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hing in the world。 Besides; I'm guessing that you didn't just trip over this laptop。 The Russians must have sanctioned the hunt。〃
 Smith nodded。 〃They have。 All right。 I have to leave Moscow in about an hour。 You have my number。 Call me the minute your boy genius es up with anything。〃
 He smiled at her。 〃And thanks; Randi。 Very much。〃
 〃I'm happy to help; Jon。 But there is a quid pro quo。 If there's anything I need to know…〃
 〃You'll hear it from me; not CNN。 Promise。〃
 The Swiss have one of the most highly organized terrorist…response teams in the world。 Superbly trained; expertly equipped; the twenty…man unit known as the Special Operations Group was on its way to Zurich International Airport within minutes of receiving the go signal from the minister of defense。
 By the time Swissair 101 was twenty minutes out; the mandos were in position。 Half of them wore the uniform of the Swiss border patrol; whose ubiquitous presence at airports and railroad stations went unnoticed by travelers accustomed to visible security。 The other half were dressed as mechanics; fuelers; baggage handlers; and caterers… the kind of people anyone would expect to see around parked aircraft。
 The plainclothes contingent; heavily armed with MP…5 submachine guns and smoke and stun grenades; would be the first…wave assault troops if the situation degenerated into a hostage crisis。 The uniformed patrols were the second perimeter; ready to move if Beria somehow managed to slip past the invisible cordon that would be established around the aircraft。
 Finally; there was a third ring; made up of Swiss Army sharpshooters who had positioned themselves on the roofs of the international terminal and the maintenance hangars。 They would have an unobstructed view of the plane as it taxied to the last gate。 There; an attempt would be made to collar the jetway to the fuselage。 The attempt would fail。 The captain would announce a malfunction and advise his passengers that a ramp would be wheeled up to the forward hatch。
 Once the passengers started moving down the ramp; the snipers would try to pick out Beria and lock on to him。 If successful; there would be no fewer than three rifles covering the target at any given moment。 According to plan; the plainclothes mandos would execute the takedown; wrestle Beria to the ground; and neutralize him。 But if for any reason there was a problem; the snipers were cleared for center…mass/head…shot fire。
 Wearing a caterer's baggy white overalls; the SOG mander quietly radioed the control tower and received the latest word: flight 101 was on final approach。 Word was passed along; the safeties of weapons were thumbed off。
 The bus rattled into the St。 Petersburg station just as Swissair 101 touched down in Zurich。 Following the crowds; Ivan Beria drifted into the terminal; headed for the lockers。 Removing a key; he opened a locker and pulled out a cheap suitcase。
 The washroom was abominable; but a tip to the attendant got Beria a private stall that was reasonably clean。 He took off his coat; jacket; and pants; and from the suitcase pulled out a new navy blue blazer; gray slacks; a sports shirt; and fortable loafers。 Also in the suitcase were a fleece…lined jacket; several plastic bags filled with souvenirs from the Hermitage Museum; and a billfold containing an airline ticket; passport; credit cards; and American currency。 Beria flipped open the passport and scrutinized his picture; in which he wore the clothes he'd just put on。 He thought he looked like a John Strelnikov; a naturalized American citizen who worked as a civil engineer for a Baltimore…based construction pany。
 Beria packed up his old clothes in the suitcase and left the bathroom。 In the station; he stopped at a refreshment stand; put down the suitcase; bought himself a Coke; and moved on。 Given the homeless population that meandered through the station; the suitcase would disappear before he reached the front doors。
 Outside; he got into a cab and offered the driver ten American dollars over the negotiated rate if he got him to the airport in thirty minutes。 The driver made it with two minutes to spare。
 Beria knew that by now his photograph and particulars had been wired to every major transportation facility in the country。 It didn't matter。 He had no intention of ing into contact with the authorities。
 Walking through the newly refurbished terminal; he reached the area reserved for tour groups and slipped into a gaggle of sixty…odd travelers clustered in front of the Finnair counter。
 〃Where's your badge? You need your badge。〃
 Beria smiled pleasantly at the harried young woman whose badge read OMNITOURS: TREASURES OF THE CZARS。
 Handing over his passport and ticket; he mumbled; 〃Lost it。〃
 The woman sighed; grabbed his paperwork; and steered him to a counter where she brought out a paper badge。
 〃John Strel。。。〃 ‘
 〃Right。 We'll just put down ‘John;' okay?〃
 Using a felt pen; she wrote the name on the badge; peeled away the backing to expose the adhesive; and pressed it firmly onto Beria's lapel。
 〃Don't lose it!〃 she scolded。 〃Otherwise you'll have problems at customs。 Do you want to do any duty…free shopping?〃
 Beria said that might be nice。
 〃You'll get your passport and tickets back after immigration;〃 the woman said; already moving to quell another crisis elsewhere in the group。
 Beria was counting on that。 Much better to have some exhausted American tour guide deal with the exit visas and airline tickets。
 After purchasing some cologne that he placed in his Hermitage souvenir bag; Beria joined the line shuffling through immigration。 He watched as in the booth; two bored officials stamped the passports that the tour guide had brought them。 Hearing his name; he stepped forward; retrieved his passport; and proceeded through customs into the departure lounge。
 Beria took a seat beside a middle…aged couple who turned out to be from San Francisco。 Since he pretended that his English was only passable; his new friends did most of the talking。 Beria learned that the Finnair flight to Washington's Dulles Airport would take about ten hours and that the dinner service would likely be decent but certainly not memorable。
 The Ilyushin C…22 executive jet had just crossed into German airspace when Smith received word that Beria was not onboard Swissair 101。
 〃That's a positive confirmation?〃
 〃Absolutely;〃 Klein replied over the satellite phone。 〃They eyeballed every single passenger。 He wasn't there。〃
 〃The Paris flight es down in nineteen minutes。 Are they ready?〃
 〃The people I talk to say yes。 Privately; they're telling me that the government is passing peach pits。 If something happens and later word gets out that they allowed the plane to land。。。 well; you can imagine the fallout。〃
 〃Do you think the government will spring a leak?〃
 〃It's a real possibility。 The French have an election ing up in two weeks。 The opposition is looking for any kind of ammunition it can get its hands on。〃
 Smith returned to an idea that had occurred to him back in Moscow; but which he hadn't voiced。
 〃Sir; what if we were to give the French a hand?〃
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