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 〃As it is; he knew he was never ing back。 How the hell could he have gotten through the quarantine?〃
 〃Please note the time;〃 Kirov said; pointing to the corner of the screen。 〃The theft occurs before the Special Forces are in position。 This one had the devil's own luck: he managed to get out only minutes before Colonel Kravchenko began deploying his troops。〃
 〃Is that why he killed the guards at the post… because he was in a hurry?〃
 〃I'm not sure。〃 Kirov looked at him carefully。 〃What are you getting at; Doctor?〃
 〃This guy had to have had a solid plan;〃 Smith said。 〃Okay; he knew he was going to get caught on camera。 He didn't care; he must have made some provisions for that。 But I don't believe he intended to kill the guards。 It makes no sense。 Why take the chance that the bodies might be discovered before he pletes his escape? I think he had to act sooner than he'd anticipated; that he knew the Special Forces were on their way… and why。〃
 〃Are you suggesting he had an informer; an acplice; on the outside?〃 Telegin demanded。
 〃How does it look to you; Lieutenant?〃 Smith retorted。
 〃We will consider that possibility later;〃 Kirov said。 〃Right now; we must track down this Grigori Yardeni。 The amount of smallpox he took。。。〃
 Smith closed his eyes。 A hundredth of that amount could; if properly dispersed; infect a population of a million or more。
 〃What countermeasures have you initiated?〃
 Kirov pressed a button on his desk and a wall panel slid back to reveal a giant screen。 The action it depicted was in real time。
 He indicated a moving red dot。 〃An Ilyushin transport from the Medical Intelligence Division… our virus hunters… is en route to Vladimir。 They will be the ones to enter Bioaparat… no one else。〃
 He pointed to a blue circle。 〃This is the quarantine established by the Special Forces team。 Here〃 …he gestured to three yellow dots… 〃we have the reinforcements from Sibiyarsk; already in the air。 They consist of a battle…ready battalion that will cordon off Vladimir。〃
 He shook his head。 〃Those poor people will wake up to discover they're prisoners。〃
 Smith turned to the monitor; which still showed the hulking figure in the antiplague suit。 〃What about him?〃
 Telegin's fingers danced across the keyboard and a military record appeared on the screen。 As she ran the translation software; Smith got an even clearer look at Yardeni。 Then the Cyrillic alphabet morphed into English。
 〃Not exactly the kind of guy you'd expect to pull something like this;〃 he murmured。 〃Except this。〃 He pointed to the paragraph dealing with Yardeni's history of violence。
 〃True;〃 Kirov agreed。 〃But aside from his bad temper; there was nothing to indicate that Yardeni would contemplate this sort of treason。 Consider: he has no relatives or friends living abroad。 He accepted the Bioaparat assignment as a way to do penance and reinstate himself in the armed forces。〃
 He looked at Smith。 〃You are familiar with Bioaparat; especially its security。 Unlike our other facilities; it is on par with anything in the West; including the CDC。 International inspectors… Americans among them… were more than satisfied with our systems。〃
 Smith understood what Kirov was trying to do: make him an advocate。 The Russians had not been negligent。 Their security was good。 This was internal sabotage; impossible to predict or to prevent。
 〃We all suffer the same nightmares; General;〃 Smith said。 〃You just happened to wake up to one。〃
 He forced himself to sip some tea。 〃How long has Yardeni been on the loose?〃
 Telegin punched up the medical report。 〃According to the Special Forces battle surgeon; the guards were murdered around 2:30 A。M。〃
 〃Just over three hours ago。。。 He could have gone a long way in that time。〃
 She threw up another image on the big screen; displaying concentric circles… green; orange; and black。
 〃Bioaparat is in the center。 The smallest circle… black… represents the distance that a reasonably fit man could cover; like a soldier on a training run。 The orange circle extends the range if Yardeni has a car or a motorcycle。〃
 〃What are those triangles?〃 Smith asked。
 〃Checkpoints established by the local militia。 We've faxed them his photo and particulars。〃
 〃What are their orders?〃
 〃Shoot on sight; but not to kill。〃 She noted Smith's startled expression。 〃Our directive describes him as a multiple killer。 Also; that he is HIV…positive。 Believe me; Doctor; no militiaman will touch Yardeni after he's down。〃
 〃I was thinking more about what he's carrying。 If a bullet shatters the container…〃
 〃I understand your concern about the container; but if Yardeni is spotted; we cannot let him walk away。〃
 〃What's the last circle?〃
 〃The worst possibility of all: Yardeni had a conspirator with a plane waiting at the Vladimir airfield。〃
 〃Have there been any takeoffs?〃
 〃None recorded; but that doesn't mean anything。 The new Russia has a surplus of experienced pilots; most of them former air force。 They can land on a highway or in a field; pick up their load; and be gone in minutes。〃
 〃President Potrenko has ordered interceptors into the area;〃 Kirov added。 〃Any light aircraft will be challenged。 If it does not ply with instructions; it will be brought down immediately。〃
 The wall monitor fascinated Smith。 It seemed a living organism; constantly mutating as the symbols winked and moved。 But he felt that in spite of the impressive array marshaled against the renegade officer; something was missing。
 Moving over to the screen; he traced his finger along a white line that began east from Vladimir and ran west to Moscow。
 〃What's this?〃
 〃The rail line between Kolima in the Urals and Moscow;〃 Kirov replied。 He looked at Telegin。 〃Was there a train scheduled through Vladimir last night?〃
 Telegin went to work on the keyboard。
 〃There was;〃 she announced。 〃It pulled into Vladimir at three o'clock。〃
 〃Too soon for Yardeni to have caught it。〃
 Telegin frowned。 〃Not necessarily。 According to the schedule; it should only have been there a few minutes。 But it didn't depart on time。 It stayed an extra twelve minutes。〃
 〃Why?〃 Kirov demanded。
 〃No reason given。 In fact; it stops only when there are soldiers headed to Moscow on leave…〃
 〃But there were no soldiers; were there?〃 Smith said。
 〃Good guess; Doctor;〃 Telegin said。 〃No one was scheduled to go on leave。〃
 〃So why did the engineer hang around?〃
 Kirov stepped over to the puter console。 The time of the murder of the two guards was juxtaposed against the time when the train left Vladimir。 Then that window was measured against the amount of time it would take a man to get from Bioaparat to the train station。
 〃He could have done it!〃 Kirov whispered。 〃He could have made the train because it didn't leave on time。〃
 〃It was late because somebody held it up!〃 Smith said savagely。 〃Yardeni took the most obvious route。 That son of a bitch knew the roads would be blocked sooner than later。 He didn't have a plane。 He had an acplice; someone who; if necessary; could hold up the train long enough for him to get to it。〃
 He turned to Telegin。 〃Then all he had to do was ride it into Moscow。〃
 She was punching the keyboard furiously; th
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