners; this was just another stop in a busy schedule。
 As Bauer walked to the garage; he heard the wail of sirens ing from the direction of Wisconsin Avenue。
 〃It would appear that Adam Treloar is about to play his final role;〃 he murmured as the three got into the station wagon。
 〃Too bad he isn't around to read the reviews;〃 Reed said; and edged the car into the alley。
 Peter Howell stood on the top tier of the wide steps leading into the Galleria Regionale on the Via Alloro。 Sicily's most prestigious gallery boasted paintings by Antonello da Messina as well as the magnificent fifteenth…century fresco Triumph of Death by Laurana; which particularly appealed to Howell。
 Staying well away from the tourists hiking up and down the steps; alert for anyone who might be taking an undue interest in him; Howell pulled out his secure phone and dialed the number Jon Smith had given him。
 〃Jon? Peter here。 We need to talk。〃
 Forty…five hundred miles away; Smith pulled over onto the soft shoulder of Route 77。
 〃Go ahead; Peter。〃
 Continuing to scan the foot traffic around the gallery; Howell described his meeting with the smuggler; Franco Grimaldi; the subsequent attempt on his life; and his encounter with Master Sergeant Travis Nichols and his partner; Patrick Drake。
 〃Are you sure they were U。S。 military?〃 Smith asked。
 〃Absolutely;〃 Howell replied。 〃I set up watch at the post office; Jon。 An officer came to the box; just like Nichols said he would。 But there was no chance to take him… and no way I can get on your base outside Palermo。〃 Howell paused。 〃What are your soldier boys up to; Jon?〃
 〃Believe me; I'd love to know。〃
 The sudden appearance of American military personnel… soldiers as assassins… added a new dimension to an already plex equation; one that demanded to be addressed immediatel
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